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Welcome to Latin America

Welcome to Latin America. Mestizo. Largest Ethnic Group. Spanish and Indian Mix. +. Soccer is the most popular sport in Latin America…. GOAL!!!. Explorers from Spain and Portugal in search of gold had a major influence on Latin America.

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Welcome to Latin America

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Latin America

  2. Mestizo Largest Ethnic Group. Spanish and Indian Mix. +

  3. Soccer is the most popular sport in Latin America… GOAL!!!

  4. Explorers from Spain and Portugal in search of gold had a major influence on Latin America

  5. Roman CatholicReligion of majority of the people in Latin America Catholic Church in Bogota, Colombia

  6. Most Latin America countries gained independence from Spain and Portugal. Spanish and Portuguese are the main languages spoken and these countries had a great influence on the cultures in Latin America.

  7. 95% of the World’s Emeralds come from Colombia and World Famous Coffee. Bling! Bling!

  8. Venezuela is one of the world’s biggest oil and petroleum producers.

  9. Guyana Sugarcane is grown in the swampy coastal lowlands.

  10. Ecuador exports bananas grown in the Western Coastal areas.

  11. The Andes Mountains are on the West side of South America. Aconcagua is the highest peak in the Western Hemisphere.

  12. Peru is the land of the Incas…

  13. La Paz and Sucre are the Capitals of Bolivia

  14. Bolivia and Paraguay are the only LANDLOCKED countries in Latin America.

  15. Deforestation- the process of clearing forest land. Half the world’s tropical forests have been cleared or degraded. Every hour, at least 4,500 acres of forest fall to chain saws, machetes, flames, or bulldozers. Population growth, poverty, and unequal access to land are among the major causes of deforestation (Forestry Department Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).

  16. Most people live along the coastal areas. In Venezuela and Mexico most people choose to live in urban areas as they provide more job stability and opportunities.

  17. Carnivalis a festival that is celebrated before Lent and is similar to Mardi Gras.

  18. Amazon River begins in the Andes Mountains and ends in the Atlantic Ocean. Largest River in the world.

  19. Chileis a large exporter of Copper which comes from the Atacama Desert.

  20. Gauchos are Cowboys in Spanish speaking countries.

  21. Mexico’s government is dealing with Air and Water Pollution.

  22. Sierra Madres Longest Mountain Range in Mexico

  23. Mayans and Aztecs Civilizations from Mexico

  24. Only 15% of the land in Mexico is suitable for farming but many crops can be grown there. Bananas Papayas Pineapples Coffee Beans

  25. Mexico’s other Exports include Oil and Seafood.

  26. In Mexico most people usepublic transportation and do not own cars because of economic reasons and the rugged mountain terrain.

  27. The Panama Canal This ship channel connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean in Middle America. When it was completed in 1914, it was no longer necessary for ships to sail the lengthy route around the southernmost tip of South America.

  28. NAFTA “North American Free Trade Agreement” In January 1994, the United States, Mexico and Canada entered into the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), creating the largest free trade area and richest market in the world.

  29. Galapagos Islands These islands are located to the West of Ecuador and are home to a species of giant tortoises that can weigh up to 595 lbs.

  30. Patagonia This region at the southern tip of South America near Chile and Argentina has a higher elevation due to its plateaus and being near the Andes Mountains.

  31. Strait of Magellan On the southernmost tip of South America lies a navigable sea route which allows ships to pass through. Although it is a shorter route for trade, it is often a dangerous path due to its narrowness.

  32. Cuba This island country is directly South of Florida’s southernmost tip and still maintains a communist form of government. The capitol of this island country is Havana. Florida is also a great example of how cultural diffusion can have an impact of society.

  33. The End

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