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B. In Client Management – 1. Remove Quality Assurance, Fulfillment, Dynamic Monitor

B. In Client Management – 1. Remove Quality Assurance, Fulfillment, Dynamic Monitor. Question : ¿Do you want I remove it in everywhere under “ Cllient Management”? Becouse there are 73 asp files whit left menu that include at least one of the three

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B. In Client Management – 1. Remove Quality Assurance, Fulfillment, Dynamic Monitor

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Presentation Transcript

  1. B. In Client Management – 1. Remove Quality Assurance, Fulfillment, Dynamic Monitor Question: ¿Do youwant I removeit in everywhereunder “Cllient Management”? Becousethere are 73 asp files whitleftmenuthatinclude at leastone of thethree Optionsthatyouwant I remove… Agan: 73 asp files have a leftmenuwhit”Client Management” expanded and under “Client Management” theoptions: fulfillment QualityAssurance Are present… Do youwant I editall of it 73 asp files? I willgiveyousomeexamples in theadminview:


  3. DELETE ???? DELETE ????

  4. DELETE ????

  5. DELETE ????

  6. DELETE ????

  7. DELETE ????

  8. DELETE ????

  9. DELETE ????

  10. DELETE ????

  11. DELETE ????

  12. quality_assurance.asp quality_assurance_abdomen.asp quality_assurance_alb.asp quality_assurance_alk.asp quality_assurance_bili.asp quality_assurance_bmi.asp quality_assurance_bodyfat.asp quality_assurance_bp.asp quality_assurance_bun.asp quality_assurance_calcium.asp quality_assurance_cre.asp quality_assurance_ggt.asp quality_assurance_glob.asp quality_assurance_glucose.asp quality_assurance_hdl.asp quality_assurance_height.asp quality_assurance_hips.asp quality_assurance_ldh.asp quality_assurance_ldl.asp quality_assurance_neck.asp quality_assurance_protein.asp quality_assurance_ratio.asp quality_assurance_run.asp quality_assurance_sgot.asp quality_assurance_sgpt.asp quality_assurance_tobacco.asp quality_assurance_totalchol.asp quality_assurance_tri.asp quality_assurance_uacid.asp quality_assurance_waist.asp quality_assurance_weight.asp quality_check.asp Report_NewsSent.asp scheduling.asp select_alert_client.asp select_client_dynamic.asp select_client_dynamic_confirm.asp select_corporatereport_client.asp select_fitness_report_client.asp select_generalgroup_client.asp select_groupdisease_client.asp select_healthrisk_client.asp select_lifestyle_client.asp select_mentalhealth_client.asp select_report_client.asp select_status_client.asp send_email.asp send_email-res.asp StatusReport.asp StatusSummary.asp ETC… ETC… ???? _error_checking.asp AlertReport.asp AlertReport_new.asp application_admin.asp application_summary.asp client_edit.asp client_main.asp client_management.asp client_profile.asp client_reports.asp client_reports_demo.asp client_risk_comparison.asp client_risk_profile.asp client_setup.asp client_teststatus.asp client_testversions.asp client_testversions2.asp comparison_report.asp dynamic_monitoring.asp dynamic_monitoring_old.asp edit_client.asp fulfillment.asp management.asp This 73 aspfilehave in theleftmenu Theoptions: fulfillment QualityAssurance Under “Client Management” Do youwant I editallthese 73 files? Toremovetheoptions

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