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2013-14 Big “I” National Young Agents Committee. What will you take-away today? . What does the national YAC do? What opportunities are there for your young agents to be involved nationally? How do we help? Brainstorming session. . What do we do? Help YOU! .
What will you take-away today? • What does the national YAC do? • What opportunities are there for your young agents to be involved nationally? How do we help? • Brainstorming session.
What do we do? Help YOU! • Who do we connect with? Who’s in our database? • State association staff liaison • State committee chair/co-chair who’s been provided • Anyone who’s attended a YA event or been presented a scholarship in the last 3-5 years (for events and webinars only, not program updates.) • Email susan.bonner@Iiaba.net with any changes and the dates your chairs change hands. • Look to: • Emails from your regional contacts • Monthly-twice monthly emails from Big “I” national • Insurance News & Views (association section or State News) • www.independentagent.com/youngagents
What do we do? Help YOU! • Monthly YAC chat webinars, either presented by Outstanding YAC Award winners, platinum level sponsors or other valuable resource • Committee members and staff are available for virtual meetings with your leadership or committee.
Provide leadership and sales education opportunities • Plan and promote the annual Leadership Institute. • Sept. 12-13 Grand Rapids Mich. • Offer scholarships for Big “I” Legislative Conference two first-time attendee $500 scholarships per state. • April 9-11 in Washington, D.C. • Created a scholarship program the Young Agents Leadership Institute to help more first-time attendees make the national event.
Big “I” Young Agents Leadership Institute • Sept. 12-13 Grand Rapids Mich.