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Fi.La.S . Finanziaria Laziale di Sviluppo S.p.a. Filas Strategy to Enhance the Competitiveness of the Lazio Aerospace Technological Cluster. Mr Gerardo Lancia Cluster Coordinator www.lazio-aerospazio.it dta@filas.it. Agenda. Filas
Fi.La.S. Finanziaria Laziale di Sviluppo S.p.a. Filas Strategy to Enhance the Competitiveness of the Lazio Aerospace Technological Cluster Mr Gerardo Lancia Cluster Coordinator www.lazio-aerospazio.it dta@filas.it
Agenda • Filas • Lazio Aerospace Technological Cluster– DTA • DTA key projects DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
FilasMission Mission Objective • Encourage research activities, innovation and technological transfer amongst enterprises, public entities and universities/research centres • Promote new initiatives that create added value and boost employment through financial and managerial support • Strengthen the competitiveness of regional SMEs both in terms of local product growth and external investment attraction also through access to international markets • Develop innovative frameworks aimed at new forms of collaboration amongst enterprises and research centres • Support the creation and development of new high-tech enterprises Filas is the Financial Investment Agency of the Lazio Region established to promote development and innovation processes within the local economic network DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
MainInitiatives Initiatives Description • Filas implements and manages tools for financing and promoting SMEs innovation and technology transfer (the newStrategicRegionalPlanhasprovidedFilaswith ca. Euro 230 Mof a total financing budget for the period 2011 – 2013) Financing innovation and research in Lazio EU projects • Supporting internationalisation of Lazio SMEs. Fostering participation in European Research FPs (Horizon 2020) and member of the Europe Enterprise Network • Industry, microeconomic, innovation scoreboard analysis addressed at micro, small and medium enterprises on innovation topics Filas innovation data monitor Cluster management • Development of collaborative & networking platforms within Aerospace, Biosciences and Cultural Heritage Technological Clusters DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
Technological Clusters in the Lazio region Filas on behalf of Regione Lazio Authority, manages the following clusters: Further detailed in the following slides DTA – Lazio Aerospace Technological District In 2004, the Lazio Region signed a Framework Agreement with MEF (Ministry for Economy and Finance) and MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research) for the constitution of the DTA DTB – Lazio Biosciences TechnologicalDistrict In 2008, the Lazio Region signed a Framework Agreement with MiSE (Ministry of Economic Development) and MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research) for the constitution of the DTB DTC – Lazio Cultural Heritage and Activities Technological District In 2008, the Lazio Region signed a Framework Agreement with MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research), MiSE (Ministry of Economic Development) and MiBAC (Ministryof Cultural Heritage and Activities) for the constitution of the DTC DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
EU projects: supporting SMEs in international networks(1/3) Filas’ European Initiatives Unit: • Guarantees active cooperation between research and industry to stimulate entrepreneurship • Promotes and strengthens international collaboration between regional financial agencies fostering innovation in SME • Assists SME, University and Research Centre participation in EU R&D programs through: • Planning Fund for the participation to FP7 calls • Information activity on FP7 calls • Supports and facilitates the creation of partnerships for EU FP7 projects • Promotion of initiatives to prepare the participation of DTA cluster actors to the Horizon 2020 EU programme • Participation in main fairs and business match-making events with delegations of international countries DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
EU projects: supporting SMEs in international networks (2/3) • Filas’ EU Project participation: • Sidereus [as coordinator] project aimed at promoting aerospace SME collaboration and entrepreneurship between Europe and South-East Asia (China,India, Singapore and representative companies from the ASEAN countries) • ENCADRE - Network of European Aerospace Districts, coordinated by EU DG. Main Partners: Cluster Stuttgart (Germany), Cluster Prague (Czech Rep.), Cluster Baviera (Germany) • ERRIN- non profit association of Brussels-based regional actors. ERRIN promotes the exchange of best practice and stimulates networking and project opportunities on specific policy areas: biotechnology, transport, energy, health, ICT, space, innovation funding • INNO-DEAL aimed at creating collaboration amongst trans-regional and innovation program funds. • Enterprise Europe Network assisting Lazio’s SMEs in disseminating R&D result, technological and know-how transferral DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
EU projects: supporting SMEs in international networks (3/3) • Filas’ EU Project participation: • Secure-Force & Co-Space aimed at supporting R&D and guaranteeing active participation of SMEs working in the security sector • COIN – Collaboration and Interoperability in Networked Enterprises studying, designing, developing and prototyping an open, self-adaptive, generic ICT integrated solution to support the above 2020 vision, starting from notable existing research results in the field of Enterprise Interoperability and Enterprise Collaboration. Filas participates in the European R&D project COIN in order to demonstrate, experiment, trial and assess the innovative Enterprise Interoperability and Enterprise Collaboration services made available in the ICT COIN platform into realistic Industrial Aerospace Scenarios • MOBICAP – Mobilise Capital for Mobile and Mobility services, tackling the funding gap for early-stage Mobile/Mobility Service Industries (MMSI) by i) creating a ecosystem for investment readiness coaching and evaluation ii) developing a tailored seed fund and identifying coinvestment best practices iii)stimulating the participation of private and public capital • Nereus– Filas/DTA has participated, as “observer”, to the initial network constitution working meetings DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
Agenda • Filas • Lazio Aerospace Technological Cluster– DTA • DTA key projects DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
Lazio AerospaceTechnological Cluster DTA Facts and Figures • Over 5 billionEuro in turnover • 30,000 employees • 250 prominent sized companies • 10 researchbodies/centres:ASI, CNMCA, CNR, CSM, ENEA, ESA/ESRIN, INAF, INFN, INGV, RSV • 5 universities: La Sapienza, Tor Vergata, RomaTre, Cassino, Viterbo • 4 technologyparks:TecnopoloTiburtino, Tecnopolo di Castel Romano, Pa.L.Mer., PST Alto Lazio • 4engineering faculties, 12 departments, 30 university advanced training programmes • 3,000specialists involved in aerospace research including university professors, researchers and other specialised scientists • Incubators and Support services for technology transfer and start-up creation: ESA incubation centre, Bic Lazio, E2bLab Tor Vergata, SapienzaInnovazione, ILO Roma 3, Itechspazio (incubator for space projects joint sponsored by local authorities and ESA) DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
Lazio AerospaceTechnologicalCluster DTA Industrial System Lazio’s aerospace sector boasts a tradition dating back to the start of the last century, bringing together the most advanced industrial and scientific capabilities available in Italy. Laziois home to large-scale enterprises and manufacturing units of international groups playing a pivotal role in a complex production chain related to space applications and launchers, electronics, ICT avionics, aeronautic services and airport maintenance. In addition, many small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprisesoperate in the Region, as well as several companies providing high added-valueindustrial and technicalsupport: design and manufacture of aircraft and helicopter components, subsets and equipment systems design and manufacture of aeronautical structures for civil and military aircraft. design and assembly of satellites, solid-fuel rocket engines, components of the Ariane and Vega expendable launch systems and of air-to-air and air-to-ground missile launchers DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
Aerospaceindustrystructure in the Lazio Region (2009, %) LE 100 100% 100 100 SME • * For the LEs also operating outside the Lazio Region, a value for the revenues concerning the sole Lazio has been estimated by multiplying the total revenues by the percentage of employees working in the Region • **The composition and the total leveloftheAddedValueconcern the sole companieswhose information are available on the DB usedas source of data “AIDA” DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
MainSubsectors DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
Revenues - Millionsof Euro LE CAGR ’04-’09 + 6.5% SME CAGR SME ’04-’09 + 7.4% CAGR LE ’04-’09 + 6.1% 5,306 5,178 4,909 4,357 -0.8% 4,221 +16.9% +16.0% +10.4% 3,879 +8.7% +2.7% +3.7% +1.8% +13.4% +1.5% +10.9% DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
Agenda • Filas • Lazio Aerospace Technological Cluster– DTA • Key projects DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
Lazio AerospaceTechnological ClusterDTA KeyProjects Strategic objectives Key Project Collaborative platforms • LAZIO CONNECT - www.lazioconnect.it • a collaborative association created in 2009 amongst industry and research players of DTA. Its members are key players in the field of satellite navigation, observation, and communication technologies. • DTA web portal - www.lazio-aerospazio.it • The DTA community portal provides an access to updated information on the aerospace industry and the DTA, including detailed information on members, products/services and technological capabilities available in the region Information on technological capabilities • Support SMEs to participate in main international fairs, business conventions, workshops, business match-making events; Participation in networks, initiatives and projects in collaboration with stakeholders in the aerospace sector; International Cluster management networking activities. Promotion & Brokerage • Analysis of the economic performance of the District with the outline of: • Aggregated and segmented (LEs, SMEs) economic and profitability indicators • Comparison with other relevant clusters • Strengths and weaknesses Monitoring of economic performance DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
LAZIO CONNECTObjective Create additional market penetration through a portfolio of services, the development of the Public Demand, collaborative projects for new technologies, business relations with international clusters Objective LAZIO CONNECT the aerospaceplatformsupporting the collaborative enterprising Generating additional business opportunities by overcoming the barriers to collaboration among cluster players and through the set-up of a collaborative technological and legal platform that enables to run R&D projects, application product and services development Develop collaborative schemes amongst industrial players that associate into temporary task-forces - Virtual Enterprises - on specific projects, through standardised processes, methods, risks/revenue sharing rules, and an ICT collaborative platform Facilitate the access to public and private funds for R&D (ie 7 Framework Programme of the EC, ESA funds, national programmes, and private financial funds – seed/venture capital) DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
LAZIO CONNECTTechnologicalCapabilities • Assistance systems to sea and air navigation • Geographic information systems • Info-mobility applications for public services • Systems for the management and monitoring of borders • Accurate remote monitoring of buildings and of civil engineering works • Agriculture and water decision support system in response to climate change • A World Wide Archive for diagnostic medical images and knowledge sharing • Education and training / logistic support • Satellite-based navigation systems to support train control applications • GNSS signal analysis and receiver performance evaluation tool • Applications for environmental monitoring • Earth observation satellite systems DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
DTA Web Portal - www.lazio-aerospazio.it www.lazio-aerospazio.itis the portal developed and managed by Filas, supporting and promoting the DTA Community (Up-to-now 196 different organizations enrolled). The portal provides several services including: Updated informational services on public funds/calls (national and international), sector events, news, Lazio Connect Community Easy point of access to Filas range of services specifically dedicated to SMEs (ie training, marketing, access to international markets, technology transfer, financial support, ..) IT platform named DTAwebDB, under development, including detailed information on the DTA members, products/services available, technological capabilitites. This tool provides an easy access to a complete mapping of the DTA technologies (essential information for any form of collaboration and efficient user/supplier relationship both to DTA members and other national or international aerospace players) DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
DTA Web Portal: www.lazio-aerospazio.it DTA/Filas Filas institutional information and links to support services Specific Services for the Knowledge Community Overview and access to major projects/support tools developed by Filas, including: DTAwebDB, LAZIOCONNECT, Space2Land, COIN News Breaking- news updated by ASI and ESA • Communication • Relevant communications about the aerospace sector (Focus) • National and international calls and tenders (Call) Events Information and link about major national and internationalevents of aerospacesector Contacts Contacts with Filasrepresentatives (managing, marketing, finance, …) DTA - www.lazio-aerospazio.it
Finanziaria Laziale di Sviluppo S.p.A. Filas – DTA dta@filas.it www.lazio-aerospazio.it www.filas.eu