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Questions about the connection between the EMC effect and Short-Range Correlations. John Arrington Argonne National Lab. ECT* Workshop on Exposing Novel Quark and Gluon Effects in Nuclei April 16-20, 2018. Nucleus as a dilute systems. The nucleus is often described as a dilute system:
Questions about the connection between the EMC effect and Short-Range Correlations John Arrington Argonne National Lab ECT* Workshop on Exposing Novel Quark and Gluon Effects in Nuclei April 16-20, 2018
Nucleus as a dilute systems The nucleus is often described as a dilute system: Nucleon radius much smaller than average nucleon separation in nuclei Nucleus = protons + neutrons + small binding (to very (to a very good approximation) “[The strong] force makes the nucleus a fairly dilute system and allowed calculations that treated the nucleus as a collection of hard objects in a mean field to describe many of the properties of nuclear matter.” - D. Higinbotham, E. Piasetzky and M. Strikman [DNP webpage, adapted from CERN Courier article]
Nuclei as dense systems • Picture the proton as a hard sphere: R=1.15 fm (RMS=0.85 fm) density=0.16 fm-3 • Cubic packing of hard spheres 50% empty space • Ideal packing of hard sphere 25% empty space • To obtain densities of nuclei, can’t have ANY empty space • Can internal structure be unchanged??
What did JLab do at 6 GeV? • New focus for EMC effect: light nuclei • A dependence for A≤12 clearly demonstrate role of nuclear structure • New techniques/observables: • Polarization transfer measurements of ‘In-medium form factors’ • Tagged measurements in the deuteron • Low-momentum spectators: free neutron – BoNUS • High-momentum spectators: off-shell effect – D(e,e’ps) • New direction: SRC studies • A dependence • Isospin structure
EMC effect at JLab 12C E03-103 (Hall C) J.Seely, et al., PRL103, 202301 (2009) 3He 9Be 4He
1-slide detour: Comparing nuclei (to each other) • Isoscalar corrections typically applied to (largely) remove F2n-F2p difference when trying to isolate “nuclear effects” on F2 • Different F2n/F2p values used, AND it can be applied in slightly different ways • Full JLab EMC results (light and heavy nuclei): Applying isoscalar correction to denominator (deuteron) using F2n/F2p in the deuteron - should be better • Still not perfect: even if the PHYSICS of the EMC effect is same for protons&neutrons the impact of smearing, off-shell effects, etc…, will differ because F2n ≠ F2p • Important for precise comparisons of nuclei (e.g. 3H and 3He, 40,48Ca) • Shouldn’t be an issue when comparing to models (if corrections clear/understood) 3He
A-dependence of EMC effect J.Seely, et al., PRL103, 202301 (2009) Density determined from ab initio few-body calculation S.C. Pieper and R.B. Wiringa, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci 51, 53 (2001) Smooth behavior as density increases, except for 9Be Details of the nuclear structure matter! 9Be has low average density, but large component of structure is 2a+n Most nucleons in tight, a-like configurations K. Arai, et al., PRC54, 132 (1996)
Short-range correlations Mean-field region: collective behavior, strongly A-dependent High-momentum region: short-range interactions, mainly 2-body physics, largely A-independent Small N-N separation High-density Configurations (EMC effect?) Large momenta (SRCs) CioffiDegliAtti, et al, PRC53, 1689 (1996)
SRC evidence: A/D ratios JLab E02-019 N. Fomin, et al., PRL108 (2012) 092052 QE Ratio of cross section (per nucleon) shows plateau above x ≈1.4, as expected if high-momentum tails dominated by 2N-SRCs
Dominance of the tensor force R. Subedi et al, Science 320, 1476(2008) Observed ~10:1 ratio of np to pp pairs implies ~20:1 in nuclei (can detect either proton in experiment) Previous assumption of isospin independence is totally wrong pp np 20:1 dominance includes impact of having more potential np pairs than pp pairs (observe 10:1) Newer 4He data: 4np pairs, 1 pp possible. With 2 protons in pp, experiment is twice as sensitive to np pairs for isospin-independent SRC. Isospin-independent SRC predicts pp/np=50% Observe 10-20% pp/np; so isospin-dependent NN potential gives factor 3-5, not factor 10 or 20 2-body tensor force leads to dominance of T=0 pairs R. Schiavilla, R. Wiringa, S. Pieper and J. Carlson, PRL98, 132501 (2007)
Question about Final-State Interactions (FSIs) • 2N knockout shows nearly all high-Pm events have fast backward spectator • Plane wave indistinguishable from FSI • What about FSI? • For A(e,e’p), expect to measure mainly low-p nucleons rescattered to high Pm in most kinematics • 2-nucleon knockout measurements chose kinematics (e.g. x>1) to suppress FSI • A(e,e’p) data is still FSI dominated at high Pm. Observed np dominance suggests FSI occur only within SRC, or that FSI in tensor correlation momentum region generate np dominance. • Calculations suggest that FSI occur between nucleons close together [SRCs??] • We can have two low-p nucleons close together (short-range configuration), meaning that if FSI depends on separation, it should enhance pp and np pairs as well • Do these FSI contributions depend on having high-momentum (highly off-shell) nucleons??
Comparing EMC effect and SRCs in light nuclei J.Seely, et al., PRL103, 202301 (2009) JLab E03-103 • JA and D. Gaskell, spokespersons • EMC effect in light nuclei JLab E02-019 • JA, D. Day, B. Filippone, A. Lung • Probe high-momentum nucleons • Study short-distance (high-density) structures in nuclei N. Fomin, et al., PRL108 (2012) 092052
EMC-SRC correlation SRCs are both short-distance and high-momentum components Which matters for EMC effect?? (or does neither matter?) J. Seely, et al., PRL103, 202301 (2009) N. Fomin, et al., PRL 108, 092052 (2012) L. Weinstein, et al., PRL 106, 052301 (2011) O. Hen, et al, PRC 85, 047301 (2012) JA, A. Daniel, D. Day, N. Fomin, D. Gaskell, P. Solvignon, PRC 86, 065204 (2012)
Short-distance behavior and the EMC effect • EMC effect driven by average density of the nucleons • [J. Gomez, et al., PRD 94, 4348 (1994), Frankfurt and Strikman, Phys. Rept. 160 (1988) 235] If EMC effect and SRC contributions both scaled with density, it would explain the EMC-SRC correlation It would not explain the anomalous result for 9Be
Short-distance behavior and the EMC effect • EMC effect, SRCs driven by average density of the nucleus • [J. Gomez, et al., PRD 94, 4348 (1994), Frankfurt and Strikman, Phys. Rept. 160 (1988) 235] • 2. EMC effect is driven by Local Density (LD) • [J. Seely et al., PRL 103, 202301, 2009] • SRCs generated by interactions in short-distance (high-density) np pairs • EMC effect driven by high-density nucleon configurations (pairs, clusters) • 3. EMC effect driven by HighVirtuality (HV)of the nucleons [L. Weinstein et al, PRL 106, 052301,2011] • SRC measurements directly probe high-momentum nucleons • EMC effect driven by off-shell effects in high-momentum nucleons
Short distance (“local density”) vs high-momentum (“high-virtuality”) pictures High-Virtuality (HV) picture of the EMC effect • Effect strongly dominated by np pairs • Nuclear structure generates SRCs • SRCs cause the EMC effect Local density (LD) picture • All NN pairs contribute • Contribution from np pairs is larger than pp+nn by factor ~2 • Nuclear structure (high density) causes EMC effect and SRCs High-momentum pairs (SRCs) come mainly from isosinglet (np) pairs • More np SRCs than pp+nn by about a factor of 10 [2N-knockout measurements, assuming nn same as pp] Can (and do) have short-distanceconfigurations with pp, np, and nn • More np than pp+nnpairs a ~1fm, by about a factor of 2 [From Carbon 2-body densities from Wiringa, Pieper, et al.]
Isospin structure of short-distance configurations QMC calculation of 2-body densities for pp and np pairs Dominant effect is trivial pair counting (36 np pairs vs 15 pp) After correction for that, ratio of np/pp pairs is nearly one at large distances, up by factor of ~2 at large distances Only slight np dominance when looking at short-distance
Two Hypotheses for EMC-SRC correlation HV:OK linear correlation (χv2=1.26) Fair extrapolation to deuteron: EMC(2H) = -0.058 ± 0.036 # of nucleons at high momentum (relative to 2H) High Virtuality o • LD: Good linear correlation (χv2=0.64) • Good extrapolation to deuteron: • EMC(2H) = -0.012 ± 0.033 Local Density o # of nucleons in small-sized configurations JA, A. Daniel, D. Day, N. Fomin, D. Gaskell, P. Solvignon, PRC 86 (2012) 065204 LD picture: Estimate #/NN pairs based on measured np (SRC) pairs. Better fit, but not conclusive. Want more light nuclei, better precision, larger N/Z range
Unpolarized EMC measurements: JLab@12 GeV 1H 2H 3He 4He 40Ca 48Ca Cu Au 6,7Li 9Be 10,11B 12C 3H 3He SRCs at x>1 at 12 GeV [E06-105: JA, D. Day, N. Fomin, P. Solvignon] EMC effect at 12 GeV [E10-008: JA, A. Daniel, D. Gaskell] 3H, 3He DIS: EMC effect and d(x)/u(x) SRC Isospin dependence: 3H vs 3He Proton/neutron n(k) from 3H/3He(e,e’p) Charge radius difference: 3He - 3H Hall A 3H, 3He program: 4 (5?) experiments currently taking data
Flavor dependence: going beyond 40Ca – 48Ca We have added additional heavier nuclei • Vary N/Z for approximately fixed mass • Vary mass for approximately fixed N/Z Start trying to disentangle A dependence and N/Z dependence
A major caveat… Discussions of the EMC-SRC correlation frequently assume a single origin of the EMC effect, e.g. local density or high virtuality as THE source. But other explanations (or combinations) can still yield a correlation between EMC and SRCs.Used to assume that EMC effect and SRCs scaled with average density. The observed correlation was expected, until 9Be data showed different results for EMC and SRC.In the rest frame convolution formalism, the ‘binding’ contribution to the EMC effect scales with average removal energy, which is dominated by the high-momentum contribution associated with SRCs.In Kulagin & Petti calculations, binding explains half of the EMC effect, but the effect is correlated with the presence of SRCs. Will yield EMC-SRC correlation if the remaining portion has similar nuclear dependence as SRCs.In calculations by Cloet/Bentz/Thomas the EMC effect arises from the scalar, vector, and isovector-vector mean-fields. No connection to SRCs, but EMC effect generally increases with mean-field density, and denser nuclei will generate more SRCs. JA, et al, PRC 86 (2012) 065204 O. Benhar and I Sick, arXiv:1207.4595 S. Kulagin and R. Petti, Nucl. Phys. A765 (2006) 126 I.C.Cloet, W.Bentz, and A.W.Thomas, PRL 102 (2009) 252301 I.C.Cloet, W.Bentz, and A.W.Thomas, PRL 109 (2012) 182301
Spin-dependent EMC effect and SRCs • Proton spin up and down nearly identical at low momentum; neutron very different. So at low-k (and on average) the neutron carries the spin • At high momentum, much smaller differences between spin up for neutron (and larger differences for the proton) • If the EMC effect came entirely from high-virtuality nucleons, one would expect a small spin EMC effect, as the region of large modification has almost no polarization. Not trivially obvious what this would predict for the measure ratio • A ‘tagged’ spin EMC effect would show a large difference compared to a free polarized neutron, coming from the k-dependent polarization of the proton, neutron. Not clear that one could learn more. IF unpolarized measurements showed large effect at k>2 fm-1, then spin could, potentially, add important information
Flavor/Isospin dependence of the EMC effect? • Generally assumed that EMC effect is identical for proton and neutron • Becoming hard to believe, at least for non-isoscalar nuclei • Recent calculations show difference for u-, d-quark, as result of scalar and vector mean-field potentials in asymmetric nuclear matter [I. Cloet, et al, PRL 109, 182301 (2012); PRL 102, 252301 (2009)] • EMC-SRC correlation + n-p dominance of SRCs suggests enhanced EMC effect in minority nucleons • In 3H, np-dominance suggests single proton generates same high-momentum component as two neutrons –> larger proton EMC effect in ‘high-virtuality’ picture • 48Ca, 208Pb expected to have significant neutron skin: neutrons preferentially sit near the surface, in low density regions All of these imply increased EMC effect in minority nucleons
R. Wiringa, R. Schiavilla, S. Pieper, and J. Carlson, Phys. Rev. C89 (2014) 024305 Estimates from Quantum Monte Carlo • Provides ab initio calculations of several important quantities up to A=12 • n(k): Fraction of high-momentum nucleons, ave.kinetic energy of nucleons • Density distributions: Average density of nucleus • Two-body densities: Average ‘overlap’ (local density)of nn, pn, pp pairs • Predict A-dependence of unpolarized EMC effect [JLab E12-10-008] • Cross section weighted average of proton and neutrons • Can calculate each of these for protons and neutron separately • Isospin/flavor dependence as function of fractional neutron excess: (N-Z)/A
A-dependence of unpolarized EMC effect 4 simple models of EMC scaling: Fraction of n(k) above 300 MeV Average Kinetic Energy Average Density Nucleon Overlap (r12 < 1 fm) Fixed normalizations for 2H for 12C Preliminary 3H 3He A-dependence of light nuclei already excludes average density High-momentum tail has small, systematic difference for most nuclei
Isospin dependence vs fractional neutron excess 4 simple models of EMC scaling: Fraction of n(k) above 300 MeV Average Kinetic Energy Average Density Nucleon Overlap (r12 < 1 fm) EMC effect isospin asymmetry: (neutron-proton)/average Cloet estimates (9Be, 48Ca): scaled from nuclear matter 48Ca 9Be Cloet, et al. Preliminary • Can be probed directly in parity-violating electron scattering • 48Ca measurements proposed at JLab • - Need detailed structure calculations for 48Ca • Light nuclei (e.g. 9Be) may also have good sensitivity; help disentangle effects
New directions for JLab@12 GeV Slide and list of related talks from https://www.jlab.org/indico/event/121 “Next generation nuclear physics with JLab12 and EIC” • Deuteron as a variable-density nucleus • Nucleon pdfs as function of initial momentum in deuteron[S. Kuhn, D. Higinbotham] • Measure spectator proton to tag initial neutron momentum or vice-versa [“Deeps”, “BoNUS”] • Nucleon form factors as function of initial momentum in deuteron • Reconstruct initial momentum in d(e,e’p) • Inclusive: quark structure of SRCs [D. Day, A. Freese] • Kinematics (x>1) isolates SRC, high-Q2 probes pdfs • Spin dependence of EMC [I. Cloet] • Further EMC, SRC studies [E. Piasetzky, E. Cohen, N. Fomin, D. Higinbotham,…] • Additional light nuclei, 3H and 3He, etc… • Flavor/isospin dependence of EMC effect • EIC…. • Further measurements with tagging [K. Park] • Push Q2 for high-x studies [A. Freese] • Nuclear effects in glue (the dominant low-x, large-distance component)
In-Medium Nucleon Form Factors [E12-11-002: E. Brash, G. M. Huber, R. Ransom, S. Strauch] • Compare proton knock-out from dense and thin nuclei: 4He(e,e′p)3Hand 2H(e,e′p)n • Modern, rigorous 2H(e,e’p)ncalculations show reaction-dynamics effects and FSI will change the ratio at most 8% • QMC model predicts 30% deviation from free nucleon at large virtuality ? S. Jeschonnek and J.W. Van Orden, Phys. Rev. C 81, 014008 (2010) andPhys. Rev. C 78, 014007 (2008); M.M. Sargsian, Phys. Rev. C82, 014612 (2010)
In-Medium Nucleon Structure Functions [E12-11-107: O. Hen, L.B. Weinstein, S. Gilad, S.A. Wood] • DIS scattering from nucleon in deuterium • Tag high-momentum struck nucleons by detecting backward “spectator” nucleon in Large-Angle Detector • d(e,e’n) with reduced (~50%) statistics R ~ F2tagged/F2untagged Projected uncertainties
In Medium Proton Structure Functions, SRC, and the EMC effect: E12-11-003A • Tagged structure functions in CLAS. Main measurement very similar to Hall C experiment, with similar precision but lower Q2. • CLAS kinematic reach allows additional studies in region of large FSI
Final digression… These four ‘tagged’ measurements often present results in terms of the struck nucleon momentum or virtuality, and compare to models based on virtuality/off-shell effects. Correlation between large momenta and short distances means that a momentum-independent effect (e.g. driven by nucleon overlap) could show a virtuality dependence A mean field effect (which could still be correlated with SRCs) might give results that are independent of momentum/virtuality High-momentum nucleons related to short-range interactions Small N-N separation High-density Configurations (EMC effect?) Large momenta (SRCs)
Conclusions • EMC-SRC has inspired new ideas and models for explaining EMC effect, but the data are limited • N/Z and A correlated in heavy nuclei; can’t separate mass and isospin dependence • Measurement of the correlation isn’t terribly precise • “The linearity of the EMC-SRC correlation, regardless of the exact corrections considered, is a clear indication of the robustness of the EMC-SRC correlation.” – O.Hen, et al., 2012 PRC • Discussion dominated by “single explanation” • “High Virtuality” pictures often compare only to virtuality-based models • Connection between short-distances and high-momentum mean it’s not so clean to test virtuality vs density pictures • We *know* that a full explanation requires more than one • New nuclei, tagged EMC measurements, spin- and flavor-dependent measurements, etc… will provide important tests/constraints • “Easy” to motivate new experiments based on simple pictures/questions about the origin of the EMC effect • Need more detailed/complete calculations to take full advantage of the new data