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2. Objectives of this lecture. 1. Parliaments and Legislative Politics2. Evolution of EU Legislative Process3. Leg. Politics in the Parliament4. Leg. Politics between Council and EP5. Cleavages6. Accountability of EU ExecutiveComposition, powers, structure,operating rules and cleavages. 3. Pa
1. 1 EU Legislative Politics:The EuropeanParliament Fabio Franchino
School of Public Policy University College London
2. 2 Objectives of this lecture 1. Parliaments and Legislative Politics
2. Evolution of EU Legislative Process
3. Leg. Politics in the Parliament
4. Leg. Politics between Council and EP
5. Cleavages
6. Accountability of EU Executive
Composition, powers, structure,operating rules and cleavages
3. 3 Parliaments and Legislative Politics What do Parliaments Do?
1. pass legislation
2. hold the executive accountable
The Rise of Parliaments in Europe
establishment of representative democracy, consent for taxation, accountability of executive power
The Decline of Parliaments in Europe
executive domination in parliamentary systems, growth in size of the executive, legislative overload
4. 4 Evolution of EU Legislative Process 1958 - Rome Treaty: consultation procedure
1966 - Luxembourg Compromise: national veto
1975 - EP Budgetary powers extended
1979 - First EP Direct Elections
1980 - Isoglucose Case - EP right to be consulted
1987 - SEA: QMV in Council (Single Market), new cooperation procedure
1993 - Maastricht Treaty: more QMV in Council, new codecision procedure (Codecision I), Commission President Investiture Procedure
1999 - Amsterdam Treaty: more QMV Council, extension and reform of codecision (Codecision II)
5. 5 Composition Organisation of the EP
732 MEPs
7 Party Groups
20 Committees
Plenary Sessions in Strasbourg & Brussels
Secretariat in Brussels & Luxembourg
Party Group Organisational Structure
Group Leader
Bureau (Executive body)
National Delegations
Committee Chairs
Group Co-ordinators
6. 6 Party Groups in the EP, after June 2004 Elections Seats Power(SM) Power(AM)
EPP 268 .39 .52
PES 200 .22 .33
ELDR 88 .11 .06
Green/EFA 42 .07 .03
E. United Left 41 .07 .03
Independence 37 .07 .03
Europe of Nations 27 .03 .01
Non-attached 28 -- --
Simple Majority (SM) 367
Absolute Majority (80% turnout) (AM) 440
7. 7 The Structure of the Parliament: Explanations
Composition: democratic deficit and the European Parliament
Party politics: groups and national delegations
Jurisdictional differentiation: specialization and coordination
Committee members tend to possess policy-specific expertise, committees are highly representative of the EP as a whole
8. 8 Decision Rules and Interactions Single majority
Absolute majority
Commission: monopoly of legislative initiation (only EC pillar)
Legislative procedures:
consultation, co-decision (I and II), assent, co-operation
9. 9 Bargaining in the Parliament