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AMITA Health Anti-Harassment & Non-Discrimination Education - July 2018

Learn about types of harassment, legal definitions, AMITA policies, reporting procedures, and the importance of creating a safe work environment free of discrimination and harassment.

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AMITA Health Anti-Harassment & Non-Discrimination Education - July 2018

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  1. Anti-Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Non-Discrimination AMITA Health Annual Education July 2018

  2. It is the policy of AMITA Health to maintain an environment free of discrimination, harassment, or intimidation for all associates and other individuals working at AMITA Health including vendors, contractors, suppliers, and volunteers. AMITA Health Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy

  3. After completing this course, associates should be able to: Understand the different types of harassment and discriminatory factors that may impact the work environment. Explain the legal definition of sexual harassment and identify the two forms of sexual harassment. List the responsibilities of AMITA Health and all associates for preventing and handling discrimination and harassment, sexual or otherwise. Objectives

  4. AMITA Health: Is committed to providing equal employment opportunities Complies with all applicable anti-discrimination and anti-harassment laws, rules, order and regulations Seeks to employ individuals based upon qualifications for the job without discrimination or harassment Does not tolerate discrimination or harassment by management, AMITA Health personnel or third party vendors, and an associate in violation will be subject to appropriate discipline, up to and including termination Equal Employment Opportunity

  5. Defines discrimination and harassment/sexual harassment States that harassment/sexual harassment will not be tolerated States that harassers will be disciplined up to and including termination Explains how to file a discrimination or harassment/sexual harassment complaint States that associates must report any incident of harassment/sexual harassment States that all complaints will be investigated fully States that retaliation against those who file complaints is illegal and will not be tolerated AMITA Health’s Policy

  6. Employment decisions are made without harassment or discrimination based on: Race Color Religion Sex National Origin Age Citizenship Ethnicity Sexual Orientation Ancestry Physical Disability Mental Disability Military Status Order of Protection Status Homelessness Marital Status Language Victim Status Any other protected status AMITA Health seeks to employ individuals based upon qualifications

  7. Harassment is any verbal or physical conduct designed to threaten, intimidate, or coerce an associate Verbal Harassment – includes comments that are offensive or unwelcome Visual Harassment - derogatory and/or sexually oriented posters, photography, cartoons, drawings, e-mail and faxes or gestures Physical conduct such as assault, unwanted touching, blocking normal movement or interfering with work Threats and demands to submit to sexual requests as a condition of continued employment, or to avoid some other loss, and offers of employment benefits in return for sexual favors; and Retaliation for having rejected a sexual advance or for having reported or threatened to report discrimination or harassment of any kind. Harassing and intimidating conduct will not be tolerated by AMITA Health. Types of Harassment

  8. Sexual Harassment is defined by the Illinois Human Rights Act as: Any unwelcome sexual advances Requests for sexual favors or other visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature There are two types of sexual harassment and both are illegal Quid pro quo (a supervisor offers job related rewards if employee accepts unwanted sexual behavior) 2) Hostile work environment is where the harassment creates an offensive or unpleasant working environment based upon conduct of a sexual nature. A hostile work environment can be created by anyone in the work environment, whether it be supervisors, other associates, vendors, patients or visitors. Sexual Harassment is Illegal Under Federal, State and Local Laws

  9. Bob often tells “dirty” jokes in the company lounge. Bill always laughs. Jane is always offended. Is Bob’s conduct sexual harassment? To decide, courts often use a “Reasonable Person Standard” Does the conduct in question: Interfere with a reasonable employee’s ability to do his or her job Create a hostile, intimidating or offensive work environment for a reasonable employee. Based on the fact that women are more often victims of sexual violence a reasonable woman might have a less tolerant perspective on sexual harassment than would a reasonable man Dirty Joke Scenario “intent vs. impact”. It does not matter what you meant but how it was perceived. It does not matter that it is directly told to the person. It could be anyone that hears/see’s/witnesses it.

  10. Address the Harasser an associate who experiences or witnesses harassment should talk to the harasser directly and tell the harasser that his/her conduct is unwelcome and must stop Report the Incident associates must report the incident to Human Resources, any Manager, Director, or the Corporate Responsibility Department as shown in the policy. Responding to Sexual Harassment

  11. AMITA associates must Review the anti-harassment and non-discrimination policy (all policies found on iAMITA and Policy Stat) Complete annual training on discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment Report any known circumstance of discrimination or harassment immediately Commit to and comply with all anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies, laws and guidelines as defined by AMITA Health Direct any questions or concerns to your supervisor or Human Resources AMITA Health – Associate Responsibility in Preventing Discrimination and Harassment

  12. AMITA Health Maintains a formal policy on anti-harassment and non-discrimination (all policies found on iAMITA and Policy Stat) Informs and educates all associates on the policy and expectations around non-discrimination and harassment/ sexual harassment Responds to all complaints of discrimination and/or harassment and investigates fully Protects all associates who file a complaint from retaliation Encourages all associates to report any incidents of discrimination or harassment immediately so that complaints can be quickly and fairly resolved AMITA Health – Employer Responsibility in Preventing Discrimination and Harassment

  13. You will not be penalized or retaliated against for filing, responding to, or assisting with a complaint of discrimination or harassment Retaliation by supervisors or coworkers against any complainant will not be tolerated Any person found to be in violation of the anti-retaliation provision will be subject to disciplinary action Associates should follow the internal complaint procedure identified above for any suspected retaliation and the same procedure will be followed related to complaints of retaliation. Anti-Retaliation

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