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What is the language of single cells?. What are the elementary symbols of the code? Most typically, we think about the response as a firing rate, r(t), or a modulated spiking probability, P(r = spike|s(t)). Two extremes of description:
What is the language of single cells? • What are the elementary symbols of the code? • Most typically, we think about the response as a firing rate, r(t), or a modulated • spiking probability, P(r = spike|s(t)). • Two extremes of description: • A Poisson model, where spikes are generated randomly with rate r(t). • However, most spike trains are not Poisson (refractoriness, internal dynamics). Fine temporal structure might be meaningful. • Consider spike patterns or “words”, e.g. • symbols including multiple spikes and the interval between • retinal ganglion cells: “when” and “how much”
Multiple spike symbols from the fly motion sensitive neuron Spike Triggered Average 2-Spike Triggered Average (10 ms separation) 2-Spike Triggered Average (5 ms)
Spike statistics Stochastic process that generates a sequence of events: point process Probability of an event at time t depends only on preceding event: renewal process All events are statistically independent: Poisson process Poisson: r(t) = r independent of time, probability to see a spike only depends on the time you watch. PT[n] = (rT)n exp(-rT)/n! Exercise: the mean of this distribution is rT the variance of this distribution is also rT. The Fano factor = variance/mean = 1 for Poisson processes. The Cv = coefficient of variation = STD/mean = 1 for Poisson Interspike interval distribution P(T) = r exp(-rT)
The Poisson model (homogeneous) Probability of n spikes in time T as function of (rate T) Poisson approaches Gaussian for large rT (here = 10)
How good is the Poisson model? Fano Factor A B Area MT Data fit to: variance = A meanB Fano factor
How good is the Poisson model? ISI analysis ISI distribution generated from a Poisson model with a Gaussian refractory period ISI Distribution from an area MT Neuron
How good is the Poisson Model? CV analysis Poisson Coefficients of Variation for a set of V1 and MT Neurons Poisson with ref. period
spike-triggering stimulus feature decision function Decompose the neural computation into a linear stage and a nonlinear stage. stimulus X(t) f1 spike output Y(t) x1 P(spike|x1 ) x1 To what feature in the stimulus is the system sensitive? Gerstner, spike response model; Aguera y Arcas et al. 2001, 2003; Keat et al., 2001 Modeling spike generation Given a stimulus, when will the system spike? Simple example: the integrate-and-fire neuron
Want to solve for K. Multiply by s(t-t’) and integrate over t: Note that we have produced terms which are simply correlation functions: Given a convolution, Fourier transform: Now we have a straightforward algebraic equation for K(w): Solving for K(t), Predicting the firing rate Let’s start with a rate response, r(t) and a stimulus, s(t). The optimal linear estimator is closest to satisfying
Going back to: Predicting the firing rate For white noise, the correlation function Css(t) = s2 d(t), So K(t) is simply Crs(t).
spike-triggering stimulus feature decision function stimulus X(t) f1 spike output Y(t) x1 P(spike|x1 ) x1 Modeling spike generation The decision function is P(spike|x1). Derive from data using Bayes’ theorem: P(spike|x1) = P(spike) P(x1 | spike) / P(x1) P(x1) is the prior : the distribution of all projections onto f1 P(x1 | spike) is the spike-conditional ensemble : the distribution of all projections onto f1 given there has been a spike P(spike) is proportional to the mean firing rate
Models of neural function spike-triggering stimulus feature decision function stimulus X(t) f1 spike output Y(t) x1 P(spike|x1 ) x1 Weaknesses
covariance Reverse correlation: a geometric view Gaussian prior stimulus distribution STA Spike-conditional distribution
Cij = < S(t – ti) S(t - tj)> - < STA(t - ti) STA (t - tj)> - < I(t - ti) I(t - tj)> Dimensionality reduction The covariance matrix is simply Stimulus prior • Properties: • If the computation is low-dimensional, there will be a few eigenvalues • significantly different from zero • The number of eigenvalues is the relevant dimensionality • The corresponding eigenvectors span the subspace of the relevant features Bialek et al., 1997
Functional models of neural function spike-triggering stimulus feature decision function stimulus X(t) f1 spike output Y(t) x1 P(spike|x1 ) x1
Functional models of neural function spike-triggering stimulus features f1 multidimensional decision function x1 stimulus X(t) f2 spike output Y(t) x2 f3 x3
Functional models of neural function ? ? ? spike-triggering stimulus features f1 multidimensional decision function x1 stimulus X(t) f2 spike output Y(t) x2 f3 x3 spike history feedback
Covariance analysis Let’s develop some intuition for how this works: the Keat model Keat, Reinagel, Reid and Meister, Predicting every spike. Neuron (2001) • Spiking is controlled by a single filter • Spikes happen generally on an upward threshold crossing of • the filtered stimulus • expect 2 modes, the filter F(t) and its time derivative F’(t)
Covariance analysis Let’s try some real neurons: rat somatosensory cortex (Ras Petersen, Mathew Diamond, SISSA: SfN 2003). Record from single units in barrel cortex
Normalisedvelocity Pre-spike time (ms) Covariance analysis Spike-triggered average:
Covariance analysis Is the neuron simply not very responsive to a white noise stimulus?
Covariance analysis Prior Spike- triggered Difference
0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Velocity 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 150 100 50 0 Pre-spike time (ms) Covariance analysis Eigenspectrum Leading modes
Covariance analysis Input/output relations wrt first two filters, alone: and in quadrature:
0.4 0.3 0.2 Velocity (arbitrary units) 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 150 100 50 0 Pre-spike time (ms) Covariance analysis How about the other modes? Pair with -ve eigenvalues Next pair with +ve eigenvalues
Covariance analysis Input/output relations for negative pair Firing rate decreases with increasing projection: suppressive modes (Simoncelli et al.)