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Greek mythology: The Gods

Greek mythology: The Gods. Ms. Carroll 16 Sept. 2013. Chaos. In the beginning: Darkness and nothing. gaea. Mother Earth B orn out of Chaos Mother of Uranus, the three Cyclopes, the three 100-handed ones, and the six Titans. uranus. Father Sky Married to Gaea, his mother

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Greek mythology: The Gods

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Greek mythology:The Gods Ms. Carroll 16 Sept. 2013

  2. Chaos In the beginning: Darkness and nothing

  3. gaea Mother Earth Born out of Chaos Mother of Uranus, the three Cyclopes, the three 100-handed ones, and the six Titans

  4. uranus Father Sky Married to Gaea, his mother Locked up the Cyclopes, and the 100-handed ones Wounded by his son, Cronus


  6. The titans:Rhea and Cronus Daughter and son of Gaea and Uranus Parents to the first Gods Cronus swallowed his children whole Rhea fed him a rock wrapped as a baby to save her son, Zeus

  7. zEUS King of the Gods Slayed his father, Cronus, to free his brothers and sisters

  8. Hades God of the Underworld

  9. Poseidon God of the Sea

  10. ATHENA Daughter of Zeus Goddess of Wisdom

  11. HERMES Son of Zeus The messenger God

  12. Works cited • http://mrdfourth90.com/all_class_sites/2012/mythology/media/Gaea.jpg • http://skydoginstitute.com/category/uranus/ • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Redon.cyclops.jpg • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/Polyphemus.gif • http://www.dandrabkin.com/images/illustrations/hundred_handed.gif • http://elfinspell.com/images/CronusA.jpg • http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/124288/2391284-zeus.jpg • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hades-et-Cerberus-III.jpg • http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Hades • http://www.maicar.com/GML/000Images/aim/athena1001.jpg • http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110516213655/olympians/images/3/3f/Hermes.jpg

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