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This study examines the mediating role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in the relationship between Organizational Environment (OE) and Innovative Organizational Deviance (IOWD). It explores the concept of OCB, OE, and IOWD and presents hypotheses, methodology, and results of data analysis.
“The Mediating Role Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior In The Association Between Organizational Environment And Innovative Organizational Deviance” Dhruv Shankar Dutta K. Muthukumar, Dr. S. Riasudeen Department of Management Studies Pondicherry University
The previous studies were mainly focusing on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB), Organizational Environment (OE) or Innovative Work place deviance (IWOD)separately or with any of these two aspects. • This study intend to include Organizational environment and Innovative work place deviance by taking into account the mediating role of organizational citizenship behaviours (OCB), a pro-social behaviour (Dovidio, J.F., Piliavin)
Contents…. • Introduction & Literature Review of Variable • Conceptual Model & Hypotheses • Methodology • Results of Data Analysis • Discussion, Implications & Limitations • Limitations & Future Research
The term "citizenship" has been coined by Katz and Kahn (1966) to represent the employees who expose the extra-role behaviors in organizations. • Exploring the concept of OCBs has become more admired since the work of the Organ (1988), who initially visualized OCBs as the non-obligatory behaviors that are displayed by a person and not officially acknowledged by the organizational scheme.
Definition of Variables • OCB: Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB), is a behaviour that goes beyond the basic requirements of the job which benefits the organization and co-workers. This behaviour is not recognized by an organization’s or institution’s official reward system but that is usually favourable to the function of managerial or organizational efficiency (Organ) (Podsakoff, MacKenzie) (Paine, & Bacharach)
ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENT: • The organizational environment has been considered as a type of working environment in which the individuals’ feels motivated or dissatisfies. • Luthans (1998) defined Organizational environment as “an overall ‘feelings’ that is conveyed by the psychical layout, the way participants interact, and the way members of organization conduct themselves with the customer or the outsider”.
INNOVATIVE ORGANIZATIONAL DEVIANCE Innovative Organizational Work Deviance (IOWD) has been defined as an intentional behavior that breaches the significant organizational norms, but commits to the well-being of an organization and its members (Spreitzer and Sonenshein 2003; Warren 2003). To be more precise Innovative Organizational Work Deviance (IOWD) considered as a voluntary behavior in unconventional ways which enforces innovativeness to execute daily events and establishing creative solutions to organizational problems.
Literature Reviews • There is a strong association between Organizational Environment (OE) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) (Choi 2007; McLean, 2005). • There is a relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and Innovative Organizational Work Deviance (IOWD) (Patrick and Kibeom, 2004; Lee & Allen, 2002). • There are number of interrelationships between the type of deviance and the environment identified by the organization (i.e.) Organizational Environment (Peterson 2002)
HYPOTHESES • H1: Organizational Environment (OE) will be significantly and positively related to OCB • H2: Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) ) will be significantly and positively related to Innovative Work Deviance (IOWD). • H3: Organizational Environment (OE) will be significantly and positively relate to Innovative Work Deviance (IOWD). • H4: OCB will mediate the relationship between Organizational Environment (OE) and Innovative Work Deviance (IOWD).
METHDOLOGY • This study was carried out among the 110 scientists, engaged in research and development activities at four research organizations. • Average age of respondent =33yrs, Male =52.7%, Female =47.3%., Likert Five Point scale used for measures. • Organizational Environment was measured by 6 items scale developed by Fukui S, et.al (2004) • OCB was measured by 10 items scale developed by Organ (1988). • Innovative Organizational Work Deviance (IOWD was measured by using 18 items scale developed by Bella L. Galperin (2002) • The overall reliability of the measures used is assured by Cronbach’s alpha, α=0.75 • Data analysis through LISREL 8.72 software (Maximum Likely hood technique)
Fig.3: Structural Equation Modeling path coefficients model-I
Fig.4: Structural Equation Modeling path coefficients model-II
The examination on measurement model-Iconfers good fit to the data: Chi-square(186)=302.68,p<0.001;Goodness of Fit Index(GFI) =0.89; Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI)=0.87; Root Mean Squared Error of Approximation (RMSEA) =0.076,Comparative Fit Index (CFI)=0.90, Non Normed Fit Index (NNFI)=0.89 Model-II: χ2(186)=302.65,p<0.001;Goodness of Fit Index(GFI)=0.89, Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI)=0.87, Root Mean Squared Error of Approximation (RMSEA)=0.076 ,Comparative Fit Index (CFI)=0.90, Non Normed Fit Index (NNFI)=0.89
The results shows the path coefficient of “OE” with “OCB” significant and positive (R2=0.342; Sign. level 0.01; t=0.00) Thus the hypothesis one (H1) is verified. • The hypothesis two (H2) supported as the path coefficient of “OCB” is positive and significant with “IOWD” (R2=0.514; Sign.0.01 level; t=0.00) Hence (H2) is accepted. • The relationship between the “OE” and “IOWD” is Positive and significantly related (R2=0.224; Sign. level 0.05; t=0.019) Hence it also supports the hypotheses three (H3). • To test the hypothesis H4 we have compared the two alternative models by using structural equation modeling to find the best fit model. • SEM verify the H4, i.e. OCB is optimistically and significantly mediating to the Organizational Environment (OE) and Innovative Organizational Work Deviance (IOWD).
Discussion and Implications • The positive and significant correlation between OE and OCB shows that the organizational environment plays an important role in promotion of organizational citizenship behavior. • The mediating role of OCB between OE and IWOD proves the need for learning the positive aspects of behaviors by employee of having a liberal organizational environment in order to achieve the productive results. • The study helps to grow the literature & understanding about the Organizational Environment (OE) and its association with Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and Innovative Organizational Work Deviance (IOWD). • The employees working in research environment have often shown the tendency of less attachment with the outside world. Therefore a supportive Organizational Environment for such people is always a prerequisite for successful innovation
Limitations & future research • Influence of mood due to stretched work load may affect the response. • The data are based on one-time study; therefore a strong need for longitudinal research with inclusion of other related variables to establish the directional relationship among constructs are required. • Inter- dimensional studies among variables. • Possibilities to take such study to other sectors.