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Networking and GRID Activities in the Romanian Physics Research

Networking and GRID Activities in the Romanian Physics Research. Florin D. Buzatu Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering Bucharest - Romania. NEC 2003, September 19, Varna - Bulgaria. IFIN-HH. Ministry of Education, Research, and Youth.

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Networking and GRID Activities in the Romanian Physics Research

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  1. Networking and GRID Activities in the Romanian Physics Research Florin D. Buzatu Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering Bucharest - Romania NEC 2003, September 19, Varna - Bulgaria

  2. IFIN-HH Ministry of Education, Research, and Youth Horia Hulubei National Institute of R&D for Physics and Nuclear Engineering

  3. Location Atomiştilor 407, Măgurele, Ilfov county, P.O. Box MG-6, 76900, Romania Phone: (4021) 4042300, Fax: (4021) 4574440, Web: http://ifin.nipne.ro

  4. IFIN-HH Group 2 Group 1

  5. Highlights • 1956: first electronic computer (CIFA-1) designed at IFA • 1957: VVR-S research reactor and U-120 cyclotron (SU) • 1962: first laser (He-Ne) put into operation at IFA • 1974: MP Tandem Accelerator from HVEC (USA) Radioisotope Production Center (UK&RO) Nuclear Waste Processing Center (UK&RO) • 1985: National Radioactive Waste Repository (RO) • 2000: Multipurpose Irradiation Facility (A&HU&RO) • 2001: EC Centre of Excellence IDRANAP • 2002: first GRID application in Romania (ALICE exp., CERN)

  6. Basic & Applied Research • Theoretical Physics: nuclei, fields & particles, condensed matter, nonlinear phenomena, mathematical & computational physics • Nuclear Physics: structure & reaction mechanisms, hadronic matter, ion beam analysis, neutron difraction, nuclear & atomic data, nuclear astrophysics; advanced detection systems • Particle Physics: calorimetry, Monte Carlo simulations, object oriented software, statistical data analysis, phenomenology • Life & Environmental Physics: low-dose radiobiology, nuclear risk, geophysical migration, control of soil erosion, dosimetry and radiation metrology

  7. Production & Services • Radioisotopes & Radiopharmaceuticals • Technological Irradiations • Radioactive Waste Treatment & Disposal • Decommissioning of Nuclear Instalations Other Activities: nuclear & vacuum engineering, informatics & communications, training in nuclear activities

  8. Large Scale Facilities Tandem Accelerator Cyclotron Multipurposeg-Irradiator

  9. Decommissioning of the VVR-S Reactor • Water cooled, water moderated research reactor (SU, 1957). • Production of radioisotopes for medicine and industry. • Permanently shut-down in 2002 for decommissioning. • Challenging task: premiere ! • IAEA support.

  10. IDRANAP – EC Centre of Excellence Inter-Disciplinary Research & Applications based on Nuclear & Atomic Physics Contract: ICA-CT-2000-70023 (2001-2004). Coordinator: Dr. Florin D. Buzatu. Web: http://idranap.nipne.ro. Topics: • Determining Environmental Pollution (WP 1-4) • Nuclear Methods in Biology and Medicine (WP 5-6) • Radionuclide Metrology (WP 7) • Analysis and Characterization of Materials (WP 8-13) • Nuclei far from Stability (WP 14-18) Home-made facilities: Tandem as Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (WP 10), High-Tech 3000 K Thermostat (WP 13), 14 GHz ECR Ion Source, Rotatable WILLI Muon Detector of Cosmic Rays (WP 17). First 4 semesters: Publications - 260 (2 books, 122 articles). Workshops - 3 (international). Mobility - 27 PhD students, 20 Postdocs, and 6 Senior Scientists from BE, DE, FR, GR, IT, NE, NO, SE, UK; BG, CZ, HU, LT, PL, SK; 45 Romanian researchers.


  12. CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) • ATLAS: tile hadronic barrel calorimeter, trigger and data acquisition, exotics and B-physics studies. • ALICE: transition radiation detectors and associated front-end electronics, GRID applications. • LHCb: calorimetry, optimization and physics studies, contributions to the H-cal detector construction. Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) • NA 50: detector simulations, acquisition & analysis of experimental data. Proton Synchroton (PS) • DIRAC: construction of the pre-shower detector, data acquision & analysis.

  13. Personnel Director General: Dr. Emilian Drăgulescu Scientific Director: Dr. Florin D. Buzatu Technical Director: Dr. Petru M. Racolţa Financial Director: Ec. A. Popescu 142 PhD / 46 students 35 teaching staff

  14. Ciclotron Tandem Adm. IFIN-HH Network: Group 1 FO FO FO Reactor STDR Hub 1 FO FO Group 2 10 Mbps 100 Mbps FO FO CPR DFVM, IRASM

  15. IFIN-HH Network: Group 2 RoEduNet Banc Post 10 Mbps 6 Mbps A Fac. Fiz. INFM OptoElec. DFT DFPE DIC CE Bloc Turn CE 10 Mbps INFLPR CE Hub 2 FO Group 2 FO 100 Mbps ISS CE FO 100 Mbps CE (2.5 Gbps) RDS CITON INOE INFP RoEduNet 10 Mbps A RoEduNet

  16. Project of a Regional Computing Center CERN T 4 Tier 3 ALICE T 4 T 4 T 4 T 4 Tier 3 ATLAS T 4 IFIN-HH T 4 T 4 Tier 1 Tier 2 T 4 622 Mbps 100 Mbps Tier 3 LHCb 10 / 100 T 4 Mbps T 4 T 4 T 4 Tier 3 CMS T 4 T 4 T 4 T 4 Tier 3 RHIC T 4 T 4 T 4

  17. Computing resources required in LHC experiments

  18. ALICE group: distributed computing structure Tier-3 center: CPU=14 kSI95; HDD=16.2 TB; MT=22.2 TB.

  19. RoEduNet - Romanian Education Network • RoEduNet is an organization and in the same time a data communication system which connects a number of Local Area Networks through their Central Access Nodes to a national WAN (Wide Area Network) data communication infrastructure, operated by NSP (Network Service Provider) nodes in Bucharest, Iasi, Tirgu Mures, Cluj, Timisoara, Craiova and Galati. The aim of this technical complex is to offer the participants - universities, cultural and scientific nonprofit institutions - the means to communicate with each other as well as to have access to Internet. • RoEduNet enrolled as a Regional Academy in the Cisco Networking Academy program (a cooperative venture between educational institutions and Cisco, the world leader in networking for Internet). On-going projects: • Bucharest: upgrade the Internet connection • All: creating RoEduNet POP’s in every county of Romania

  20. Cat3550-L3 Victoriei Cat 4006–L3 Romana St cel Mare Pacii Universitate NOC Unirii 1 Gbps Eroilor Izvor 1Gbps backup RoEduNet: Bucharest Gara de Nord Univ. Politehnica

  21. December 1, 2002 2 Mbps - POP 2 Mbps(backup) Satu Mare Botoşani Baia Mare 8 Mbps Suceava GEANT Link 34 Mbps Bistriţa Iasi Zalău Piatra Neamţ 622 Mbps Oradea Tg-Mureş Vaslui Bacău Cluj Arad Mircurea Ciuc Alba Iulia Timişoara Focşani Sf. Gheorghe Hunedoara Galaţi Sibiu Braşov Buzău Rm.Vîlcea Tîrgu Jiu Ploieşti Tulcea Reşiţa Piteşti Brăila Tîrgovişte Slatina Slobozia Tr. Severin Bucureşti Călăraşi Craiova Constanţa Alexandria Giurgiu RoEduNet: All

  22. RDS - Romania Data System

  23. RoGRID Consortium • International Advisory Board: • H. Newman, I. Legrand (Caltech, US) • I. Foster, M. Wilde (ANL, US) • F. Gagliardi, H. Hoffmann, D. Williams (CERN) • K. Hazward (Rand Worldwide). • FP6 I3:Enabling Grids for E-science • and industry in Europe (EGEE). • Co-ordinator: CERN. Participants: 27 countries. • FP6 SSA:South Eastern European • GRid-enabled e-Infrastructure • Development (SEE-GRID). • Co-ordinator: GRNET. 10 participants. • Strategy of GRID development in • Romania • Financial support: MECT (Min. Ed., Res. & Youth). • Specifications for a metropolitan • GRID infrastructure • Financial support: MECT.

  24. GRID infrastructure development • Medium-size computing centre • # of processors: 32 – 256. • Power: 50 – 500 kSI2K. • Storage: 1.5 – 20 TB. • Links: 100 Mbps – 10 Gbps. • Manpower: 10 – 30 specialists. Smaller size: 25 %.

  25. MAGGI Consortium • Goals: • to define strategies according to RoGRID , able to coordinate the efforts of all members on promoting and using grid technologies; • to link all members with on-site high speed network permanently updated; • to set-up a distributed test-bed, used by all members; • to participate with common projects, able to improve the distributed local infrastructure up to a Tier2 requirements until 2007.

  26. MAGGI → ROMGRID • ROmanian Măgurele GRID – legal body • non-guvernmental & non-profit organization • 18 founding institutions: physics (5 national institutes, 1 faculty, 1 association), health (3), data communication (2 - RoEduNet, RDS), space sciences (2), enginering (2), finances (1), sport (1). Goals: • High-speed network • Common projects and applications • Regional Computing Center in IFIN-HH

  27. IFIN-HH, the largest and the most representative research institute from Romania, has a long and valuable experience not only in nuclear and particle physics but also in computing. Our participation in the LHC program at CERN requires GRID resources and indicates IFIN-HH as the main candidate from Romania for a Tier 2 Regional Computing Center. Romania has to improve rapidly its data communication infrastructure at European standards. IFIN-HH is interested to participate in the LCG program at CERN. Hopefully, a national program for implementing GRID activities in Romania will be launched next year. Romania is going to become soon a CERN member state. Romanian physics research, already for a long time on the world scientific map, accelerates our integration process in international structures. Romania is preparing for the next joining wave to the EU. Conclusions & Outlook

  28. Thanks I am grateful to • Eduard Andrei (RoEduNet) • Octavian Cărbunar (IFIN-HH) • Şerban Constantinescu (IFIN-HH) • Emil Jugaru (RDS) • Valentin Manu (IFIN-HH) • Mihai Petrovici (IFIN-HH) • Gabriel Stoicea (IFIN-HH) who also contributed to this presentation.

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