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IMMIGRATION. The role of Italy in European migrations.

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  1. IMMIGRATION The roleof Italy in Europeanmigrations

  2. During the 100 years after the birth of the Italian republic , more than 20 million people emigrated from our country. Today this massive migration is called the “Big Migration” or the “Italian Diaspora”. During this period immigration was almost an inexistent process. • But nowdays things are changed…

  3. The rise of immigration • Onlyfrom 1973 in Italy can beregistered a major numberofimmigrants: 101 immigrants - 100 emigrants, characteristicthatwouldhave spread in the followingyears. • Departingfrom 1979 Italy will start toregister more and more foreignimmigrants. • With the “open doorspolitic” Italy will face with massive migration, startingfrom the “falling” of the SovieticUnion

  4. First Massive Immigration • In 1991, Italy faced the first massive migrationfromcountriesthatbelongedto the URSS, suchasPoland or Romania, butexpeciallyfrom Albania. Accordingto Caritas’ datas, Italy was hosting almost 994.000 migrantsthatyear. • Then, becauseof North Africanrevolutions (knownasArabSpring), Italy facedfrom 2010 to 2012 anenormousmigrationfrom Libia, Egypt and Tunisia

  5. Romanianimmigrantspercentage and collocation

  6. Nextgraphics show the migrationflowscomparedwith the numberofinhabitants in eachof the showncountries and the percentageofforeigncitizenspopulation

  7. http://noisefromamerika.org

  8. frontex.europa.eu


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