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South St. Paul Girls’ Hockey A Tradition of Excellence!. Record 4 State Championships Record 13 State Tournament Appearances Overall Record of 422-104-15.
South St. Paul Girls’ HockeyA Tradition of Excellence! Record 4 State Championships Record 13 State Tournament Appearances Overall Record of 422-104-15 “From time to time little men will come along to find fault with what you have done ….. They will go down the stream like bubbles, they will vanish; but the work you have done will remain for the ages.” Theodore Roosevelt 26th President of the United States
SOUTH ST. PAUL GIRLS’ HOCKEY TEAM HANDBOOK • To Be A Champion… • 1. Practice like champion. • 2. Approach academics like a champion. • 3. Behave socially like a champions.
SOUTH ST. PAUL GIRLS’ HOCKEY • PERSONNEL: • Head Coach……………………Dave Palmquist – dpalmquist@sspps.org Cell – 952-220-6129 • Assistant Coach……………….. Rachel Geng - rachael.geng@gmail.com Cell- 651-230-1953 • Junior Varsity Coach……………Sean Deering – seantdeering@AOL.com Cell-651-675-9162 • Junior Varsity Coach …………………….. Torie Nygren – torieyihd@gmail.com Cell-651-245-3939 • Team Captains…………………….. Maddie DeSmith, Brigette Miller, Abby Palmquist
SOUTH ST. PAUL GIRLS’ HOCKEY LAST YEAR: • 2012-2013 Overall Record 18-9-3 • 2009-2010 Classic Suburban Record 9-1-2 (2nd place) • Kaposia Record: 2-1 (Consolation Champions) TOP RETURNING SCORERS: • Brigette Miller 24 goals + 13 assists = 37 points • Anna Barlow 7 goals + 19 assists = 26 points • Abby Palmquist 8 goals + 14 assists = 22 points • Maddie DeSmith 4 goals + 10 assists = 14 points RETURNING GOALIE: Wins/lossesSave %Goals against • Sydney Conley 18-8-1 92.7% 1.69 “Teamwork is the collective talents of many individuals, working together toward at common goal.”
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO “HOLD THE ROPE?” • TEAM FIRST – Self second • If you were mountain climbing and slipped, and all that was keeping you from plunging to your death was a rope and someone at the top of the mountain to pull you to safety, who could you trust to save your life? Who do you know that would sacrifice themselves for you, let the skin rip away from their hands as the blood dropped from the ends of their fingers? Who would not let go regardless of how fatigued they may be? • Simply put, to “HOLD THE ROPE” means that you have made a commitment to never let your teammates down… EVER. It means you will put the needs of your team before your own. This does not mean you have to play perfect hockey. It means that without fail: • You will come prepared to practice and games. • You will play with full intensity 100% of the time. • You will do the rights things to the best of your ability with the tools and skills that God has given you. • You will sacrifice yourself physically to get the job done. • You will sacrifice your own personal desire for recognition and glory by putting the goals and the desires of the team first. • When you have decided that you will do the above things without fail, your teammates will know it. Each and every one of them will then have faith in your abilities; they will have faith in you. When push comes to shove, when the going gets tough, they would entrust you with their life. You can feel it if your teammates believe you are the kind of player who will “HOLD THE ROPE”.
PHILOSOPHY • Varsity – the coaching staff will attempt to put the best possible team on the ice regardless of a player’s age or grade. We will look for athletic ability, attitude and the ability to be a team player when putting together a competitive team. If a younger player is ready to play at this level, she will play. • Junior Varsity – it is our belief that this program is a development program. We believe that every player will and should play to help their development and development of total program. Skill development will be the focal point. We will attempt to put players in positions that they can be most successful and help the team. One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team.
PARTICIPATION ON THE SOUTH ST. PAUL GIRLS’ HOCKEY TEAM • It’s a privilege, not a right. • Players must accept all responsibilities in order to be on the team. • Nobody will be accorded equal or guaranteed ice time. “Teamwork: Simply stated, it is less me and more we."
PACKER HOCKEY EXPECTATIONS GENERAL • All players, managers, and coaches will always conduct themselves in a first class manner, be encouraging of each other, and have a healthy, positive attitude. We all represent South St. Paul High School and the South St. Paul community. • Facebook, Text Messages, Tweeter, Etc. If your mom, dad, grandma and grandpa can’t read it, then its inappropriate. Any issues here will be viewed as potential for dismissal from team. • You respect the South St. Paul Girl’s Hockey Program. This means: Coaches and Staff, Team and Teammates, Community, Locker room. • All players, managers, and coaches are expected to attend and be on time to all practices, games and team activities. 5 minutes early is 5 minutes late. 3:10 practice means 3:10 not 3:11. No excuses! "Regardless of differences, we strive shoulder to shoulder... Teamwork can be summed up in five short words: 'We believe in each other.'"
PACKER HOCKEY EXPECTATIONS • All players must be at the arena by 4:30/6:00 PM on Game day. Come PREPARED!!!!! • There will be an 11:30 PM curfew on all Friday nights so designated by the coaching staff. • All players will wear warm-up gear to all team functions. • Mouth guards must be worn at all practices and games!! • There will be workouts after practices. Each player must have tennis shoes and workout clothes. "Contrary to popular belief, there most certainly is an 'I' in 'team.' It is the same 'I' that appears three times in 'responsibility.'"
PACKER HOCKEY EXPECTATIONS • All players will hustle on to the ice for practice. Once you step on to the ice you are expected to be moving and ready to practice. • All players, managers, and coaches are expected to use appropriate language in all practices, games and team activities. • All players are expected to turn cell phones off on game days, team meetings, and team functions. No cell phones around team functions!!
PACKER HOCKEY EXPECTATIONS • All players will sit as a team at all team functions. We don’t have cliques. • All players are to clean the locker room before leaving. Every day!! • All players and managers must in school by 3rd hour to practice or play in game. (Unless excused absence) For example: funeral, doctor’s appointment, etc. • All players must be in attendance at the end of the day to play in game that night. You cannot go home after 3rd hour and sleep and expect to play. • **IMPORTANT: A PARENTS NOTE SAYING YOUR ILL IS NOT EXCUSED • All equipment must be turned in at the end of season. No exceptions.
PACKER HOCKEY EXPECTATIONS If a student wants to drive home with a parent after a game/event here a three things you need to know: A permission note must be submitted in writing or via email. The note must be turned in to the Activities Office by noon on the day of the event. A note must be received for each game/event We do not except notes giving permission for the entire season. (We do this in case an emergency arises and the parent is unable to pick up the child that day…it would not be good to leave a student behind thinking “he/she never rides the bus home, so let’s go!”)
Breaking of any of these guidelines could result in: • The first offense: the athlete or manager will miss part or all of the next varsity game. The player will be in the stands in street clothes and help with statistics. • The second offense: the athlete or manager will miss the next varsity game. The player will be on the game bench in street clothes and help with the statistics. In addition, the player or manager will not return to varsity competition until after a conference with the coaching staff and parent or guardian. • The third offense: the athlete or manager will be dismissed from the hockey program for the remainder of the season. "Remember upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all."
UNAPPROVED ABSENCES AND TARDIES Definition: An unapproved absence is an absence or a tardy (more than 20 minutes late) that is not approved by the head coach or that does not result from an illness or an emergency. • The first unapproved absence: the athlete or manager will miss the next varsity game. The player will be on the game bench in street clothes and help with the statistics. • The second unapproved absence: the athlete or manager will miss the next varsity game. The player will be on the game bench in street clothes and help with the statistics. In addition, the player or manager will not return to varsity competition until after a conference with the coaching staff and a parent or guardian. • The third unapproved absence: the athlete or manager will be dismissed from the hockey program for the remainder of the season.
SQUAD SELECTION • Choosing the members of this team is the sole responsibility of the coaches. We shall provide the following information to all candidates for the team: • Extent of tryout period • Criteria used to select the squad • Number to be selected. • Practice commitment if they make the squad. • Other commitments. "None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful."
South St. Paul Packers Hockey Team Team Identity • Believes in each other, will pay the price together • Accountability • Great Defense • Disciplined • Enthusiastic and Passionate • Hard Skating, driving • Aggressive • Quick in transition • Confident • Team Tough "The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side."
COACHES GOALS • Create a highly competitive environment that stresses work ethic, accountability and discipline to the team first. • Build a trust between coaches and players and players amongst players. • Create a “Team” that will only accept its best from themselves. • Be enthusiastic about hockey and us. • Over achieve! You can always do better.
COACHES GOALS • Create a plan and systems that will fit our skills and also give a feeling of creativity. • Make our players better. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. • Be confident and positive about the team. • Get the team to believe in itself and the principles it will take to win: • Work • Team First • Enthusiastic Confidence • Conditioning • Accountability • Character • Discipline • Communication
PLAN FOR COACHES TO REACH GOALS • Take each day as a new day and a chance to teach and learn ourselves. • Accept only our best effort. Our success will come from work and execution of team play and using a player’s skills to maximum. Simple skills must be used and done correctly – skating, passing, shooting, and physical play. • Help each of our players to be leaders. Give them their role as leaders. Hold them accountable. Expect nothing but their best. Offer support and also expect support in return. Listen to concerns.
PLAN FOR COACHES TO REACH GOALS • Give each player a role that they can fill that will fit their skills and will allow that role to challenge them. • Hold players and team accountable for their actions. They must be responsible for their actions on and off the ice. • Get to know the players as people. Communicate 1-1. • Set up goal-setting plan for players and team. • Create a fun, learning environment.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ATHLETE • Put the teams’ goals, welfare, and success before your own. • Attend all practice sessions. • Be receptive to coaching. • Be responsible for all uniforms and equipment. • Represent South St. Paul well and follow the team rules. • Report all injuries to the trainer or coach. “I’ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.”
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COACH • Select the team. • Determine the style and philosophy of play. • Teach at practice sessions. • Determine who starts and amount of playing time for each player. • Establish team rules. • Establish the requirements to earn a letter. • Always make safety and the athletes’ welfare first. “My responsibility is leadership, and the minute I get negative, that is going to have an influence on my team.”
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARENTS • Be positive and supportive of your daughter. • If you do not have something nice to say, than you are probably not trying hard enough. Please always try to be supportive of our program and if you have a concern let’s talk about it. • We want only the best for your daughter. Please trust that this is our top priority. We will do everything that we can to help your daughter achieve her goals. Affirming words from moms and dads are like light switches. Speak a word of affirmation at the right moment in a child's life and it's like lighting up a whole roomful of possibilities.
DEALING WITH QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS • There is a chain of command that must be followed when addressing concerns: • 1st Step – The player must talk to the coach. • 2nd Step – Meeting between the coach, parent and player. • 3rd Step – Meeting with coaches, the athlete, parents and Activities Director. • *All questions and concerns will be dealt with only if these steps are followed and will never take place at the arena. Please schedule your appointment to meet at the high school. Don't be afraid of giving kids responsibility, be there to guide & support them, not just to do things for them – Kevin Heath
LETTERING STANDARDS A letter is something that each athlete must earn. There are three different ways to earn a letter:
LETTERING STANDARDS • If an athlete plays in at least as many periods as there are games. For example, if there are 25 games in a season a player must play in at least 25 periods to letter. In addition, the athlete or manager must successfully complete the entire season and be on the final section tournament roster. • If the varsity team qualifies for the state tournament all the players on the varsity roster will earn a letter regardless of how many periods she played. • The coaching staff reserves the right to letter any athletes that no do not meet the above two standards.
RELATIONSHIPS INVOLVED IN THE GIRL’S HOCKEY PROGRAM • Player - Coach Relationship • This is the most important relationship. • Parents can affect this relationship by criticizing the coach to their daughter. • Parents should always remember that the athlete has to return to practice the next day. • Parental coaching at home may impede the athlete’s progress.
Coach - Parent Relationship • Allow the coaches to instruct and guide team. • Do not question or confront the coaches immediately after a game. • If you want to discuss a problem with the coach, make an appointment and discuss your concern in a calm, courteous, and logical manner. • Be positive and supportive without adding undue pressure and unrealistic expectations.
MINNESOTA STATE HIGH SCHOOL RULES • You are expected to be an athlete of the highest level. Drugs and alcohol are banned substances for you by law and the State High School League. Do not make a choice that can cost you in any way. Don’t put yourself or your team in that situation. • Failure to comply shows lack of commitment to the team. Please see Student Activities Handbook. • Violations of these rules will be followed up with the penalties as they are written. • Note: Any infractions of any of these rules or regulations or those of the MSHSL by the captains of the varsity team will result in the loss of title and responsibilities.
CAPTAINS SELECTION AND AWARDS • *Each year the decision to have individual awards will be made by the coaching staff. • Team Captains will be voted on by each returning player, but selection will be at the discretion of the coaching staff. • All other awards (MVP, Hardest Worker, Most Improved, and Rookie of the Year) will be voted on by the players. • The coaches will select the Coaches Award and the Hobey Baker Award. • All players are eligible to receive the Scholar Award which goes to players who achieved a 3.5 GPA or higher. • All Conference players are chosen by the coaches in the conference. • All-State players are chosen by a committee of coaches from around the state.
COMMUNITY SERVICE • It is our goal each year to give back to the community in the way of community service. It will be an expectation to work with our youth teams. Team members will be notified as these opportunities present themselves. Small & Random acts of kindness can make the world of difference in someone’s life – Kevin Heath