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Interpretive Communication: Reading and Listening as Communicative Activities. Adapted from Kataoka & Tohsaku,1996-2005 and Kataoka 1997-2005. Activity 2 Section I: Multiple Choice (Listening) Sample Questions
Interpretive Communication: Reading and Listening as Communicative Activities Adapted from Kataoka & Tohsaku,1996-2005 and Kataoka 1997-2005
Activity 2 Section I: Multiple Choice (Listening) Sample Questions Directions:You will listen to several selections in Japanese. For each selection, you will be told whether it will be played once or twice. You may take notes as you listen. Your notes will not be graded. After listening to each selection, you will see questions in English. For each question, choose the response that is best according to the selection. You will have 12 seconds to answer each question. Note: In this part of the exam, the student may move back and forth only among the questions associated with the current listening selection. Prerecorded message
Prerecorded message • [(Narrator) Now you will listen twice to a prerecorded message. (Woman) こちらは新宿の大川デパートでございます。本日木曜日は定休日でございます。当店の営業時間は、午前9時30分から午後7時30分までとなっております。5月20日、月曜日まで、7階の催し物場では、呉服、着物の特別セールを実施しております。また、地下1階、食料品売り場では、ただいま北海道産の美味しい鮭、かになどを取りそろえております。なお食料品売り場は7時までの販売となっております。ご来店をお待ち申し上げております。 • (Narrator) Now listen again. • (Woman) (リピート)
(Narrator) Now answer the questions for this selection.] 1. When does the store reopen? (A) Tuesday (B) Wednesday (C) Thursday (D) Friday 2. What are the regular store hours? (A) 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (B) 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (C) 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (D) 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. 3. What items are on sale on the seventh floor? (A) Children’s clothes (B) Food items (C) Traditional clothing (D) Footwear 4. What is on sale in the food department? (A) Vegetables (B) Pastries (C) Seafood (D) Fruit
School debate [(Narrator) Now you will listen once to a school debate. (Man A) それでは、これから生徒会主催の討論会を始めたいと思います。 今日は、幸夫君と幸子さんに学校の制服について討論してもら います。まず、幸子さんからです。お願いします。 (Woman) 私は、はっきり言って、うちの高校の制服、かっこわるいと思います。毎日同じ洋服を着ると、ファッションのセンスも育ちません。 (Man A) それでは、幸夫君、どうぞ。 (Man B) それは、制服のいいところが、少しも分かっていない人の言い分 だと思います。僕の弟と妹は、制服のない学校に行っていますが、毎日、明日何を着て行くか、なかなか決められません。私服は意 外と大変だ思います。それに私服だとお金もかかると思います。 (Woman) 確かにお金はかかるけど、でも、自分の好きな服が着られるし、 毎日違う服を着るのは楽しいと思います。みんなもいつも好きな 服を着たいと言っています。 (Man B) 高校ではバイトが禁止されています。親も制服があった方がお金 がかからないから助かると思います。
(Narrator) Now answer the questions for this selection.] 5. Why does Sachiko dislike school uniforms? (A) They are not fashionable. (B) They are expensive. (C) They cannot be worn to an after-school job. (D) They are uncomfortable. 6. Why does Yukio like school uniforms? (A) They show school spirit. (B) They eliminate the need to choose clothes. (C) They do not wear out. (D) They have a professional style.
7. What does Sachiko say about her classmates? (A) They mostly oppose uniforms. (B) They have good fashion sense. (C) They like to express their own tastes. (D) They think clothes should be fun. 8. What does Yukio say about students’ parents? (A) They encourage schools to require uniforms. (B) They want their children to earn money. (C) They are concerned about treating children equally. (D) They need to save money. 9. On what point do the debaters agree? (A) The cost of clothing (B) Students’ part-time jobs (C) The importance of considering parents’ needs (D) Uniforms in elementary schools
Section I: Multiple Choice (Reading) Note: In this part of the exam, the student may move back and forth among all the questions. Sample Questions Directions: You will read several selections in Japanese. Each selection is accompanied by a number of questions in English. For each question, choose the response that is best according to the selection. Read this set of e-mails. Message #1 差出人: えみこ 送信日時: 2月4日 件名: 土曜日の映画 明日は土曜日よ。私たち映画に行こうっていっているの。今みんなが話している新しい映画。一緒に行かない?
Message #2 差出人: 山本 送信日時: 2月4日 件名: 14課のテスト 生徒の皆さん、火曜日の歴史のテストは大事なので、月曜日の部活の時間が変わりました。 3:00~4:00 にしましょう。それから今、風邪がはやっているから、気をつけてきちんと睡眠をとるように。 Message #3 差出人: みちこ 送信日時: 2月4日 件名: RE:土曜日の映画 もちろん! そうそう、私その映画の割引券持ってるよ。それだと、なんと半額になるのよ!
Message #4 差出人: ひでき 送信日時: 2月7日 件名: あきちゃん あのね、あきちゃんのことを聞いた?あき、風邪ひいたんだって。今日学校に来ていなかったし、明日も休むらしいよ。 Message #5 差出人: のりこ 送信日時: 2月7日 件名: RE:土曜日の映画 ああいう映画はもういやだ。ホラーはだめだ。夜よく眠れなかった。 Message #6 差出人: はなこ 送信日時: 2月 7日 件名: RE:土曜日の映画 行けなくてごめんね。のりこちゃんはホラーに弱いね.。今度はコメディーを見に行こう!
10. Which message is from someone who had a difficult time sleeping? (A)Message #1 (B) Message #2 (C) Message #4 (D) Message #5 11. Which message is from someone who missed seeing the movie? (A) Message #3 (B) Message #4 (C) Message #5 (D) Message #6 12. Which message is from the person who said “get enough sleep”? (A) Message #2 (B) Message #4 (C) Message #5 (D) Message #6 13. The test on Tuesday is on which subject? (A) Math (B) History (C) Literature (D) Economics 14. Why did the friends choose the movie they saw? (A) They like horror movies. (B) It is attracting a lot of attention. (C) It was a class assignment. (D) They had free tickets.
Read this news article. 平成15年に、エンカレッジ・スクールという学校ができた。エンカレッジは、日本語で「はげます」とか「力づけ る」という意味である。エンカレッジ・スクールは、学校がきらいで、勉強しない子どもたちのために作られた。たとえば、エンカレッジ・スクールの一つ、桜台高校では期末テストがない。ホームルームは二人の先生が受け持ってい る。1クラス20人ぐらいで、ふつうの高校より1クラスの生徒数が少ない。また、ふつうの高校では授業が50分だ が、桜台高校では30分授業だ。「30分授業は、短いから集中して勉強できる」と、生徒に人気がある。それに、「和太鼓」や「福祉ボランティア」など、ふつうの高校にはない体験学習もできる。桜田高校はいろいろなことがふつ うの高校とちがうようだ。先生たちもいっしょうけんめい生徒をおうえんしている。すでに エンカレッジ・スクールの効果が上がっていることが報告されている。学校ぎらいの生徒をおうえんするために、 エンカレッジ・スクールがこれから全国に増えることかが望まれる。 1 和太鼓わだいこ : Japanese drums 2 福祉ふくし ボランティア: community service
15.According to the article, what is the benefit to students of attending the type of school described? (A) They receive individual attention. (B) Their teachers are highly qualified. (C) They are well prepared for college. (D) Their books and material are provided by the school. 16. According to the article, what stands out about Sakuradai High School? (A) It has served as a model for other high schools. (B) All of the students are required to do community service. (C) There are no final exams. (D) Teachers are very strict. 17. What does the article say about classes at Sakuradai High School? (A) Class sizes are smaller than in regular high schools. (B) Students work in pairs to encourage each other. (C) No elective subjects are offered. (D) Class periods are longer than in regular high schools.
18. The schools described in the article are intended for what type of students? (A) Highly motivated students who like to study at a fast pace (B) Students who are struggling in a regular high school (C) Artistic students who want to focus on an art curriculum (D) International students who need extra help with Japanese language 19. What does the writer suggest about the future of the schools described in the article? (A) Their effectiveness should be evaluated. (B) They should be incorporated into regular high schools. (C) More such schools should be established. (D) Large budgets are needed for such schools.
Activity 1( Work in pairs. )Examples of “Reading/Listening Activities” Seen in Textbooks: Are they communicative? • What types of reading /listening activities can you find in your textbooks? Are they “real-world like” or are they just busy work? • What are your students expected to know to read/understand the texts?
Reading Authentic Texts http://www.matterhorn-group.ch/en/gornergrat/hotel/index.php
ALLES AUF EINEN BLICK 3100 Kulmhotel Gornergrat Herr Fernando Clemenz 3920 Zermatt Telefon +41 27 966 64 00 Fax +41 27 966 64 04 gornergrat.kulm@zermatt.ch Öffnungszeiten November bis Mitte Dezember geschlossen. Kreditkarten VISA, Mastercard, AMEXCO, Diners, JCP Dienstleistungen Geldwechsel, Wäscheservice, Wie kommt man zum Kulmhotel Gornergrat? Das Hotel ist mit der berühmten Gornergratbahnin ca. 45 Minuten von Zermatt aus erreichbar. Drei Personenaufzüge sorgen für eine optimale Verbindung von der Bahnstation zum Hotel
A BRIEF OVERVIEW 3100 Kulmhotel Gornergrat Fernando Clemenz CH-3920 Zermatt Tel +41 27 966 64 00 Fax +41 27 966 64 04 gornergrat.kulm@zermatt.ch Open The hotel is open all year round except November to mid-December Credit cards VISA, Mastercard, AMEXCO, Diners, JCP Services Money exchange, laundry service, luggage transfer How to get to the Kulmhotel Gornergrat The hotel can be reached via the famous Gornergrat rack railroad, in approximately 45 minutes from Zermatt. Three elevators connect the rail platform with the hotel.
Reading ... 1. has a purpose. 2. has a context. 3. is an active skill. 4. is an interaction. 5. is a linguistic activity. 6. is a cognitive activity. 7. is a guessing game. 8. has a consequence. 9. is an ever-growing process. 10. is individual.
What is Authentic Text? Language samples, either oral or written, that reflect a naturalness of form and an appropriateness of cultural and situational context that would be found in the language as used by native speakers. Rogers and Medley, 1988 There are two types of authentic discourse: (1) unmodified authentic discourse (2) simulated authentic discourse Geddes and White, 1978
Authenticity Authenticity has several dimensions: (1) situations (2) purpose and tasks (communication) (3) language: actual words in the text (4) forms: the form in which the text is presented
Activity 2 (Brainstorming in groups of 3 or 4) • Why authentic texts? • Advantages of authentic texts and tasks • What authentic texts can be used in class? • Possible problems with authentic texts
Differences between "Reading as Interpretive Communication" and "Orthography"
Some types of "reading" tasks and questions: how are they different? (Activity 3) 1. Please read aloud the names of the side dishes available at this Domino's Pizza. 2. Please write in rooma-ji the reading for all the katakana words. 3. Please write the English translation for each of the katakana words. 4. What side dishes are available at Domino's Pizza? 5. There are three types of side dish at this Domino's. What are they? 6. What 4 kinds of drinks are there?
7. Please look at 「フライドチキン和風」. Read the explanation under it and guess what 「和風」could mean. 8. What is 「ミックスチキン」? 9. Is 「ミックスチキン」more economical (Does 「ミックスチキン」offer more savings) than 「フライドチキン和風」or 「ロティサリーチキン」? 10. There are two sentences which have 「〜でドリンクをセットにできます。」as in the following: 「アメリカンサラダは2個でドリンクをセットにできます。」 「+¥150でドリンクをセットにできます。」 As you have already learned「XをY にできます」means "one can make X Y." What, then, do the above two sentences mean?
11. Suppose you are at this Domino's with your friends. You are very hungry but you have only ¥1,000. (You cannot buy any pizza because the cheapest pizza is higher than ¥1,000.) What would you buy? 12. Will your selection be different if you are on a diet? Both authentic texts and authentic tasks are required for practicing for Interpretive Communication.
Reading ProcessReading involves ... 1. Recognizing the script of a language 2. Deducing the meaning and use of unfamiliar vocabulary 3. Understanding information that is stated explicitly 4. Understanding implications not explicitly stated 5. Understanding relationships within sentences 6. Understanding relationships between the parts of a text through cohesive devices, both grammatical and lexical 7. Identifying the main point or the most important information 8. Distinguishing the main idea from the supporting detail 9. Extracting the main points in order to summarize 10. Understanding the communicative value and function of the text Grellet
Listening/ViewingDifferences between Reading and Listening/Viewing (Activity 4) • Repetition ( except for recorded materials such as telephone messages and videos) • Pace/speed (amount of time spent for comprehension) • Attention • Use of unfamiliar orthography • Logical sequence • Coherence (especially in conversational speech) • Purpose • Text type
Examples of Viewing Activities Authentic Text: TV weather report Authentic Tasks: ?? • (Activity 5) What kinds of listening/viewing activities can you make using a TV weather report? Please make a list.
Designing Activities for Interpretive Communication A. Selection of Texts B. Pre-reading/listening Activities C. Reading/listening and Learning Activities a. Global Activities b. Specific Information Activities c. Linguistic Activities D. Post-reading/listening Activities
Basic Principles of Listening Tasks • You don’t necessary simplify the text, you simplify the tasks • Prepare students through pre-listening activities. • Design a hierarchy of tasks. • Always define the task BEFORE listening • Students’ tasks will be • in L1 if working on pure listening comprehension skills • in L2 if working on combined skills.
Reading for Communication: Sample Activities Activity 6 Please study the sample activities in the handout. Activity 7 Make some activities using one of the articles in the handout.