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Shortage of Food

Shortage of Food. Canadian & World Issues. Shortage of Food. Solving Food Shortages A Watery World. Global Distribution of Water. Hydrologic Cycle. Global Distribution of Water. atmosphere 0.0001% surface storage (rivers, lakes) 0.02% groundwater/ soil water 0.5% glaciers 1.9%

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Shortage of Food

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  1. Shortage of Food Canadian & World Issues

  2. Shortage of Food • Solving Food Shortages • A Watery World

  3. Global Distribution of Water Hydrologic Cycle

  4. Global Distribution of Water • atmosphere 0.0001% • surface storage (rivers, lakes) 0.02% • groundwater/ soil water 0.5% • glaciers 1.9% • oceans 97.6% • How much of this is useful for humans? • How do humans use water? • Which countries have water available?

  5. Global Distribution of Water

  6. Global Distribution of Water • #1 Greenland 10,767,900 cubic meters/ capita/ annum • #2 French Guiana 812,121 cubic meters • #3 Iceland 609,319 cubic meters • #4 Guyana 316,689 cubic meters • #5 Suriname 292,566 cubic meters • #6 D.R. of the Congo 275,679 cubic meters • #7 Papua New Guinea 166,563 cubic meters • #8 Gabon 133,333 cubic meters • #9 Solomon Islands 100,000 cubic meters • #10 Canada 94,353 cubic meters

  7. Global Distribution of Water Greenland Canada Iceland D.R. Congo & Gabon Solomons & Papua New Guinea Guyana, Fr. Guiana, & Surinam

  8. Canada – US Shared Waters • Many rivers and some of the largest lakes in the world lie along, or flow across, the border between the United States and Canada • In fact, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River system contains one-fifth of the world's surface fresh water • First international treaty between Canada and the US signed in 1909 was Boundary Waters Treaty • International Joint Commission (IJC) was created to “help prevent and resolve disputes relating to the use and quality of boundary waters”

  9. Canada – US Shared Waters • IJC has six members – three from the US and three from Canada – who follow the Treaty as the prevent or resolve disputes on water use on either side of the border • The current Chair of the Canadian Section of the IJC is The Right Honourable Herb Gray of Windsor, Ontario • The current Chair of the US Section of the IJC is Mr. Dennis Schornack of Michigan

  10. The Water of the Middle East • A summit has been called regarding the supply of freshwater in the Middle East • You will each represent a country and will try and make decisions with delegates from other countries about freshwater supplies. • Resources: • Briefing Notes • Map • Hotspots + Additional Research (gathered from other sources)

  11. The Water of the Middle East • Regional Hotspots • The Jordan River • The Yarmouk River • The West Bank Mountain Aquifers • The Euphrates River • The Players • US • Syria • Jordan • Palestine • Israel • Iraq • Turkey

  12. The Water of the Middle East

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