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Sept. 10 th -Sept . 14 th. in. M r s . F a i r r e l’ s F i r s t G r a d e. S P E L L I N G W O R D S. Class Website: Our class website is FINALLY up and running! I have changed many things and am really excited for you to take a look at it! For more information go to:
Sept. 10th-Sept. 14th in Mrs.Fairrel’sFirstGrade SPELLING WORDS Class Website: Our class website is FINALLY up and running! I have changed many things and am really excited for you to take a look at it! For more information go to: http://www.teacherweb.com/ga/crabapplelaneelementary/mrsfairrel Words with -ck pick…quick sick…brick pack…quack big…twig tack…track in…prince back…knack hold…scold sack…stack so…sew Vocabulary: Condensation Evaporation precipitation Website of the week: Tumblebooks.com Username: crabapple Password: books WHAT ARE WE LEARNING? Reading: Beginning, Middle, and End Math: Tally maks and data Grammar: Nouns and Verbs Writing: Narrative writing Science: Weather Phonics: Digraphs -ck Don’t forget a snack and a jacket! CLASSROOM INFO. We are in need of 30-35 of the small 3M hooks to hold rings of sight words. If you can donate some, please let me know! Thanks! Extra!! Extra!!ReadAll AboutIt!! When you click on an event in the class calendar- you will find important information about supplies and volunteers!