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Assessing personality

Assessing personality. CHAPTER NINE/PART THREE. A method of gathering data about people by asking them questions about a sample of their behavior. SELF-REPORT MEASURES. A technique used to validate questions in personality tests by studying the responses of people with known diagnoses.

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Assessing personality

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  1. Assessing personality CHAPTER NINE/PART THREE

  2. A method of gathering data about people by asking them questions about a sample of their behavior SELF-REPORT MEASURES

  3. A technique used to validate questions in personality tests by studying the responses of people with known diagnoses Test standardization

  4. Page 375 TRY IT!!!!!!!!

  5. A test in which a person is shown an ambiguous stimulus & asked to describe it or tell a story about it Projective personality test

  6. A test that involves showing a series of symmetrical visual stimuli to people who then are asked what the figures represent to them Rorschach test

  7. A test consisting of a series of pictures about which a person is asked to write a story Thematic apperception test (TAT)

  8. Direct measures of an individual’s behavior used to describe personality characteristics Behavioral assessment

  9. Chapter Nine Part Four intelligence

  10. The capacity to understand the world, think rationally, & use resources effectively when faced with challenges intelligence

  11. The single, general factor for mental ability assumed to underlie intelligence in some early theories of intelligence G or g factor

  12. Intelligence that reflects information-processing capabilities, reasoning, & memory Fluid intelligence

  13. The accumulation of information, skills & strategies that are learned through experiences & can be applied in problem-solving situations Crystallized intelligence

  14. Theory that purposes that there are eight distinct spheres of intelligence • Musical: The Beatles • Bodily Kinesthetic: Babe Ruth • Logical-Mathematical: Einstein • Linguistics: T.S. Eliot • Spatial: Picasso • Interpersonal: Anne Sullivan/Helen Keller • Intrapersonal: Virginia Wolfe • Naturalist: hunter/Gatherers Theory of multiple intelligence

  15. Relates to overall success in life Practical intelligence

  16. The set of skills that underlies the accurate assessment, evaluation, expression, & regulation of emotions Emotional intelligence

  17. Tests devised to quantify a person’s level of intelligence Intelligence tests

  18. The age for which a given level of performance is average or typical Mental age

  19. A score that takes into account an individual’s mental & chronological age’s • IQ SCORE=MENTAL AGE/CHRONOLOGICAL AGE x 100 Intelligence quotient (iq)

  20. A condition characterized by significant limitations in intellectual functioning & in adaptive behavior involving conceptual, social, & practical skills INTELLIGENCE DISABILITIES

  21. The most common cause of mental retardation in newborns, occurring when the mother uses alcohol during pregnancy Fetal alcohol syndrome

  22. Mental retardation in which no apparent biological defect exists but there is a history of retardation in the family Familial retardation

  23. The 2 to 4 percent of the population who have an IQ scores greater than 130 Intellectually gifted

  24. A measure of the degree to which a characteristic is related to genetic, inherited factors heritability

  25. A test that does not discriminate against the members of any minority group Culture-fair iq test

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