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Electronic Payment Systems 20-763 Lecture 5 Epayment Security I. Cryptography. Message digest (hash) algorithms Secure Hash Algorithm Defending against attacks Salting, nonces Symmetric encryption DES and variations AES: Rijndael Public-key algorithms RSA. One-Way Hash Functions.
Electronic Payment Systems20-763Lecture 5Epayment Security I
Cryptography • Message digest (hash) algorithms • Secure Hash Algorithm • Defending against attacks • Salting, nonces • Symmetric encryption • DES and variations • AES: Rijndael • Public-key algorithms • RSA
One-Way Hash Functions • For any input x, H(x), the hash of x, is of fixed length (shorter than x), sometimes called a message digest • Easy to compute • Computationally difficult to invert: can’t find a message corresponding to a hash • Diffusion property: Altering any bit of the message changes many bits of the hash • Weakly collision-free: given x, can’t find another message y with H(y) = H(x) • Strongly collision-free: can’t find any two messages with the same hash
Uses of One-Way Hash Functions • Message authentication (message digests) • Password verification • Prevention of replay attack • Digital signatures
Message Digest • A message digest is a “fingerprint” of a message • Much shorter than the original message (e.g. 160 bits) • Easy to compute • Can’t recover the message from the digest • Changing the message changes the digest MESSAGE (VERY LONG) DIGEST CAN BE USED TO VERIFY THAT THE MESSAGE HAS NOT BEEN ALTERED DIGEST
Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-1 • Federal Information Processing Standard 180-1 (NIST) • For any message shorter than 264 1019bits, produces a 160-bit message digest • Uses exclusive-OR operation A = 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 B = 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 A B = 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 • Exclusive-OR islossy; knowing A B does not reveal even one bit of either A or B • Regular OR: If a bit of A B is zero, then both corresponding bits of both A and B were zero
Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-1 • Pad M so it is a multiple of 512 bits long • Process M in blocks of 512 bits (16 32-bit words):W(0) . . . W(15) • Expand 16-word block to 80 words for j = 16..79 byW(j) = W(j-3) W(j-8) W(j-14) W(j-16) • Perform 4 rounds of 20 operations each using these functions ft(X,Y,Z) on three words at a time:Rounds 0-19 (X Y) (Z X)Rounds 20-39 X Y ZRounds 40-59 (X Y) (X Z) (Y Z) Rounds 60-79 X Y Z
Single Step of SHA-1 80 WORDS INPUT HERE, 1 EACH STEP MAGIC CONSTANTS Operates on 16-word (512-bit) blocks Expands 16 words to 80 words Wt Performs 80 operations as shown for t = 0..79 a, b, c, d, e are special constants Kt are special constants + + + + REVISED CONSTANTS FOR NEXT STEP INITIALLY CONSTANTS “<<< 5” means “cyclic left shift 5 bits” SOURCE: SCHNEIER, APPLIED CRYPTOGRAPHY
Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-1 INITIALIZE “MAGIC” HEX CONSTANTS (8 HEX DIGITS = 32 BITS): A=67452301; B=efcdab89; C=98badcfe; D=10325476; E=c3d2e1f0; K0-19=5a827999; K20-39=6ed9eba1; K40-59=8f1bbdcd; K60-79=ca62c1d6; PROCESS THE MESSAGE IN 512-BIT BLOCKS: For each block B of 16 words in message M Expand B to 80 wordsFor t = 0 to 79 MIX UP PARTS OF THE 80 WORDS:TEMP = (a <<< 5) + ft(b,c,d) + e + W(t) + Kt e = d; d = c; c = b <<< 30; b = a; a = TEMP; ADD RESULTS TO OUTPUT FROM PREVIOUS BLOCK:A = A+a; B = B+b; C = C+c; D= D+d; E = E+e; FINALDIGEST IS CONCATENATION OF PARTIAL DIGESTS: H(M) = A | B | C | D | E (5 words = 160 bits)
Birthday Attack • Dave’s birthday is Aug. 27. How many people must be in a room for the probability to be > 1/2 that someone else was born on Aug. 27? • Probability that 1 person was not born on Aug. 27 =364/365. • Probability that n people were not born on Aug. 27 is p(n) = (364/365)n. Now choose n so that p(n) < 0.5 • log p(n) < n log (364/635) • n > log(1/2)/log(364/365) 253 • If n = 183 (half of 366), p(n) = 0.6053. Less then 40% chance that someone else has same birthday
Birthday Probabilities • Suppose a year has d days. How many people must be in a room for the probability to be > 1/2 that some pair of people have the same birthday? • Label the people 1 … n • Probability that person i has no birthday in common with people 1 … i -1 is (d - i + 1)/d, so • If d = 365 and n = 23, p(n) 0.4927 • If d = 365 and n = 50, p(n) 0.0296 • For large d, taking n 1.17 gives p(n) > 1/2
Attacking Hash Algorithms • If two strings M and M* can be found such thatH(M) = H(M*) then a hash algorithm can be compromised • Let M = PO for $100; M* = PO for $100,000 • John digitally signs H(M), so it can’t be altered! • If H(M*) = H(M) then we can “prove” in court that John signed the $100,000 PO • Birthday attack: If the hash length is b bits, then d = 2b ;= 2b/2 • Try about 2b/2 small variations of the message. Prob.~ 50% we will find one that hashes to the same value • If the digest is 64 bits, try 232 variations. Possible!
Storing Passwords • A system must be able to verify that a password is correct • Store the plaintext passwords. TERRIBLE IDEA • Store hashed passwords. BAD IDEA • Passwords come from a small universe (~50,000 words). Possible to compare all possible hashes against the hashed file to discover passwords • Hash each password differently. NOT SO BAD • Defends against dictionary attack • Want to be sure that two people who have the same password have different hashes, so compromise of one password does not reveal others • Don’t store H(P), the hash of the password • Store H(P + S), where S, called salt, is different for each user
Salting Example • A’s password is “13524”; B’s password is “13524” • A’s salt is “ABC”; B’s salt is “DEF” • The hash of A’s salted password is “1663az78fz” • System stores “A, ABC, 1663az78fz” • The hash of B’s salted password is “v134c27a8” • System stores “B, DEF, v134c27a8” • A logs on. Sends user “A”, password “13524” • System looks up A’s salt, hashes salted password, compares with stored salted password • Someone who discovers A’s salted password can’t use it • Can’t tell that A and B have the same password
Nonce • Time-dependent value used in challenge-response protocols to prevent replay attack • Random numbers, timestamps • System sends a nonce, e.g. “1992884665” • User sends a hash of username|password|nonce • System computes what the hash should be, verifies user • Replay fails since the nonce will be different when the attacker tries to gain access • Nonce: “for the nonce” means “for the time being,” “just for now”
Data Encryption Standard (DES) • Symmetric, key-based encryption-decryption standard. No public keys • Block cipher: operates on 64-bit blocks • Uses 56-bit key • 16 “rounds” -- key for each round is a 48-bit function of the original 56-bit key. Each key bit participates in an average of 14 rounds • Reversible (if the keys are known) • Fast implementation in hardware: 1 gigabit/second
Encryption “Rounds” Key K Key Expansion KE Round Keys k1 k2 k3 kn-2 kn-1 kn X r1 r2 r3 rn-2 rn-1 rn Y Encryption Rounds r1 … rn • Key K is expanded to a set of n round keyski • Input block X undergoes n rounds of operations (each operation is based on value of the nth round key), until it reaches the final round rn • Strength of algorithm: difficulty of going backwards from the intermediate result of round m+1 to round m without knowing the round key rm. SOURCE: MEL TSAI
Modes of DES Use • ECB - Electronic Codebook Mode • Straight DES. Independent groups of 64 bit. Weakness: same 64 bits always encrypts to the same ciphertext • CFB - Cipher Feedback Mode • XOR next plaintext block before encrypting • CBC - Cipher Block Chaining • encrypt previous output block, XOR with plaintext • OFB - Output Feedback Mode • XOR encrypted plaintext with next plaintext block • 3DES - Triple DES • Encrypt with K1, decrypt with K2, encrypt with K1 • Windows NT uses DES, DES-CBC and 3DES
PLAINTEXT BLOCK 2 PLAINTEXT BLOCK 1 INITIALIZATION STRING etc. DES DES CIPHERTEXT BLOCK 2 CIPHERTEXT BLOCK 1 Cipher Block Chaining Example • In ECB mode, the same input text always produces the same output. This creates risk of partial decryption.
Triple DES • Security can be increased by encrypting multiple times with different keys • Double DES is not much more secure than single DES because of a “meet-in-the-middle” attack • If K1 = K2 = K3 this is just single DES K1 K2 K3 DES ENCRYPT DES DECRYPT DES ENCRYPT CIPHERTEXTBLOCK 1 PLAINTEXTBLOCK 1
AES, the DES Replacement • AES = Advanced Encryption Standard • DES has weaknesses: • slow (by modern standards) • weak (can be broken by fast computers) • NIST ran a competition to replace DES • Winner: Rijndael, invented by Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daeman • No patenting allowed • Round block cipher of similar structure to DES but faster, more secure
Rijndael • Allows 128, 192, and 256-bit key sizes • Variable block length: 128, 192, or 256 bits. All nine combinations of key/block length possible. • A block is the smallest data size the algorithm will encrypt • Huge speed improvement over DES in both hardware and software implementations • Software: 8416 bytes/sec on a 20MHz 8051 • Software: 53 Mbytes/sec on a 800MHz Pentium • Hardware: currently up to 25 Gbps • Each input block is treated as a matrix of bits (rows and columns)
Rijndael kn ByteSub ShiftRow MixColumn AddRoundKey Result from round n-1 Pass to round n+1 Detailed view of round n • Each round consists of: • ByteSub: each 8 bits of input is replaced with a different 8 bits • ShiftRow: each row of the block matrix is cyclically shifted • MixColumn • AddRoundKey SOURCE: MEL TSAI
Rijndael: ByteSub Each byte at the input of a round is transformed as follows: Substitution (“S”)-box: SOURCE: MEL TSAI
Rijndael: ShiftRow Depending on block length, each row of the block is cyclically shifted according to this table: SOURCE: MEL TSAI
Rijndael: MixColumn Each column is multiplied by a fixed polynomial C(x) = ’03’*X3 + ’01’*X2 + ’01’*X + ’02’ This corresponds to matrix multiplication b(x) = c(x) a(x): SOURCE: MEL TSAI
Rijndael: Key Expansion and Addition Each block is XOR’ed with the expanded round key ki SOURCE: MEL TSAI
One-Way Trapdoor Function • A function that is easy to compute • Computationally difficult to invert without knowing the secret (the “trapdoor”) • Example: f(x, y) = x•y • Given f(x, y), it is difficult to find either x or y • Given f(x, y) and x (the secret), it is easy to find y • One-way trapdoor functions can be used in public-key cryptography.
RSA Encryption • Select two large prime numbers p, q (e.g. 1024 bits) • Let n = p • q • Choose a small odd integer e that does not dividem = (p - 1)(q - 1). Then x(p-1)(q-1) = 1 (mod n) • Compute d = e-1(mod m) • That is, d • e gives remainder 1 when divided by m • Then xe•d = x (mod n) (by Fermat’s “Little” Theorem) • Public key is the pair (e, n) • Private key is the pair (d, n) • Knowing (e, n) is of no help in finding d. Still need p and q, which involves factoring n
6 • 2 = 12 WHEN DIVIDED BY 7 GIVES REMAINDER 5 MULTIPLICATION MOD 7 EACH ROW EXCEPT THE ZERO ROW HAS EXACTLY ONE 1 EACH ELEMENT HAS A UNIQUE INVERSE Multiplicative InversesOver Finite Fields • The inverse e-1 of a number e satisfies e-1 • e = 1 • The inverse of 5 is 1/5 • If we only allow numbers from 0 to n-1 (mod n), then for special values of n, each e 0 has a unique inverse
RSA Encryption • Message M is a number • To encrypt message M using key (e, n): • Compute C(M) = Me (mod n) • To decrypt message C using key (d, n): • Compute P(C) = Cd (mod n) • Note that P(C(M)) = C(P(M)) = (Me)d (mod n) = Me•d (mod n) = M
RSA Example p = 61; q = 53 n = pq = 3233 (modulus, can be given to others) e = 17 (public exponent, can be given to others) d = 2753 (private exponent, kept secret!) PUBLIC KEY = (3233, 17) PRIVATE KEY = (3233, 2753) To encrypt 123, compute 12317 (mod 3233) =337587917446653715596592958817679803 mod 3233 = 855 To decrypt 855, compute 8552753 (mod 3233) = 123 (intermediate value has 8072 digits) 37 digits SOURCE: FRANCIS LITTERIO
RSA in One PERL Statement print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>)]}\EsMsKsN0[lN*1lK[d2%Sa2/d0<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<J]dsJxp"|dc` (uses dc, an Unix arbitrary precision arithmetic package) • RSA U.S. patent expired September 20, 2000 SOURCE: ADAM BACK
Major Ideas • We need secure hashing algorithms to create message digests • SHA has not been cracked (reversed) • Encryption algorithms are complex • must be studied carefully (by cryptographers) • subject to sophisticated attacks • Symmetric encryption is fast • DES is not secure • 3DES will soon not be secure • DES family being replaced with Rijndael • Salting defends against dictionary attacks • Nonces defend against replay attacks • RSA is the principal public-key encryption algorithm
Q A &
Meet-in-the-Middle Attack • Exhaustive search for keys to crack 2DES would seem to require testing 2128 keys • Start with (m, c), a plaintext/ciphertext pair • Encrypt a two-block plaintext m with all possible 264 single DES keys k1; sort the resulting pairs (k1, cmiddle) • Decrypt the 2-block ciphertext c with all possible 264 single DES keys k2; for each result cmiddle, check to see whether it occurs in the sorted list • If so, (k1, k2) is a possible key. enc2DES((k1, k2),m) = encDES(k2, encDES(k1,m)) = encDES(k2, cmiddle1) = c • This only requires testing 264 keys (and sorting them)