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This article discusses the importance of C-band for critical services such as aeronautical and meteorological information, maritime communications, wireless extension, corporate networks, telemedicine, distance education, internet connectivity, disaster relief, peacekeeping, TV contribution and distribution. It highlights the interference issues between C-band and IMT (International Mobile Telecommunications) systems and the concerns of the satellite industry. It also outlines the WRC-15 process and its implications for the Pacific Islands. The article encourages readers to get involved in the preparatory processes leading to WRC-15.
Preserving Access to Satellite Services in C-band… and Addressing the IMT Challenge Annette M. Purves Satellite Spectrum Initiative GVF
Why Should I Care about C-band?C-band is the ‘Lifeblood’ for Critical Services! Critical Aeronautical and Meteorological Information Maritime Communications Wireless Extension Corporate Networks Telemedicine C-band ` Distance Education Internet Connectivity Disaster Relief Peace Keeping TV Contribution and Distribution
What Is at Stake?Spectrum for Your Satellite Services! In 2007, proponents of International Mobile Telecommunications (“IMT”) systems requested 1280-1720 MHz of spectrum by the year 2020 [Source: Report ITU-R M.2078] By 2015, the IMT industry is seeking another 163 to 1075 MHz of additional spectrum – often totaling more than 2000 MHz Sharing studies have been conducted between IMT and incumbent services for candidate bands These studies show that sharing is NOT FEASIBLE.
What Interference Are We Talking about?Terrestrial Interference! • WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.1 will consider additional spectrum generally for IMT and other mobile broadband applications • C-band is on the menu! C-band earth stations IMT station grid The aggregate effect of all interfering terrestrial stations is a significant interference to C-band receive earth stations
Where Are the C-band Earth Stations?Extensive Distribution! Nationwide issue wheregeographic separation is NOT possible! 5000 earth stations registered… Another 2000 estimated but not registered... Enabling valuable services to millions of individuals. Source: Comsearch
How Does This Affect My Country?Interference Affects Everyone! • Interference into C-band receive earth stations can completely overpower the satellite’s signal at the receiver • 3 forms of interference: • Co-frequency interference • Out-of-band emissions • LNA and LNB overdrive • How does the ITU and WRC-15 come into this? • The studies and preparatory work that is being undertaken at present will impact the views and decisions of national administrations when they make the final decision: C-band or IMT?
What Are Industry’s Concerns? Renewed efforts to identify the 3400–4200 MHz band () for IMT 2007 studies demonstrated incompatibility between FSS and IMT Interference from IMT transmissions into FSS receive stations Large separations between IMT stations and FSS earth stations No technology developments that change the compatibility analysis ITU studies conducted to date are reinforcing the 2007 results! New efforts to identify the 5850–6725 MHz band () for IMT ITU is conducting sharing studies for this band Current studies show excessive interference into satellites, even from indoor IMT systems Receiving IMT stations are susceptible to interference from transmitting FSS earth stations
Exclusion Zone Sample Example of exclusion zone with a radius of 20 km around an earth station in Singapore
ITU and Regional Preparatory Proceedings Leading to WRC-15 Jul 2013 Jan 2014 Jan 2015 Nov 2015 Regional Groups Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM) Final Meeting 23 March-2 April, 2015 World Radiocummunication Conference (WRC-15) November 2-27, 2015 ARPM Sep ‘15 ARPM May ‘14 ARPM Jan‘14 ARPM Oct ‘13 ARPM Jan‘15 ATU WG WRC-15 Apr ‘13 WG WRC-15 Apr ‘14 WG WRC-15 Nov ‘13 WG WRC-15 Nov ‘13 ASMG APG Jun ‘14 APG Jul ‘13 APG Sep ‘15 APG Dec ‘14 APT CPG & CPG PTD Jan‘15 CPG & CPG PTD Sep ‘14 CPG Sept‘13 CPG PTD Sep ‘13 CPG PTD Sept ‘15 CPG PTD May ‘14 CEPT PCC.II May‘15 PCC.II Nov ‘13 PCC.II Oct 14 PCC.II May‘14 CITEL WG WRC-15 Apr ‘14 WG WRC-15 Jan ‘15 WG WRC-15 Sep‘15 RCC Working Party 5D WP5D WP5D WP5D WP5D WP5D WP5D Joint Task Group 4-5-6-7 Submits CPM Text TG JTG JTG JTG August ‘14
ITU and Regional Preparatory Proceedings Leading to WRC-15 – cont.
What are the Implications for the Pacific Islands? • Critical dependency on C-Band for communications and for economic existence and quality of life • Disaster mitigation and relief • Submarine cables, where available, only serve a single landing point. There are many islands • C-band provides a complementary backbone role for future mobile applications (e.g., 4G in Kiribati) • Ku- and Ka-bands are heavily affected by rain fade and cannot substitute for C-band • Wrong decisions at WRC-15 would be crippling
What Can I Do?Get Involved! • Participate in the local and international preparatory processes leading to WRC-15 • JTG 4-5-6-7 preparations and contributions • APT preparations and contributions • Assist other countries through common proposals Follow through all the way to WRC-15!
What Are the Key Messages? • C-band services provide critical infrastructure today and will continue to do so in the future • C-band cannot be “replaced” with Ku- and Ka-bands • While sharing with point-to-point fixed services is possible, sharing with nomadic/mobile point-to-area services is NOT! • Other frequency bands are much better suited for IMT • Terrestrial wireless services should first utilize assigned frequency bands before pursuing bands extensively used by existing services • Significant investment in satellites and ground infrastructure has been made and would be stranded • Once satellites are in space (15-18 years), the frequencies on the satellite CANNOT be changed!
Thank You! • More questions? Let us know! • The satellite industry stands ready to provide more material and • background information. • David Hartshorn (david.hartshorn@gvf.org) • Annette Purves (annette.purves@intelsat.com)