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From Grids to e-Science Science, Technology, International Cooperation and Industrial Applications.
From Grids to e-Science Science, Technology, International Cooperation and Industrial Applications Grids:„Eventually, users will be unaware they are using any computer but the one on their desk, because it will have the capabilities to reach out across the internet and obtain whatever computational resources are necessary” (Larry Smarr and Charles Catlett, 1992) Hans F Hoffmann, CERN
A typical LHC Experiment, ATLAS 109 events/s; 1 Petabyte/s at front-end electronics; 100MB/sec data rate; 150 million sensors, 10 million lines of code; selectivity 1/10 12 ; . . . 1600 collaborators from 150 institutes around the world Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
CERN and its Collaborating Institutes The community that stimulated the development of the World Wide Web 270 institutes in Europe, 4600 scientists 210 institutes elsewhere, 1650 scientists 1 LHC experiment: ~1/3 of this Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
Exponential Change • Accelerators: • 10x (useful energy)/~13 years since 100 years (eV TeV) • 10x (accelerated particles)/10 years since 40 years (109 1013 p) • Electronics, computing, networking: • 10x every ~5 years; networking ~3 years • Discovery relevant data (life-sciences) • 10x every ~2-3 years (source NCBI) • Software issues: open, proprietary, engineered, . . . Not exponential scale . . . Needs skilled people and communication Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
Web Services at CERN • Unique entry point http://cern.ch/web • Empower any CERN user (including all external physicists members of CERN collaborations) to quickly have a web site where documents can be published • Registration procedure lightweight (less than 10 minutes), automated and 24x7x365 • User owns web site and receive right to publish from CERN after agreeing to CERN computing rules • Unique namespace behind http://cern.ch/.... and http://www.cern.ch/.... • Content moderation mechanism in place Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
The “One-Stop Shopping” view of the GRID Mobile Access Supercomputer, PC-Cluster G R I D M I D D L E W A R E Workstation Hoffmann, Putzer, Reinefeld Data-storage, Sensors, Experiments, Grid enabled Applications Internet, networks Visualising To create European or global Infrastructure: need use cases, adapt middleware Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
How Does theGrid Work? 1. Authentication grid-proxy-init 2. Job submission dg-job-submit 3. Monitoring and control dg-job-status dg-job-cancel dg-job-get-output 4. Data publication and replication globus-url-copy, GDMP 5. Resource scheduling – use of Mass Storage Systems JDL, sandboxes, storage elements 0. Web User Interface… Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
Fabrizio GagliardiEU DataGrid Project LeaderEGEE Project Coordinatorf.gagliardi@cern.ch) EGEE objectives, resources, management www.cern.ch/egee EGEE is proposed as a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833
EGEE Partner Federations • Integrate regional Grid efforts • Represent leading grid activities in Europe
The “super-vehicle” for information transfer GÉANT (plus NRENs*) • World leading Research Network • Connecting more than 3100 Universities and R&D centers • Over 32 countries across Europe • Connectivity to NA, Japan, … • Speeds of up to 10 Gbps • Focus on the needs of “very demanding” user communities (PoC radio astronomers) * National Research and Education Networks
GÉANT - a world of opportunities What about Transcaucasian Region? • EU-North America: 7,5 Gbps (soon + 10Gbps) • EU-Japan: 155Mbps + 2,5Gbps • EUMEDIS • ALIS: Contract signed • TEIN: 20 Mbps (new developments in the course of the year) • South Africa: Good prospects for connectivity 155Mbps+2,5Gbps EUMEDIS 7,5Gbps ALIS 20 Mbps TEIN NeDAP SPONGE SEEREN
Network Progress • Network backbones are advancing rapidly to the 10 Gbps range • Network advances are changing the view of the networks’ roles • Advanced integrated applications, such as Data Grids, rely on seamless “transparent” operation of our LANs and WANs • Deregulation has helped enormously DPS July03 EPS plenary Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
Research networks are an indispensable tool for science • All researchers worldwide use electronic networks as their means of communication • Research is an international activity par excellence • If you do not have access to advanced networking facilities you cannot be a serious scientist, anywhere in the world • Research networks are for more than just e-mail between researchers: • databases and information resources (a.o. the Web) • video-conferencing and broadcasting of events • the Grid
Development of prices for international bandwidth (logarithmic scale)
e- Science • e – science is enhanced science • " e – science is about global collaboration in key areas of science and the next generation of infrastructure that will enable it" • John Taylor, 2001 • e – science is about time and location independent global (regional, national) collaborative experimental science via sharing facilities, exploiting the next generation of infrastructure that will enable it • Bob Hertzberger (VL-e) 2003 Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
The "What" of e-Science • Web, Web services is about sharing information – 1st step • e – science is about sharing resources, applying the grid • Experimental Facilities • Data and Information Services • Application Services Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
The "Why" of e- Science • Do something "worth doing" you cannot do alone since you do not have in your institute: • the facilities, • the skills, • the data • Increased complexity of problems result in: • Increased multi-disciplinarity • Increased amounts and distribution of data and information • Increased complexity of : • Analysis tools • Variety of data and information Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
“one stop shop” Experiments Experiment Supercomputer Supercomputer Analysis Analysis Analysis Supercomputer Supercomputer PC-Cluster PC-Cluster Archive Archives Archives Archive PC-Cluster PC-Cluster Scientist/user Today: mostly monolithic, “vertical”, proprietary solutions Through open, standard interfaces: flexible, adaptable, interchangeable, “one stop shop” solutions J Taylor, mod. by Hoffmann, Putzer, Reinefeld M i d d l e w a r e Scientist/user Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
Integrated e-Science Environment “Problem Solving Environments”Domain-specific application interfaces for scientists Computing Grid service Data discovery Grid service Data visualisation Grid service Experiment control Grid service Grid services middleware AuthenticationAuthorisationAccounting Computers Data storage Experiments local remote local remote local remote Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003 Framework for distributed scientific computing and experimentation
IRCCS IST Genova IRCCS Roma IRCCS Napoli IRCCS INT Milano IRCCS IEO Milano IRCCS Bari H H Teleconsultation – Second Opinion Telepathology TRANSNATIONAL BACKBONE Research results dissemination NATIONAL BACKBONE Histological Images DB REGIONAL BACKBONE Second Opinion IRCCS Aviano LOCAL POINTS OF CARE • Cooperative distributed case handling • Teaching • Consensus Conference
Applications more generally Version Service & support level Software Component Ap4 Ap3 Ap5 Libraries Ap2 “Middleware” Ap1 GUI Batch System Ap6 File System MSS Operating System User Domain 18 April 2002
International Scientific Collaboration CNA/TERA (I) Med-AUSTRON(Au) Proton/Ion-Oncology-Collaboration Etoile(F) CERN (CH/F) GHIP, GSI(D) Karolinska(Sw) PSI NN(?) NN(?) ESTRO(EU) Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
LHC Collaborations - virtual, global Organisations based on experienced labs and institutes: Lessons for VO • Clear common mission, clear global and detailed objectives • Critical mass in all scientific and technological fields required, able to deal with all problems posed, therefore international, free exchange of ideas, technologies, R&D, share IP, often “open IP”, agree on treatment of IP first • Success based on common goals, recognition of individual contributions, competition • "Engineering" organisation with specifications, "deliverables", schedules, resources, configuration management, . . . • Peer Reviews, Resources Reviews with funding agencies Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
Today • E-Science is about more than networks, GRIDs, High Performance Computing... • E-science is about global collaboration in keys areas of science • and the next generation of infrastructure that will enable it • The European Research Area is global - it must have world class e-science capability • The next generation of infrastructure will power the next iteration of all kinds of e-business -business must be involved now
UK e-Science Examples • Bioinformatics/Functional genomics • Collaborative Engineering • Medical/Healthcare informatics • Earth Observation Systems • TeleMicroscopy • Virtual Observatories • Robotic Telescopes • Particle Physics at the LHC
BIO operational support HEP federating NI networking training specific services DL supercomputers pan-european grid AAA joint research activities middleware research results from IST (e.g. networking & Grid research) global filing system e-infrastructure- initial prospects (2004) (international dimension to be taken from the start - cyberinfrastructure/Teragrid)
People & Training Instrumentation (large and/or many small) Large Databases Digital Libraries Computation Software High-Speed Network Connectivity Cyberinfrastructure Cyberinfrastructure NSF - pf - 8/02
Conclusion for the (trans-caucasian) RegionGauca-Grid • Develop NRENs, if possible in a "de-regulated" environment • Obtain help from top level Politicians in your country, then EU, US, Russia, NATO, UNESCO, OECD, World-Bank, JINR Dubna, CERN, whoever . . . • IST is the fastest growing industry • Investment in training of software engineers, "grid-enabling"-of existing scientific ventures, databases, . . . • Work out national and regional collaborations • Multidisciplinary • Ambitious goals (more in invested talent and less in equipment) • Give priority to industrial/societal applications (example: Indian software and service centres) • Participate to European or global e-science projects Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
SEE-REN (in statu nascendi)outcome of the Sofia Workshop 2002 Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
SE-EuropeREN • SE-EuropeREN - South-Eastern European Research &Education Networking initiative will: • bring together RTD communities of SE Europe • ease the “digital divide” help in “brain drain” prevention • promote common cultural ties • working paradigm towards improving citizens everyday life • SE EU sci.community – EU industry communication channel • Submitted to the 8th IST call, Accompanying Measures – related to RN1 (GEANT). • /inline with e-Europe objective: faster and reliable Internet for researchers and students; GEANT establishment: advanced Pan-European network infrastructure connecting at Gigabit rates all European NRENs into a Next Generation Internet (NGI) for research and education Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003
URLs • cern.ch/edg; cern.ch/data-tag; cern.ch/lcg; cern.ch/egee • www.terena.nl/conferences/nato-anw2003/ • www.terena.nl/conferences/nato-anw2003/presentations.html • seeren, seegrid, nordugrid, virtual laboratories in NL, • e-science in UK, cyber-infrastructure in US, . . . Hans F Hoffmann, CERN; NEC'2003