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Visualization in College Geology Courses: Interactive Visualizations & their Assessment

Visualization in College Geology Courses: Interactive Visualizations & their Assessment. Stephen Reynolds and Michael Piburn Arizona State University (projects supported by NSF) Thanks: Debbie Leedy, Julia Johnson, Sian Proctor, Paul Morin, Carla McAuliffe, Jim Birk http://reynolds.asu.edu.

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Visualization in College Geology Courses: Interactive Visualizations & their Assessment

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  1. Visualization in College Geology Courses: Interactive Visualizations & their Assessment Stephen Reynolds and Michael Piburn Arizona State University(projects supported by NSF) Thanks: Debbie Leedy, Julia Johnson, Sian Proctor, Paul Morin, Carla McAuliffe, Jim Birk http://reynolds.asu.edu

  2. Spatial Visualization in Geology: Topography

  3. Spatial Visualization in Geology: Subsurface Architecture

  4. Visualization Skills and Reading Maps: Shape of Landscapes

  5. Correspondence of Geology and Landscapes

  6. Visualization Skills and Reading Maps: Layers and Topography

  7. Spatial Visualization in Geology: Trading Location for Time

  8. Reading and Interpreting Geologic Maps

  9. Reading and Interpreting 3D Geologic Maps

  10. Reading and Interpreting Other Types of Geologic Information

  11. Reading and Interpreting Satellite Images

  12. Disembedding Landscapes:What They See

  13. Disembedding Landscapes:What We See

  14. Disembedding Maps: What They See

  15. Disembedding Maps: What We See

  16. Disembedding: Landscapes

  17. Software Used for Images and Animations • MicroDEM • Read DEMs and generate elevation grayscale images and contour maps • Bryce5 • Build models using grayscale elevation • Blocks or drape maps over topography • Render multiple views for movies • VR Worx • Combined views into QuickTime VR movies

  18. Types of QuickTime Visualizations • QuickTime VR Panorama • Scrollable and zoomable map – tell QuickTime a flat map is a panorama over 5 or 10 degrees • QuickTime VR Object Movie • Matrix of images (rows and columns) • Dragging horizontally moves along row (e.g., spin object, cut into object) • Dragging vertically moves along column(e.g., tilt object, switch data layers)

  19. Research Experiments • Hidden Earth Project: control and experimental groups; spatial test • Influences on how much students learn in lab (groups, TA, etc.) • Topographic strategies/misconceptions • Topographic strategies and memory • Misconceptions about sedimentary environments

  20. Research Experiment • Pretests and post-tests • Paper and computer versions of standard spatial visualization tests • Geospatial test (topography, blocks, sections) • Control and Experimental Group (2 labs each) • Experimental groups got computer modules • Control group got non-computerized equiv. • Results • Gain from pre- to post-test by group and gender • Statistical analysis of data

  21. Surface Development Test

  22. Surface Development

  23. Cubes Comparisons Test

  24. Cubes Comparisons

  25. Use of Computer-Based Visualizations: Painted Canyon • Provide context for rocks, minerals, maps, and reconstructing history

  26. Topography: Black and White Shading Movie

  27. Topo: Rotating/Shading Movie • Students interact with movie and then construct written description of the feature

  28. Helping Students Visualize Maps: Topographic Contours

  29. Topo: Profile Slices

  30. 3D Geologic Blocks:Block Rotation

  31. Blocks: Cutting Movie

  32. Blocks: Fault Movie

  33. Blocks: Fault Erosion

  34. Blocks: Unconformity Movie

  35. Group Male Female Total Control 26 18 44 Experimental 22 37 59 Total 48 55 103 Distribution of Subjects by Gender and Group

  36. Gender and Group Interactions on Geospatial Test

  37. Surface Development Test(Spatial Visualization)

  38. Results • Improved performance on spatial measures • Transfer to learning in laboratory • Elimination of gender bias • Created really cool stuff that diverse groups can use

  39. Hidden Earth Curriculum • Disembedding • Interaction of layers and topography • Interactive geologic maps • Biosphere 3D site • Time and environments • GeoWall in the classroom • Strategies and mental models with topographic maps

  40. Interaction of Layers and Topography

  41. Interactive Geologic Maps:QTVR Object Movies

  42. Interactive Geologic Maps:QTVR Panorama Movies

  43. Satellite Images Draped Over Topography

  44. Geophysics Data Draped Over Topography

  45. Biosphere 3D: Earthquakes

  46. Biosphere 3D: Temperature and Currents

  47. Biosphere 3D: Soils

  48. Geologic Environments: How does a beach deposit a rock layer over a wide region.

  49. Environments: Why do rock layers end?

  50. Immersive 3D - GeoWall

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