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YOUR WEBSITE HERE. Welcome!. ProjectName ProjectWebsite. Introductions. My name is _________________. The thing I love most about COMMUNITY NAME is _________________. If I could have a t-shirt printed with a message, it would be_________.
ProjectNameProjectWebsite Introductions My name is _________________. The thing I love most about COMMUNITY NAME is _________________. If I could have a t-shirt printed with a message, it would be_________. One thing I could do that could have a great and positive impact on my life is ________________.
ProjectNameProjectWebsite Agenda • Survey • The case for renewable energy • Opportunities for community energy projects • Eligible technologies • Community energy fuels community power • Workgroup activity - Community Energy Vision • Next steps
ProjectNameProjectWebsite Survey
Renewable Energy Definitions & Concepts ProjectNameProjectWebsite Renewable Energy Energy obtained from natural resources that can be naturally replenished or renewed within a human lifespan (sustainable)Natural Resources Canada, “About Renewable Energy” Climate Change A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants. Oxford English Dictionary Peak Oil The point in time when the global production of oil will reach its maximum rate, after which production will gradually declineOxford English Dictionary
ProjectNameProjectWebsite The Case for Renewable Energy Transitioning to a thriving future beyond fossil fuels!
ProjectNameProjectWebsite The Case for Renewable Energy • Renewable Energy can help communities: • Reduce GHG and reduce the impacts of climate change • Prepare for post peak-oil • Develop resilience • Diversify revenue streams • Reduce dependence on provincial and federal funding
Opportunities for Community RE Projects ProjectNameProjectWebsite CEPP • Community Energy Partnerships Program • Grants to fund project “soft costs” • CEPP 2.0 to be released Sep/Oct FIT 2.0 • Ontario Power Authority Feed-In Tariffs • Premium prices for renewable energy
Opportunities for Community RE Projects ProjectNameProjectWebsite CEPP • Up to $200,000 grants for community energy projects • CEPP G1 - design & development • CEPP G2 - regulatory approvals • Community projects 10kW<>10MW • wind, solar, biomass, biogas, landfill gas, waterpower • located in Ontario • developed by a "Community” • subject of a future FIT 2.0 contract
Opportunities for Community RE Projects Community Projects • Cooperative corporations (Cooperative Corporations Act) with a direct equity interest in the project (minimum is 15%) • Minimum number of local landowners who are co-op members and investors in the project • 35 for projects ≤500 kWh • 50 for projects >500 kWh • Co-operatives with >50% equity interest in a project also qualify for the new community set-aside which gives them priority in the queue for awarding FIT contracts
Community Co-ops Eligible Models ProjectNameProjectWebsite • For Profit • Members buy shares to finance capital project costs • Revenues cover project costs and returns to shareholders
Community Co-ops Eligible Models ProjectNameProjectWebsite • Not-for-profit • Members buy bonds to finance capital project costs • Revenues cover project costs, bond interest, social mission • Mission and use of revenues defined before bond issue • Existing co-ops (housing, agricultural, etc) • Eligible as community coops
Opportunities for Community RE Projects ProjectNameProjectWebsite FIT 2.0 • Just completed first bi-annual review to modify program to reflect rapidly falling solar and wind technology prices • 20-year contracts for electricity from renewable sources (40-year contracts for water power) • Fixed premium prices for duration of contracts • Premium prices designed to generate reasonable rate of return • Additional incentives for community and aboriginal projects
Opportunities for Community RE Projects ProjectNameProjectWebsite FIT 2.0 • Aboriginal participation “adder” • >50% 1.5¢ / kWh • >15% ≤50% 0.75¢/kWh • Community participation “adder” • >50% 1.0¢ / kWh • >15% ≤50% 0.5¢/kWh
Eligible FIT Technologies Solar Photovoltaic ProjectNameProjectWebsite
Eligible FIT Technologies Wind ProjectNameProjectWebsite
Eligible FIT Technologies Hydro Power ProjectNameProjectWebsite
Eligible FIT Technologies Biomass ProjectNameProjectWebsite
ProjectNameProjectWebsite Shared Vision of Success It can be helpful, when working together, to have a shared sense of purpose and clear vision of success. Apollo Moon Mission Vision of Success: To land on the moon and to safely return back to Earth 1000’s of scientists, engineers, doctors, nutritionists … able to work together because they shared a clear vision of success From this To this
Visioning a Desirable Energy Future ProjectNameProjectWebsite World Café “Shaping our Future through Conversations that Matter” - Juanita Brown and David Isaacs • Café Etiquette: • Focus on what matters • Contribute your thinking • Speak your mind and heart • Listen to understand • Link and connect ideas • Listen together for insights and deeper understanding • Write doodle or draw • Have fun!
Understanding Current Reality ProjectNameProjectWebsite Individually take a moment to consider the following: In what ways does our community use energy? Consider all the ways in which energy is used in the community and for what? (eg. natural gas/wood/oil to heat our homes, gas to fuel our cars) Share your responses with others at your table and write, doodle or draw your responses on the piece of flip chart paper.
Visioning a Desirable Energy Future ProjectNameProjectWebsite Individually take 3 minutes to consider the following and write, doodle or draw no more than 5 – 7 responses– one response per post-it. Imagine that you are able to visit with a great, great… grandchild from the future. Imagine that future exactly the way you want it. This grandchild is excited to tell you about the community’s energy future. What would you hope to hear? Share your thoughts by completing the following sentence: “My community energy is….” Share your responses with others at your table. Group similar responses on the flipchart paper and give each group a heading.
Group of similar ideas Group of similar ideas ProjectNameProjectWebsite Brainstorming Actions • Individually take 5 minutes to brainstorm ideas for initiatives to help move your community towards your group’s desired energy future (1 idea per post-it note). • Share your responses with others at your table and then place your post-it note on the piece of flip chart paper. • Group similar action ideas as follows:
ProjectNameProjectWebsite Next Steps Workshop #2 • Review and comment on a draft energy vision and high level goals • Hear guest speakers from other communities share their stories about developing renewable energy projects • Explore potential & interest for developing renewable energy projects Workshop #3 • Work with experts to further develop project proposals
ProjectNameProjectWebsite Thank You
Community Energy Fuels Community Projects ProjectNameProjectWebsite Fintry Development Trust • To reduce energy use in the Village of Fintry, ultimately making the village a zero-carbon, zero-waste community. • charitable status • 8 directors & 150 members (community with an adult population of 500) • http://www.fintrydt.org.uk Wind of Change - Village of Fintry (15 min)
Ontario Energy Output by Fuel Type - 2011 ProjectNameProjectWebsite Source: OPA Quarterly Reports
Peak Oil & Climate Change ProjectNameProjectWebsite For an economy heavily dependant on abundant cheap oil Declining production + increasing demand = Economic Uncertainty
Dropping FIT rates & rising solar installations ProjectNameProjectWebsite 8.4
Renewable Energy Generation in Germany (20% of total electrical supply!) ProjectNameProjectWebsite 60% surge in solar power output in 2011
ProjectNameProjectWebsite Blue Sky Region
Current Electrical Energy Use ProjectNameProjectWebsite Approximately what proportion of this money stays in the community? Imagine the benefits to the local economy if this money remained in the community