1. Unwrapping The Math Bundles
2. Agenda Citywide Instructional Expectations
What is available?
How do I access it?
Overview of what’s included in the bundles
Next steps
3. CITYWIDE INSTRUCTIONAL EXPECTATIONS FOR 2011-12 The city has set forth its instructional expectations for the school year and have selected the following Standards of Practice and Domains of Focus. The city will support schools with CC Aligned tasks and materials.
The city has set forth its instructional expectations for the school year and have selected the following Standards of Practice and Domains of Focus. The city will support schools with CC Aligned tasks and materials.
4. Standards of Practice Model with mathematics*
Mathematically proficient students can apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace.
In early grades, this might be as simple as writing an addition equation to describe a situation.
In middle grades, a student might apply proportional reasoning to plan a school event or analyze a problem in the community.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
The ability to clearly construct and analyze mathematical arguments, evaluating and articulating the reasoning behind claims.
Elementary students can construct arguments using concrete referents such as objects, drawings, diagrams, and actions. The Standards for Mathematical Practices are one of the most distinct portions of the Common Core standards. Taken together, these standards paint a picture of a mathematically proficient student. We understand that the Standards for Mathematical Practice are interconnected and that a rich task may require students to demonstrate many of the practices.The Standards for Mathematical Practices are one of the most distinct portions of the Common Core standards. Taken together, these standards paint a picture of a mathematically proficient student. We understand that the Standards for Mathematical Practice are interconnected and that a rich task may require students to demonstrate many of the practices.
5. What is currently available? These tasks were selected to coincide with the Instructional Expectactions that the city has planned for the 2011-2012 schoo year.
What do the participants know so far?
Question – Has anyone had an opportunity to read through any of the CC Aligned Tasks?
General guidance – does not necessarily mean it has to be followed exactly
Availability – all gradesThese tasks were selected to coincide with the Instructional Expectactions that the city has planned for the 2011-2012 schoo year.
What do the participants know so far?
Question – Has anyone had an opportunity to read through any of the CC Aligned Tasks?
General guidance – does not necessarily mean it has to be followed exactly
Availability – all grades
6. Rigorous Curriculum and Tasks for All Students The expectation is that we:
Engage all students in at least one math task aligned to strategically selected Common Core standards.
These tasks should be embedded in Common Core-aligned curricula and include multiple entry points for all learners, including students with disabilities and English language learners.
The city has begun to add ways to incorporate multiple entry points for all learners on the CC Library site. The city has begun to add ways to incorporate multiple entry points for all learners on the CC Library site.
7. Where did these tasks originate? NYC educators and national experts worked throughout the 2010-2011 school year to develop Common Core-Aligned Tasks embedded in a unit of study.
To access these tasks, go to the:
DOE Homepage (schools.nyc.gov)
Common Core Library
See Student Work. These performance tasks and supporting materials are intended to help illustrate the Common Core Learning Standards and support educators in thinking about what instructional and pedagogical supports they will need to align their work to these more rigorous expectations. Schools may choose to use all or portions of the materials provided for instructional and/or professional development purposes, or use them to provide guidance when looking at student work or creating their own tasks and units to meet the 2011-12 Instructional Expectations.
Corestandards.orgThese performance tasks and supporting materials are intended to help illustrate the Common Core Learning Standards and support educators in thinking about what instructional and pedagogical supports they will need to align their work to these more rigorous expectations. Schools may choose to use all or portions of the materials provided for instructional and/or professional development purposes, or use them to provide guidance when looking at student work or creating their own tasks and units to meet the 2011-12 Instructional Expectations.
8. Instructional Supports Each Common Core Aligned Task is accompanied by a variety of instructional supports to assist educators in integrating the tasks into instruction.
Some materials include:
Culminating performance tasks
Guidance around use of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles for each task
Rubrics and/or scoring guides
Annotated student work ranging across levels
Unit outlines developed using the Understanding by Design (UBD) framework, aligned to CCLS Standards
Additional assessments and learning activities (e.g. initial, formative assessments)
Not all instructional supports are available for each CC Aligned unit.Not all instructional supports are available for each CC Aligned unit.
9. How will schools use these tasks? Schools may choose to:
use all or portions of the materials provided to fulfill the 2011-12 Instructional Expectations or
to provide guidance when looking at student work or
creating their own tasks and units.
The city is asking that schools choose 1 or more of these methods in incorporate these aligned tasks.
What will your school do?
There is flexibility in how a school goes about creating their aligned tasksThe city is asking that schools choose 1 or more of these methods in incorporate these aligned tasks.
What will your school do?
There is flexibility in how a school goes about creating their aligned tasks
10. Grade 3: Cookie Dough Hand out first 2 pages of grade 3 math bundle? What does grade 3 contain?
What stands out? Student Work - At a minimum, teachers will be expected to:
In teams, look closely at current student work to understand the steps needed to reach the level of performance that the Common Core demands (spring/fall 2011).Hand out first 2 pages of grade 3 math bundle? What does grade 3 contain?
What stands out? Student Work - At a minimum, teachers will be expected to:
In teams, look closely at current student work to understand the steps needed to reach the level of performance that the Common Core demands (spring/fall 2011).
11. All of the CC Aligned Tasks begin with a Unit Overwiew, basic info and a Table of Contents. Its what included in each task that will vary from grade to grade. Notice that the STANDARDS FOR MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE ARE INCLUDED. Previously, process strands were always looked overAll of the CC Aligned Tasks begin with a Unit Overwiew, basic info and a Table of Contents. Its what included in each task that will vary from grade to grade. Notice that the STANDARDS FOR MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE ARE INCLUDED. Previously, process strands were always looked over
13. Grade 3: Cookie Dough Large portion of CC Aligned Tasks is for Annotated Student Work and Instructional SupportsLarge portion of CC Aligned Tasks is for Annotated Student Work and Instructional Supports
14. Table of Content, cont.
15. Performance Task
16. Performance Task, cont.
17. Performance task, cont.
18. Cookie Dough Scoring Guide
19. Cookie Dough Rubric
22. Level 3 Implications for Instruction
23. Unit Outline Template
24. Initial Assessment
25. Initial Assessment, cont.
26. How can teachers use this information? Teachers may:
use this CC Aligned Task as it is described
integrate parts of it into a currently exisiting curriculum unit, or
use it as a model or checklist for a currently existing unit on a different topic. This is a starting point for many teachers to base their work off ofThis is a starting point for many teachers to base their work off of
27. Additional Materials schools.nyc.gov/Academics/CommonCoreLibrary
Additional Tasks and links to websites
Looking vertically at the standards
8 Mathematical Processes