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University Assembly REVIEW AND REFERRAL OF ISSUES 2013 - 2014 Session. Review & Referral of Issues. Resolution 1 : Formation of a Committee to Evaluate the Committee Structure of the University Assembly Defeated 0-10-1 No follow-up action recommended
University Assembly REVIEW AND REFERRAL OF ISSUES 2013 - 2014 Session
Review & Referral of Issues Resolution 1: Formation of a Committee to Evaluate the Committee Structure of the University Assembly Defeated 0-10-1 No follow-up action recommended Resolution 2: Formation of an Ad Hoc Committee to Increase the Outreach and Engagement Strategy of the UA Passed 5-2-3. Committee out-briefed general recommendations, but no formal recommendations were adopted by the Assembly Key concern was coordination and reaching stakeholders Recommendation is as discussed during the staffing principles presentation along with the associated meeting planning timelines Resolution 3: Resolution to Establish Policy Advisory Group Liaison Passed 9-0-1. Pres. Skorton accepted Recommend referring to the UA Vice Chair to update the Bylaws
Review & Referral of Issues Resolution 4: Need for Affordable, Quality Off-Campus Housing Referred to the Campus Infrastructure Committee (CIC) on Feb 12, 2013. Died in committee Recommend issue be referred back to CIC for study & recommendations Resolution 5: Resolution to Modify Campus Code to Disclose Misconduct of University Registered Organizations Passed 11-0-0. Pres. Skorton agreed with concept, but proposed alternate language Recommend referring PresSkorton’s language to the CJC for review and recommendation Resolution 6: Security Design Mandate for New Buildings on Campus Passed 10-0-0. Pres. Skorton replied issue is being worked by a Facilities Committee Recommend matter be referred to the CIC for follow up…is committee functioning and addressing our concern?
Review & Referral of Issues Resolution 7: Calling for Increased Surveillance and Improved Lockdown Procedure Passed 7-3-0. Pres. Skorton replied issue is being worked by a Facilities Committee Recommend matter be referred to the CIC for follow up…is committee functioning and addressing our concern? Resolution 8: Calling for the Disassociation of the Public Safety Advisory Committee from the UA Passed 12-0-0. Pres. Skorton accepted. Now requires a Bylaws change Recommend referring to the UA Vice Chair for the needed Resolution Resolution 9: A Resolution to Adopt the Cornell University Guidelines for the Office of the Ombudsman Passed 13-0-0. Pres. Skorton accepted Implemented. No follow-up action required
Review & Referral of Issues Resolution 10: Resolution to Modify Campus Code to Clarify the Rights of Complainants to Appeal Summary Decision Agreements Passed 13-0-0. Pres. Skorton was supportive, but had concerns over some of the pro posed implementing language Recommend referring this back to the CJC for revised implementing language Resolution 11: Resolution to Clarify Responsible Free Expression in the Campus Code of Conduct TABLED by the UA. Died in Assembly Recommend referral back to the CJC for review and recommendations. Request CJC report back not later than the UA’s December 3 meeting (draft Resolution due no later than November 18)
Review & Referral of Issues Other Matter: Updated Policy 6.4 has been implemented Recommend tasking the CJC to review the Campus Code for any required updates and reporting back to the UA by our November 12 meeting Other Matter: Campus Climate Recommend tasking the CWC to follow up on issues affecting Campus Climate that were brought out last year
Summary of Recommendations To the UA Chair Continue efforts to improve communications and engage Stakeholders per Resolution 2 (Enhanced Outreach and Engagement) To the UA Vice Chair Update the UA Bylaws per Resolution 3 (add PAG Rep) Draft Resolution for Bylaws change required by Resolution 8 (Delete PSAG) To the Campus Infrastructure Committee Review and Provide Recommendations regarding issues contained in Resolution 4 (Affordable Housing) Introduce recommendations (if any) as a new UA Resolution for action Follow-up with appropriate University organizations regarding issues contained in Resolution 6 (Security Design) and Resolution 7 (Surveillance and Lockdown). Notify the UA of findings Introduce recommendations (if any) as a new Resolution into the UA for action
Summary of Recommendations To the Campus Welfare Committee Follow up on issues affecting Campus Climate brought out last year Arrange for members of the University to update the Assembly on the initiatives taken, underway, and planned to improve campus climate Follow-up with groups that addressed the Assembly last year regarding Campus Climate to determine if they believe progress is occurring Introduce recommendations (if any) as a new Resolution into the UA for action
Summary of Recommendations To the Codes and Judicial Committee Review Pres. Skorton’s proposed alternate language in response to Resolution 5 (Disclose Misconduct). If acceptable, introduce new Resolution into the UA for action. If not, advise UA of concerns Review Pres. Skorton’s concern regarding the implementation language of Resolution 10 (Summary Appeal). Introduce recommendations as a new Resolution into the UA for action Review the issues contained in Resolution 11 (Clarify Free Expression in the Campus Code). Review should include recommendations contained in the Ho Plaza ad hoc committee’s final report as well as any subsequent recommendations from the Faculty Senate Introduce recommendations as a new UA Resolution by November 18, 2013 Review the Campus Code for any changes needed in response to the issuance of revised Policy 6.4 Introduce recommendations (if any) as a new Resolution into the UA for action
Request for Action I request a motion to adopt the recommendations as presented in the previous summary slides