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The Oslo Group

The Oslo Group. UNCEEA June 22-23 2006, New York By Olav Ljones, Statistics Norway. Background. Energy at the Statistical Commission, 2005 and 2006 Energy has very wide influence on economic, environmental, social and political situation What are the characteristics of energy statistics?

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The Oslo Group

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  1. The Oslo Group UNCEEA June 22-23 2006, New York By Olav Ljones, Statistics Norway

  2. Background • Energy at the Statistical Commission, 2005 and 2006 • Energy has very wide influence on economic, environmental, social and political situation • What are the characteristics of energy statistics? • Quality problems • Official statistics a modest role

  3. City Group Terms of reference • Objective: To address issues related to energy statistics and contribute to improved international standards and improved methods for official energy statistics by pooling expertise in the energy community.

  4. City Group • Actions: • To identify users’ needs; • To define scope of official energy statistics; • To identify and collect national and international best practices; • To review and contribute to the updating of UNSD handbooks and manuals on energy statistics; • To identify gaps in coverage (e.g. fuel types, flows) and to develop methodology to cover gaps; • To adopt link or develop bridges to international standard concepts and classifications in economic/ environment statistics to facilitate the integration and interface of energy statistics with other statistical systems; • To recommend a core set of tables as minimum requirement at national and international level to satisfy major users’ needs.

  5. City Group • Participants: • Experts from national statistical offices and/or energy ministries/authorities • Experts from international organizations engaged in energy statistics • Experts from academia: energy sciences, energy economics, statistics • Energy experts from the private sector to be invited to participate as advisers. • Time frame: 5 years, 2006 – 2010 • Working method: Electronic discussions and annual meetings

  6. What is a City Group ? • Information on UNSD homepage • Decisions by Statistical Commission • An important topic, • International cooperation on statistical methods will improve official statistics • Dependent of active participation • Duration will be flexible. The Voorburg group (service stat) the first and still exist. Sienna (social stat) was closed down this year • Evaluation (Stat Comm)

  7. Present status Oslo Group • First meeting Oslo 2006 • http://www.ssb.no/ocg/ • Next meeting – India • Discussion groups • Review teams • Electronic Discussion Forum. Soon to be released

  8. Other activities on energy statistiscs • Stat Com decided to establish an Inter Secretariat Group on Energy Statistics. • Host: IEA Paris • ToR: Data streams int. org. Reduce reporting burden. Improve coordination between int.org. Training. Promote dialog with users. Raise profile of energy stat. • Present situation: Meeting hosted by IEA in ”InterEnerStat”, Future? • Eurostat

  9. What is official statistics ? • UN fundamental principles • IMF – principles • Code of practice • Common features: • High quality, best methods • Transparency about methods • Confidentiality • Professional independency • Datacapture reuse of data etc • Dissemination, consistence, comparability, • Standards • Official statistics can be produced by the National Statistical Office or another govnm institution. The important is that the basic principles are accepted and followed

  10. Coordination of official statistics • The case of energy, environment and economic statisttics • Reflections from the bottom – the NSI • Success of international cooperation is easier to obtain if it is built on an understanding of how official statistics is co-ordinated at the NSI level • Coherence at national level • International comparability • Data capture strategy – reuse of data. Concern about response burden. Legal base. Confidentiality • Use the best scientific methods • User orientation. Relevance and confidence. Independency

  11. Energy statistics • Users, interested in energy markets • Production of energy, energy industries • Economic statistics for non-energy sector (but users of energy) • Households as energy users • National accounts • Emission statistics (computations) • Other environment statistics • National wealth • Sustainable development indicators

  12. Elements to be discussed • The production of energy (industrial classification, definitions of energy production sector) • Use of energy as input, as energy and as "chemical" raw material • Business register, to design a survey design to secure full coverage and avoid double counting • Export and import • Prices and costs • The national economic boundary and the territorial boundary • Technical characteristics of production process for energy production, relevant for environment statistics • Technical characteristics for processes for use of energy as input • Energy efficiency in production and in private household • Energy saving concept

  13. National Accounts • National Accounts give the full picture of the economic situation and trends, covering all production sectors (incl. energy) and all uses of goods and services. • All kinds of energy products are covered. • This gives NA a possible coordinative functioning. • Supply and Use (input output) tables and energy blances • Prices – fixed price computations • Energy as product (output) • Energy as input in production • Use of energy in private households (consumption) • Export and import of energy • .

  14. Environment statistics, Emissions to air • Physical data • Need relevant technical data for environmental effects • The relevant national boundary

  15. Sustainable development indicators • Follow the SEEA • National Wealth • Water • Risk, for damages (incl nuclear power pl)

  16. Thank you

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