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BULK PO. Finance Systems Training. Shaleen Batra Finance Business Solutions – User Support & Training. Agenda. What is a BULK PO? BULK PO and the Budget Important things to keep in mind Scenario of Quantity BULK PO Scenario of Amount Only BULK PO Receipting of a BULK PO

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  1. BULK PO Finance SystemsTraining Shaleen Batra Finance Business Solutions – User Support & Training

  2. Agenda • What is a BULK PO? • BULK PO and the Budget • Important things to keep in mind • Scenario of Quantity BULK PO • Scenario of Amount Only BULK PO • Receipting of a BULK PO • Receipting via Portal Menu • Receipting via Receipts Menu • Understanding Cabcharge • Updating a BULK PO • Checking available Balance on BULK PO

  3. BULK PO When goods or services are repeatedly ordered through out the year Should be created at the start of the year Saves time in raising a PO every time goods/services are ordered Single PO with multiple receipts Can be raised either for amount or quantity

  4. BULK PO & Budget

  5. BULK PO Number of items Dollar Value

  6. BULK PO Cabcharge By Amount Konica Minolta Lease or Rent By Quantity Temporary staff hire

  7. Things to keep in mind

  8. Things to keep in mind

  9. Change Origin

  10. Category Amount with GST = BULK Amount without GST = BULK_FREE

  11. Scenario of Quantity BULK PO Hire a temp staff- $28 an hour for 3 months (7 hrs a day) No of hours = 35 X 12 = 420 Hourly Rate = $28 Three months charge = 420 X 28 = $11,760 (Plus GST) UOM can be HUR/ EA/ Week/ Day

  12. Scenario of Amount Only BULK PO Monthly Copy Charges= $500 (approx) One year charge = $500 X 12 = $6,000 GST is 10% = $600

  13. Amount Only BULK PO Important: Tick the Amount Only Box

  14. Customise Screen

  15. Customise Screen UPK – Online training Tool http://training.nss.unsw.edu.au/ODS/toc0.html Topic – Under Purchasing – PO.03.01 – Customise your PO screen

  16. Common Mistakes Lease for 12 months

  17. Common Mistakes Contract Services – raised as a Qty. It is amount only Goes to match exception which delays payment to the supplier

  18. Not a BULK PO

  19. PO not raised as BULK Monthly progress invoice for some electrical company Cleaning services – can be Qty or Amt Lease BULK PO Radiology services Cabcharge Water Consulting services Courier

  20. Receipting a BULK PO • Receipting a BULK PO is similar to the normal receipting • Two ways of Receipting the PO • Please write the correct receipt number along with Business Unit & PO number while sending invoice to AP Portal Menu Receipts Menu

  21. Receipting via Portal Menu Easy, time saving & convenient

  22. Receipting via Portal Menu – Amt only GST exclusive amount should be receipted

  23. Receipting via Receipts Menu Search for the PO

  24. Receipting via Receipts Menu //

  25. Receipting via Portal Menu – Quantity Receipting can be done depending on the number of hours charged by the temp staff

  26. Understanding Cabcharge Invoice     $1001.22 $82.75 $910.20 - $82.75 = $827.45 $ 91.02 (No GST)

  27. Cabcharge BULK PO Monthly taxi fare = $700 (approx) One year charge = $700 X 12 = $8,400 Service charge is mostly 10% of Taxi fare = $840 GST is 10% of Taxi fare = $840

  28. Cabcharge BULK PO Total of all lines (exclusive of GST) GST Total PO amount Encumbrance (does not include GST)

  29. Receipt a cabcharge invoice • Please make sure to receipt GST excl and GST incl amounts separately

  30. Receipt Invoice 1 Taxi Fare : $910.20 - $82.75 = $827.45 Service Fee: $91.02

  31. Receipt Invoice 2 Taxi Fare : $460.70 - $41.88 = $418.82 Service Fee: $46.07 + $ 25.08 = $71.15 (Include Liquidated damages)

  32. Over receipting Please do not over receipt a BULK PO. Either add another line to the existing BULK PO or create a new PO If you create a new PO please let the vendor know so that they can quote the new PO on the invoices

  33. What happens? When there is money left in the BULK PO at the end of the year? Contact Buying Network at buyingnetwork@unsw.edu.au . They will close the PO and the money will go back to your budget When there is no money left in BULK PO but there are invoices to be paid? Update the BULK PO by adding another line. Save, budget check and get it approved again by the nominated approver

  34. Update a BULK PO You received an invoice for $200 (plus GST) and there will be couple of more invoices in future. But the amount left for receipting is only $82. Update the existing BULK PO.

  35. Update a BULK PO

  36. Update a BULK PO //

  37. Check the available balance on BULK PO Go to PO Activity Summary and search for the PO

  38. Check the available balance on BULK PO Receipt information

  39. Check the available balance on BULK PO Invoice information //

  40. Knowledgebase

  41. Support & Guidance • Buying Network • Ext. 53330, Email - Buyingnetwork@unsw.edu.au • Find My Buying Network -http://www.fin.unsw.edu.au/OurServices/FinancialOperations_Purchasing_FindBuyingNetwork.html • Accounts Payable • AP Help - Ext. 53356, Email - aphelp@unsw.edu.au • Payment of Invoices, Email- invoiceap@unsw.edu.au • Finance Website – Purchasing • http://www.fin.unsw.edu.au/OurServices/FinancialOperations_Purchasing.html • Purchasing Guidelines & Procedures • http://www.fin.unsw.edu.au/OurServices/FinancialOperations_Purchasing_Guidelines.html • http://www.fin.unsw.edu.au/files/PP/Purchase_Order_Procedure.pdf

  42. User Support & Training • Finance Website – Training https://www.fin.unsw.edu.au/NSF_KnowledgeBase/FKB_Training.html • Training Enquiries • Ext. 53550 / 57665, Email fti@unsw.edu.au

  43. Questions

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