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Caliber 2013 21-23 March 2013. “Study of Best Practices in the Accredited Academic Libraries of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University region”. Ashish S. Raut * Librarian Shri Shivaji College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Akola Rajendra G. Kokate ** Librarian
Caliber 2013 21-23 March 2013 “Study of Best Practices in the Accredited Academic Libraries of SantGadge Baba Amravati University region” Ashish S. Raut* Librarian ShriShivaji College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Akola Rajendra G. Kokate** Librarian Anuradha Engineering College Chikhli Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Introduction • The accreditation activity is gaining momentum in our country as people and educational institutions have come to realize that quality enhancement is essential for the institutions and the country. In the process of institutional accreditation libraries have a crucial role. The services of libraries have been expanding as they contribute significantly to the learning process. • Though it is institutional accreditation that the NAAC does, the assessment of a library, a vital sub unit is a key step that integrates itself with the overall evaluation, library is fulcrum of support for the entire range of academic activities on educational campus. All this plays up the need for scientific evaluation of library so that its role as the center piece of academic development is protected and enhanced. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Evaluation of library is an essential component in the accreditation process, where the collection, services & their outreaching capacity are monitored .In the recent past significant developments have been reported in library & information services & the libraries are shouldering newer responsibilities in higher education Libraries largely supported learning, teaching and research process in Institutions. • In the increasingly learner centric educational effort, library becoming the primary learning resources in many institutes with conventional classroom teaching playing mainly facilitating role. • Colleges libraries need to have facilitated that promote effective and interactive access & use of Information resources for all users. In the area of physical facilities, the libraries need to offer safe, comfortable, well lighted, clean space, with adequate and appropriate seating arrangement to ensure effective use of the library’s resources including digital resources, Also College libraries are required to consider study space needs, while allocating the seating space with special attention being paid to reserve collection. The libraries need to prepare well framed rules & guidelines with regard to hours of access, circulation policies, and other regulations to offer better services to the users. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
Objectives of the study • Present study is carried with the following objectives • To find the position of Accreditation in Colleges in S.G.B. Amravati University, Amravati. • District wise position of Accreditation in S.G.B. Amravati University , Amravati • To review the Library Services followed in Accredited Colleges • To find out impact of NAAC on College Library development. • To identify the Best Practices in academic Libraries Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
S.G.B. Amravati University • Amravati University established on 1st may 1983 on the auspicious Maharashtra & Workers day. This University geographically covers the western Vidharbha belt (i.e. five districts Amravati, Akola, Yavatmal, Buldhana& Washimof Maharashtra State) The University in its small span of twenty five years has contributed in many ways for economic, social by offering upliftment of the society by offering quality education. The motto of this university is “Education for salvation of soul”. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
There are 314 colleges affiliated to universities in five districts of western Vidarbha. The analysis presented in this report is based on the data collected through questionnaire & peer team reports (PTRs) and the analysis of 90 colleges assessed and accredited. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Out of 314 colleges of S.G.B. Amravati University only 90 colleges are accredited, the table 2, gives detail information about the accreditation status district wise comparing number of colleges available in districts. From all five district 34.57 % colleges accredited from Amravati district and other four districts the percentage of Accredited College is 25 %. In all 27 % colleges accredited from S.G. B. Amravati University. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
From Table 4, it is evident that out of the 90 institutions, only 1 institution has been accredited under the star system and 89 institutions under the present 9-point scale system. 3 colleges have secured the A grade with an average score of 86.20, only 4% of the total number of institutions Accredited. The number of institutions graded as B+ is the highest (22), followed by institutions graded B (20). & B++ graded (4) the total number of institutions in the range of average scores of 70 to 80, including the 4-star, is 47, which is almost 51.11% of the total number of institutions Accredited. Also, the total number of institutions securing C, C+ and C++ grades is 40. Thus, almost 44% of the institutions are in the lower range of scores of 55 to 70. From the above observations it can be interpreted that the distribution of accredited institutions in S.G.B. Amravati University, Amravati according to the scores and grades obtained is a normal distribution. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
LibrariesThe seven criteria evolved by the NAAC for measuring the quality of higher educational institutions offer a good framework for the multi-dimensional growth of colleges. While deciding the weight ages for different types of institutions, due care has been taken for all types of institutions, the criterion Teaching-Learning and Evaluation gets the maximum weight age. The following table gives the criterion-wise weight ages. • Criterion University Affiliated Colleges • Curricular Aspects 15 10 • Teaching-Learning and Evaluation 25 40 • Research, Consultancy and Extension 15 05 • Infrastructure and Learning Resources15 15 • Student Support and Progression 10 10 • Organization and Management 10 10 • Healthy Practices 10 10 Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
In the Accreditation Process Criteria Infrastructure and Learning Resources include Library a vital sub unit of College. NAAC has developed a set of objectives indicators to facilitate assessment of the library & information services of academic institution. The guidelines are derived from an understanding of the global development in the activities & services of libraries. As per the guidelines it can be divided in four parts i.e. • Collection and Services Provided to • Users • Extent of the Use of Services • Use of Technology • Management of Library and • Information Services Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
Management of Library and Information Services • In affiliated colleges, the core objective of the library is to support the academic programs offered and the library may evolve its collection and services mainly to reflect the curriculum requirements of its users. Besides, the library may design a system to deliver its products and services to attract more users. Ultimately the library should aim at bringing all its target users to the library and ensure its optimum usage. The parameters compiled here would facilitate the quality enhancement and sustenance of library services to a large extent. The libraries of the affiliated colleges may firm up their performance by equipping/enabling themselves to answer the following questions in the affirmative. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
Table 6 showing working of library & hours of libraries Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
Table 7 showing Building & premises of libraries Table 8 showing seating capacity of Reading Room Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Collection and Services Provided to Users The library is required to provide varied, authoritative and up-to-date resources that support its mission and fulfill the needs of its users. Resources may be provided in a variety of formats, including print or hard copy, online, electronic text or images, and other media. A college library needs to have the quantity of resources as prescribed by government, UGC, AICTE and other governing bodies. The collection of a college library may answer the following, for maintaining the quality of the resources. Table 9 showing Number of books in Libraries Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Table 10 Showing Amount spent on Books in Libraries Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
Extent of the Use of Services The library has a key role in supporting the academic activities of the institutions by establishing, maintaining and promoting library and information services, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The library offers a wide range of services from reference to electronic information services. College libraries may answer the following basic questions for ensuring appropriate services to the academic community. Performance evaluation of college libraries needs to be carried out at regular intervals in order to sustain and enhance their quality. Normally, the evaluation can be made on compilation of use statistics. Out of 90 accredited colleges 45% colleges provide 90% basic services, 45% colleges provide essential services such as Circulation service, Bibliographic Compilation, Reference service. & 10% college provides all the services. Only 25% of colleges have book issue return facility more than 150 books per day & 75 % colleges have 50-100 books issue return per day more than 25% colleges have reference enquiries more than 75students per day, only 10 % libraries found that more than 200 -300 students visited per day. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Use of Technology Now a day’s ICT plays a very important role in Library. Number of books, Journals are available in the form of CD’s, DVD; s, E-books, E-journals & online databases etc. also the libraries & there Bibliographical Databases available Online. Accreditation criteria need to introduce IT in Libraries, and also colleges are highly involved in research activity so they need recent information, online journals, Internet facility etc, After evaluation it is found that the college libraries in Rural area are introduced IT in their Libraries, also the colleges of science faculty are mostly used the IT services in there Libraries. It is found that out of 90 colleges 15 College Libraries are Fully Computerized having all the Sections of Library Computerized and Barcode Technology also introduced in their Libraries Internet facility available in Library and also subscribes E- Journals & E-Books in Libraries. 53 College Libraries are Partially Computerized means the Bibliographical Data available in Library but the other Sections of Library are not Computerized , Internet Facility not Available in library, 22 Libraries havenot started there Computerization because lack of Funds < Hardware & Software problem and least interest of Managing Body ,In all 17 % college Libraries are Fully Computerized , 58 % college Libraries are Partially Computerized and 25 % college Libraries are trying to start Computerization. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Best Practice • A ‘Best Practice’ in simple terms is known as the practice which paves the way for enhancing the existing functions & helps in effective implementation or use of the process. • There is actually a view that the best practices are ‘ borrowed ‘ practices in that they already stand authenticated in an institutional context. Borrowing apart , each refractive institution over the years of its existence should also strive to discourse what is the best practice for it to enhance institutional effectiveness. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Best Practices in Library Library has adopted following strategy to apply Best Practices • Identification of Best Practices • Implementation of Best Practices • Institutionalization of Best Practices • Dissemination of Best Practices Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Best Practices of Library • 1)Resource Development & Management • New Arrivals are Displayed • Book Exhibition • 2) User Services • Poster Competition • RanganathanJayanti Celebration • Best Library User award Given to the students from Arts, Commerce & Science Faculty. (separately from each faculty ) • Collection of University Question Papers for last 10 Years & provided it to students on demands • Scholar card issue to Meritorious Student • News Paper clipping Files • Suggestion Box & timely Response • 3) ICT-Enabled Services – Digital library Services • Digital library Services Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
There is actually a view that the best practices are ‘borrowed ‘practices in that they already stand authenticated in an institutional context Borrowing apart, each refractive institution over the years of its existence should also strive to discourse what is the best practice for it to enhance institutional effectiveness. NAAC strives for Quality and excellence in higher education and advocates for enhancing the role of library and Information Services in improving academic environment. Document prepared by NAAC for Best Practices in Academic Libraries says “Best Practices may be innovative and be a philosophy, policy, and Strategy program, Process or Practice that solves a problem or create new opportunities and positively impact on organizations.” NAAC developed a set of Best Practices followed in academic Libraries and presented under the following four broad areas: • Management of Library and Information Services • Collection and Services Provided to Users • Extent of the Use of Services • Use of Technology Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
While evaluating the college Libraries it is found that large number of Best Practices run by college Libraries gets a grade or Five Star the Percentage of such college is about 17 %. 58 % college Libraries started 8 best practices in the list suggested by NAAC. And 25% college libraries are not providing Best Practices or they are not aware that the services provided by their library for are Best Practices. It is observed that the colleges having multi faculty & in Urban area have provided Best Practices & fulfill their goals. The Users are very much satisfied with their Library Services even involvement of Users in Library is Increased. Some library participate users in their book selection Process , and also in some Libraries students are members of Library Committee. Students are very much interested in career / Employment Information Services, Internet Service in Library, Book Talks, and Book Exhibitions. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
New arrivals are displayed • Library displays New arrivals for users to know about books purchased in Library. This activity has been in practice in our college since 2004. As books are purchased in library the books which are new in collection are displayed. Student use this service and get benefited Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Book Exhibition • Library organizes book exhibition every year in the month of December on the occasion of Dr. Bhausaheb alias Panjabrao Deshmukh Birth Ceremony. Library invites book seller to exhibit books of different publishers on all Subjects. No. of Users visited exhibition & select books for Library , Library Committee discuses the recommendations & approves the books to be purchased as per budget & purchase the books . Due to the above service library collect books of user interest. This service has been in practice since 2002. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Continued • Book Exhibition of college library books is also arranged, The books of social thinkers , reference & rare Books , famous books are Exhibited . Due to the above Programs use of available books increased. We exhibit the books of our library event wise & theme wise , the books of Social Thinkers , Books of religious thoughts , Reference Books of subjects Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Book Exhibition Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Book Exhibition Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
User Services Poster/ Essay Competition :- library organizes Poster & Essay competition on various Subjects to enhance reading interest of students, student actively participate in such Programmes • Topics of Poster competition is • My Dream Library • Books My Best Teacher • Library ; A temple of Knowledge • E-Library & Information Centers Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Poster Competition Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
RanganathanJayanti Celebration • To Know about the Library & the great personalities related with Library & Info. Science who contributes a lot towards the libraries, these type of celebration have been organized by department. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Ranganathan jayanti Celebration Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
Best Library User award Given to the students from Arts, Commerce & Science Faculty • To increase the use & users of Library, library started awards for students , the award is given to students each from all four faculties . Award is sponsored by Librarian This is practicing by maximum colleges. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Collection of University Question Papers from last 20 Years • Library collect question papers of all the subject of all faculty of SGB Amravati university , Amravati and are provided to student . Question papers are collected from 1986 onwards. Every day number of students use this facility, there are more than 60-70 student who avails paper sets of universities per day Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Scholar card issue to Meritorious Student • Library provides Scholar Cards to merit student from each class of all faculty, every year . Student get one extra book on this scholar card. Due to above service students are motivated and other students try to get merit in class. This Service Started in Few Colleges Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
News Paper clipping Files • :- Library maintains clipping files on different subject of students Interest & provides it to student on demand. Also in this activity students are actively involved. The information in clipping file is useful for lectures , Projects & employment Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
List of Clipping Files provided on different subjects • Mental & Physical Health • Famous Personalities in India • Business guidance & personality Development • Marathi SahityaSammelan1978-2007 • NokariSandarbha • CarrearGuidence • Saint Sahitya • Granthayan Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
Suggestion Box & timely Response • Library has put suggestion box & also a register is maintained for suggestion of users so that we can improve our services, so many suggestions are noted & actively responded Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
Internet Facility to different user groups • :- In our college almost all departments are connected with Internet So library dose not provide this facility separately to users but library has Internet connection . Library guides students about websites and search engines through which users get information quickly on their topic of interest . Library displays list of websites on different subjects on notice boards. This is a very effective service in our library & users use the web sites and get information quickly. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Digital Library • :- Library has Collected some Free E-Books & provide it to students sorted by subjects. Currently library has 8GB E-Books collection on English Literature, Life sciences , Chemistry , & Languages. The E-Books are available for student on OPAC systems in Library so that they can Use it in Library. • Library has more than 200 CD’s & DVD’s on different subjects. • Library displays different websites information on notice board Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
E-Books • Arts • Commerce • Science • Homescience • General • Exit • English literature • Blank • Biochemistry • Life Science • Chemistry • Dictionary Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
Conclusion After deep study of Accredited colleges in S.G.B. Amravati University , Amravati., it has been found that the libraries before accreditation have less weightage, only 10 % College libraries are well developed , but after NAAC Accreditation process almost all libraries try to look toward library development , the effect of this is found in accreditation process the developed libraries introduced IT services & users internet services, also the amount spent on libraries is also increases , journals & periodicals are subscribed in libraries and due to this development, users are attracted toward libraries & use of library increases . and also evaluating the reaccredited institution it has been found that the development of library is tremendous in all respect the infrastructure, learning resources, introduction of IT, Computer, Collection of E-Resources, Services to users & in all the Best practices that mentioned by NAAC and also some innovative practices introduced by library have started, the effect of these best practice is also changes the status of library in an education institution. The most effective part in Accreditation is Best Practices. If, all follow the criteria Best Practices, that increase the effectiveness of Service, Department, or Process. Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRautRajendra Kokate
Best Practices in Libraries Granthdindi by College Students Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Book Exhbition Books display by female writer Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Book Exhibition Attractive arrangement of Book Exhibition Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
Best Practices In Acquisition • New Arrivals are Displayed Users are made aware about the New Books Purchased in Library & get Access easily Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate
THANKS Caliber 2013 Gandhinagar 21-23 march 2013 AshishRaut Rajendra Kokate