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Introduction to Linguistics

Introduction to Linguistics. Review Questions for Fall Midterm. Topics. Definition of linguistics Spoken language Attributes/definition of a language Four pressures that language must follow Universal operating principles Comprehension and production. Definition of linguistics .

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Introduction to Linguistics

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  1. Introduction to Linguistics Review Questions for Fall Midterm Yun-Pi Yuan

  2. Topics • Definition of linguistics • Spoken language • Attributes/definition of a language • Four pressures that language must follow • Universal operating principles • Comprehension and production Yun-Pi Yuan

  3. Definition of linguistics • What is linguistics? • Why do we study it? Yun-Pi Yuan

  4. Spoken language • Why is spoken language more basic to introductory linguistics than writing is? Yun-Pi Yuan

  5. Attributes/definition of language (1) • What are the (most) important attributes of language? Explain each one (briefly). • What important characteristic of language does this example (from the textbook) illustrate? • George only likes Shirley. • Only George likes Shirley. • Shirley only likes George. • Only Shirley likes George. Yun-Pi Yuan

  6. Attributes/definition of language (2) • Explain the development of ET’s theories of language. • Explain how gestures are part of an utterance. • How are gestures different from speech? • Show how speech linear and segmented. • What’s the difference between the linguistic meaning and the intrinsic meaning of an utterance? Yun-Pi Yuan

  7. Four pressures that language must follow • What are the Four Pressures that language must respond to? Explain each one briefly. Give examples. • Why is language in a dynamic equilibrium? • What can pidgin and creole languages tell us about language in relation to the Four Pressures? • What is one-to-one mapping? Yun-Pi Yuan

  8. Universal operating principles • Define universal operating principles,and explain each of the 5 principles that we studied, with an example for each one. (Remember that there are more principles; we studied 5 as instances of the principles.) • Why have we looked at examples from different languages such as Russian, Spanish, Mandarin, English, Hungarian, and Turkish (as well as the behavior of children acquiring these languages) in our study of universal operating principles and the four pressures? Yun-Pi Yuan

  9. Comprehension and Production • Is listening comprehension a passive process? Explain. • Give a rough model of listening comprehension. • Show how background knowledge, or knowledge of the world, is crucial in comprehension. • What is a proposition? Give an example. • What are the meaning units for comprehension and production? What are the encoding units? • Give a rough model for producing speech. How is it different from comprehension? Yun-Pi Yuan

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