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End of Course Tests (EOCT) Local Scanning Webinar Spring 2013 March 6, 2013. Our session will start momentarily. While you are waiting, please do the following : Configure your microphone and speakers by going to : Tools-audio-audio setup wizard
End of Course Tests (EOCT) Local Scanning Webinar Spring 2013 March 6, 2013 Our session will start momentarily While you are waiting, please do the following: Configure your microphone and speakers by going to: • Tools-audio-audio setup wizard Enter/edit your profile information by going to: • Tools-Preferences-My profile... • Complete the information on the “identity” tab, click ‘OK” • To view the profile of another user, hover your mouse over his or her name in the participants window
AGENDA Purpose of Training Returning Local Scanning Answer Documents Local Scanning Process Overview • Enrollment Reminder • Minimum Hardware Requirements/Supported Operating Systems • Test Deck Process/Approval to Proceed • High Level Process Overview • Local Scanning Process (“How To”) • Tab Controls Procedural Guidelines/Certification of Adherence Local Scanning Testing Administration Frequently Asked Questions Contacts
Purpose of Training Review the complete cycle of the local scanning process, including: Hardware requirements & supported operating systems Testing the software (test deck process) A high level overview of the local scanning process How to scan Class ID sheets and Answer Documents
Returning Local Scanning Answer Documents Spring 2013 Answer Documents will be returned during a defined window at the conclusion of the administration. • Participating districts will receive a package from Pearson with directives on how and when to return answer documents. Special labels to return the local scanning answer documents will be sent in June 2013. • Please do not use labels sent during the initial distribution to return scanned documents.
Enrollment Reminder Only districts that enrolled for local scanning during the spring enrollment window are approved for local scanning. If you are unsure whether you are enrolled for the Spring 2013 local scanning testing administration, please contact Robin Jindrich-Cecil at 888-705-9414 x 21-6973.
Minimum Hardware Requirements Make sure your scanner agreement is up to date and proper scanner maintenance/care has been adhered to. Make sure your scanner, personal computer, and Internet connectivity meet minimum requirements. Minimum Windows PC Hardware Requirements Pentium processor - 866 MHz, System memory of 384 MB (512 MB recommended) Hard drive space: 650 MB of free space, minimum (1GB recommended). The required space may increase depending on the application's data storage requirements. Video Adapter with 24-bit color (recommended), 65K colors minimum Monitor at 1024 x 768 resolution A CD-ROM drive for installation An Internet connection that will allow the transfer of data to and from Pearson’s secure FTP site A web browser for accessing web-based support information RS-232 Serial port required for OpScan scanners. RS-232 or USB 2.0 required for iNSIGHT scanners. All users of iNSIGHT scanners should obtain the new drivers from the below website (scroll to the iNSIGHT series group at: http://www.scantron.com/productupdates
Supported Operating Systems Windows XP and XP Professional SP2 Windows 7 32 bit Windows 7 32 bit is the successor to Vista Business Edition. Windows 2000 Professional SP4 is no longer supported. All windows hot fixes for the service pack must also be installed. Please consult with your technology coordinator. For hardware questions, please contact Scantron at 1-800-SCANTRON
Test Deck Process/Approval to Proceed Systems are required to complete the test deck process prior to the start of the Winter Administration. The test deck process includes required steps that must be completed prior to scanning the test deck (ie: removing current local scanning software and downloading new software), as well as test deck materials. Test deck materials include Class ID sheets and Answer Documents that you will scan and upload to Pearson for review. Please do not grid test deck materials. Doing so could delay the test deck process and result in a district not being able to participate in local scanning. In mid April, Pearson will send email notification to System Testing Coordinators of when test decks are being sent to districts. Test decks should be sent out the week of April 8th. System Test Coordinators must complete their test deck process no later than April 19, 2013.
Test Deck Process/Approval to Proceed Test deck process must be completed by April 19th. Failure to do so will result in a district’s inability to participate in local scanning for the Spring 2013 administration. Once Pearson validates the successful transmission of the test decks, email notification will be sent to the System Testing Coordinator with approval to scan “live” answer documents. Do not scan “live” student Answer Documents prior to Pearson’s authorization.
Reminder: Pearson must provide approval to proceed before “live” scanning can begin New Class ID Sheets/Answer Documents will be sent along with the delivery of your Spring 2013 testing materials. Unused Class ID Sheets/Answer Documents from previous administrations must be destroyed and cannot be used. Class ID Sheets/Answer Documents must be prepared for scanning per the directions in the Examiner’s Manual. For students without Pre-ID Labels, all demographic information must be bubbled. When filling in demographic information, you MUST include both the FTE and GTID numbers. 3. Review accuracy and completion of the “batch” you are about to scan. Batch= One Class ID Sheet/Answer Documents High Level Process Overview – Scanning “Live” Documents
4. Have a second certified employee review the batch. 5. Scan one Class ID sheet with associated Answer Documents. 6. Print Preliminary Reports. Review accuracy of the Preliminary Report prior to uploading the scan file to Pearson. Have a second certified employee review prior to upload. 7. Upload scan file to Pearson. High Level Process Overview
The Golden Rule: If a batch has already been uploaded (sent to Pearson), it cannot be uploaded again or modified. Local Scanning Process:The Golden Rule
Local Scanning Process • Prior to Scanning: Review batch for accuracy. Have a second certified employee review the batch. Batch Confirm all required fields are complete on the Class ID Sheet and the accuracy of each field. Confirm the Answer Documents behind the Class ID sheet contain all of the students that should be reported under that Class ID sheet.
Local Scanning Process Scanning Process • Once a batch has been scanned, a batch number is assigned. - Batch Number= Teacher Name, School Name, System Name, Subject from Class ID Sheet. • The local scanning software will begin a series of checks against the batch to determine if this is a new batch being scanned and/or uploaded. • Possible scenarios: • If an operator scans a new batch (batch does not exist on the scanner); no error messages will occur. • If an operator scans a batch that’s already been scanned, but has not been uploaded, the operator will be prompted to perform one of the following actions: • Create: a new batch ID is created for the documents being actively scanned • Replace: replaces the previously scanned batch with the newly scanned batch • Append: adds new records to the original scanned batch
Local Scanning Process Scanning Process • If an Answer Document has been scanned in a previous batch, it cannot be scanned into another batch. It can only exist in one batch. Options: 1. “Resume Scanning” will act as if the duplicate Answer Document doesn’t exist and will not scan it again. 2. If the Answer Document belongs in this batch, you may remove it from Batch 000005 (for example) as long as that batch has not been uploaded. Re-scan Batch 00005 without the “duplicate” Answer Document & select “Replace.”
Local Scanning Process Scanning Process • If an Answer Document has been uploaded, no changes can be made. The Answer Document cannot be scanned again. • Options: • 1. “Resume Scanning” will act as if the duplicate AD doesn’t exist and will not scan it again.
Local Scanning Process • If an operator attempts to scan or upload a batch already uploaded, the below error messages will occur. Scanning a batch already sent to Pearson Uploading a batch that’s already been uploaded
Tab Controls Scanning Tab • Shows the current batch being scanned and indicates the progress of Expected Sheets vs. Answer Sheets being scanned. • Upon completion of scanning, if the number of Answer Documents scanned does not equal the number of Expected Sheets as indicated on the Class ID sheet, a message will appear.
Tab Controls Reporting Tab • Batch data view indicating status of batch. (New, Sent, Failed) • View can be sorted on any column into ascending or descending order by clicking the desired column heading. • View Filters provides additional viewing options. • Score and Print: select the output of the Preliminary Report. Review before you upload. • FTP Upload/Upload Batch- to send the batch to Pearson • Maintenance allows you to delete a batch or batches. Note: deleting a batch in “Sent” status will only delete the batch from the data view. You will not be able to scan or upload Answer Documents already sent.
Procedural Guidelines Responsible Parties: System Test Coordinators or School Test Coordinators are responsible for the scanning and/or supervision of scanning End-of-Course Tests (EOCT) answer documents. Scanning should take place with a minimum of two certified employees present. Paraprofessionals or clerical staff should not scan documents. Training: Ultimate responsibility lies with System Test Coordinators to ensure certified employees are trained on the local scanning process. Any employee participating in the local scanning process must receive appropriate training and demonstrate an understanding of the entire process before being permitted to scan documents. Training should take place in advance of the actual scanning of documents.
Security: At no time should students be allowed to scan and/or assist with the scanning of documents nor should they be allowed in the area where documents are being scanned or stored. Teachers of EOCT courses should not be allowed to scan documents. Scanning should take place with a minimum of two certified employees present. Answer documents for Braille students should not be scanned locally. Please return those documents to Pearson for processing. Verify that all bubbled information is accurate and complete. Ensure the correct form number is gridded prior to the start of scanning. Scanning should be completed immediately at the end of the system’s testing window. Irregularities and Invalidations will be coded on answer documents in the same manner as documents that are sent to Pearson for scoring. Procedural Guidelines
Scanning Environment: There should be one central location where scanning will take place; individual schools should not be allowed to scan documents With the exception of districts with only one school participating. If systems with only one school participating in local scanning choose to have all scanning take place at that school, the School Test Coordinator should be designated to scan documents and supervise scanning at the school level The System Test Coordinator should supervise this process in all cases possible. Procedural Guidelines
After Scanning: Immediately after scanning, the System Test Coordinator must submit the file to Pearson for reporting. Submit the file only ONCE. The System Test Coordinator is responsible for the secure delivery of results to schools. A centrally located secure (and dry) area must be available for storage of scanned answer documents after completion of scanning. These documents remain secured test materials even after scanning is completed. DO NOT SEND SCANNED ANSWER DOCUMENTS BACK TO PEARSON during the administration, special labels will be sent after the administration for the return of these documents. In the event that scanned documents are inadvertently returned to Pearson, systems run the risk of documents being re-scanned by Pearson which will create problems with the scoring process and will delay system and state reports. Locally scanned answer documents will be returned to Pearson at the conclusion of the Spring administration. Test Booklets must be returned to Pearson. Please ensure there are no Answer Documents in the books before returning them. Procedural Guidelines
All System Test Coordinators and certified personnel responsible for scanning End-of-course Tests (EOCT) must sign a Certification of Adherence to Local Scanning Procedures form. Please remember that this form: can be found on the EOCT resources page under “Other Documents and Resources”; and must be kept on file in the System Test Coordinator’s office. CERTIFICATION OF ADHERENCE TO LOCAL SCANNING PROCEDURES
Important Dates Test Deck process completed and approved by Pearson April 8–19, 2013 Spring 2013 Testing Administration April 22, 2013 – May 31, 2013 Summer 2013 Local Scanning Enrollment Window March 18 – 29, 2013
Frequently Asked Questions When scanning a batch, I receive a message prompting me to Create, Replace, or Append. If you are scanning a batch that’s already been scanned, but has not been uploaded, you will be prompted to do one of the following: Create: a new batch ID will be created for the documents being actively scanned. Replace: the previously scanned batch will be replaced with the newly scanned batch. Append: new records will be added to the original scanned batch. When scanning a batch, I received an error message stating the batch has already been sent to Pearson and cannot be changed by scanning new or re-scanning previous answer sheets. Once abatch has been uploaded to Pearson, you are unable to scan the batch again. A transmitted batch cannot be changed.
Frequently Asked Questions When uploading a batch, I received an error message stating the selected batch has already been sent to Pearson and cannot be sent again. Once a batch has been uploaded, the batch has already been sent, and cannot be uploaded again.
Frequently Asked Questions I received an error message indicating the scanner has stopped, and a specific examination cannot be added to a different batch. This message occurs if an Answer Document has already been scanned (but not uploaded) in a previous batch. An Answer Document can only exist in one batch. Two options exist when this message occurs: a) The “Resume Scanning” button will act as if the duplicate Answer Document does not exist and will not scan it again. b) The “Stop Scanning” button can be used if you want to remove the Answer Document that’s already been scanned in another batch, allowing you to scan it in this batch. You can only do this if the batch it was originally scanned in has not been uploaded. Select “Stop Scanning” and remove the batch you are currently attempting to scan. Set it aside. Locate the batch that was scanned that had this Answer Document in it. Rescan that batch (without the Answer Document) and select “Replace” when prompted. Rescan the batch that was set aside. Since you’ve removed the Answer Document from the other batch, you will be allowed to scan it in the current batch.
Frequently Asked Questions I received the below error message indicating the scanner has stopped, and a specific examination cannot be rescanned because it’s already been sent to Pearson. This error message indicates that a Answer Document that you are trying to scan has already been uploaded in another batch. No changes can be made. Select the “Resume Scanning” button and the scanner will act as if the duplicate Answer Document does not exist, and will allow you to continue the scanning of the current batch.
Frequently Asked Questions Can I scan multiple Class ID sheets within the same “batch”? No. One Class ID sheet and the corresponding answer documents below it equal one batch. I am getting Software Installation (JIT) Errors when I try to install the scanning software. These errors arise from the failure of the client operator to have sufficient computer authority to install software. Make sure the operator has sufficient access rights to perform the installation. Your system’s technical support contact should be able to help with this error. I am getting FTP Communications Errors. These errors are usually caused by system configuration issues. Contact your system’s technical support. The most common causes of FTP communication issues are: Failure to open an FTP path through the local firewall Use of Proxy servers requiring a reconfiguration of Windows Internet Explorer.
I am receiving an error message that says: Neither the bar code or GTID numbers resolved properly. This examination form must be manually corrected before it can be accepted. Barcode reader errors can have several different causes. If you are having issues with barcodes, take the following steps: Make sure the barcode reader is correctly positioned to read the bar code on the answer document. The correct setting for your barcode reader is 6.8. You may need to alter this standard setting very slightly once you’ve confirmed the barcode reader is correctly positioned to read the bar code. Many scanners have a hardware diagnostic for determining the state of the bar code device. See your scanner documentation for information on the availability of this tool. Frequently Asked Questions
I am getting an ‘Invalid Form ID’ error. Form ID errors result from the scanner not recognizing the document that is being scanned. If you received this error, check for the following: Incorrect placement of documents in the hopper. Make sure documents are placed face up with the bottom of the document feeding in first. Invalid documents. Only the documents sent with your spring 2012 materials should be used. The scanner is not configured to read the EOCT answer documents. Frequently Asked Questions
Contacts Georgia Department of Education Melissa Faux Tony Eitel 404-656-5975 404-656-0478 mfaux@doe.k12.ga.usaeitel@doe.k12.ga.us Pearson Samantha Nelson Robin Jindrich-Cecil 888-705-9414 x 21-6559 888-705-9414 x 21-6973 samantha.nelson@pearson.comrobin.jindrich-cecil@pearson.com
Questions? Pearson Customer Call Center 888-705-9414georgia@support.pearson.com