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Case Study#2 Amazon.com. Vali Derhami Yazd University, Computer Department vderhami@yazduni.ac.ir. خلاصه اي ازعملکرد Amazon.com. محل فعال ي ت : کشور آمريکا نوع فعال ي ت: صنعت کتاب و بعد موزيک و غذا ي حيوانات خانگ ي فرآيند گسترش :
Case Study#2Amazon.com Vali Derhami Yazd University, Computer Department vderhami@yazduni.ac.ir
خلاصه اي ازعملکردAmazon.com • محل فعاليت : کشور آمريکا • نوع فعاليت: صنعت کتاب و بعد موزيک و غذاي حيوانات خانگي • فرآيند گسترش: • 1994 :تأسيس توسطBezos ، او براي تحقق ارايه 1.5 ميليون عنوان کتاب با درک محدوديت هاي فروشگاه هاي فيزيکي.تصميم تجاري خود را براي راه اندازي کتابفروشي الکترونيکي گرفت. ( بزرگترين فروشگاه جهان 175000 عنوان کتاب دارد). • اجاره يک خانه در حومه شهر Seattle در واشنگتن • دلايل انتخاب شهر: • وجود تعداد زياد نوابغ • نزديکي به تعداد زيادي از ناشران بزرگ • فرهنگ برنامه نويسي عالي
خلاصه اي ازعملکردAmazon.com • July 1995 : راه اندازي وب سايت، تمام عمليات ها همچنان در گاراژ مستقر بود. • 6 هفته بعد ، رشد سريع تجارت و انبار جديدي به مساحت 2000 ft2 • شش ماه بعد مکان جديدي به مساحت 17000 ft2 • با گردش مالي اولين سال به ميزان 5 ميليون دلار، درآمدش با توزيع کننده بزرگي مانند Barnes & Noble قابل مقايسه شد. • 1998: 2/6 ميليون مشتري. • در حال حاضر آمازون رشدي بين 20 تا 30 درصد در ماه دارد. • امروزه آمازون، بيش از 7/4 ميليون عنوان کتاب، موزيک، ويديو و بازي هاي کامپيوتري ارايه مي دهد و بيش از 30 ميليون مشتري دارد. • 6 وب سايت اصلي در کشورهاي امريکا، کانادا، فرانسه، انگليس، آلمان و ژاپن دارد.
Financial Analysis of Amazon.com • Amazon.com has grown from a book seller to a virtual Wal-Mart of the Web, selling products as diverse as CDs, cookware, toys and games, and tools and hardware. • Sales: • First seven years: $0 => $3.2B • 2002-2003: $3.93B => 5.26B • 2004: revenues of $6.9 billion (growth of 31.5 from 2003 to 2004) • The interest expenses have risen from $326,000 in 1997 to $139 million in 2001. • Sales from books, music, and videos have leveled off though they remain a very profitable segment. • Sales from electronics, tools, and kitchen accessories are growing rapidly but are not very profitable.
Acquisitions: Bookpages (April 1998, Amazon.co.uk) Telebuch (Telebook) Inc. (April 1998, Amazon.co.de) Paid $200M to acquire e-Niche, Inc., Music Find, Accept.com, and Alexia Internet Company (1999) Introduced zShops; Amazon.com’s online mall (1999) Partnerships: Bought 46% of Drugstore.com (1999) Bought 50% of Pets.com (1999) Gained a 1.7% stake in Sotheby’s Holdings and formed a joint online auction site (1999, sothebys.amazon.com) Bought 35% of Homegrocer.com (1999) Bought 49% of Gear.com (1999) Offered a co-branded credit card with Nextcard (1999) Annouched plans to open a Target store at www.amazon.com (2001) Others partnered with: BabiesRUS, ToysRUS, and Borders Group (2001) Acquisitions/Partnerships
Historical Product Introduction and Geographical Diversification
Direct Competitors Comparison (2006) AMZN = Amazon Inc. BKS = Barnes & Noble Inc. EBAY = eBay Inc. Industry = Internet Software & Services (Source: http://finance.yahoo.com)
Amazon website • Browsing • zShops–Amazon’s online mall initiative. “zShops offer hundreds of thousands of new, used, and hard-to-find products from specialty retailers, smallbusinesses, and individuals--things like buffalo steaks, office furniture, used books, maternity clothes, golf clubs, second-hand CDs and videos, car parts, and time-share accommodations at resorts.” • Alexa–A browser add-in that gives Amazon real estate on the desktop (and hence first consideration for a consumer’s eCommerce transactions). There are currently three to four million Alexa clients. • Searching: • Junglee–A price comparison robot that crawls to several million sites seeking out the best price forconsumers.
Amazon website • Reviews and Content • One- click Ordering • Recommendation and personalization • Gift Recommendation Center • Virtual Community • Electronic Auction • “Amazon Anywhere”wireless devices – Devices that would enable consumers to have access to Amazon anywhere they want to make a purchase. An example is the Palm Pilot VII bar code scanner that would enable consumers to price compare while they are out shopping.
Amazon.com vs Barnes & Noble: The Battle of the Bookstores رمز موفقيت: پايداري در بازار “ما براي دوي سرعت اينجا نيستيم بلکه براي ماراتن آمده ايم.” Jeff Bezos