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How Do Liquids Evaporate?

How Do Liquids Evaporate?. Question. Hypothesis. Pictures. Materials. Procedure. By Isabela Gutierrez Serna Samuel Yepes Londoño Lucciana Londono Rojas Antonio J ose A lonso. Results and Conclusion. Chart and Tables. QUESTION. Which liquid will heat up the most ?

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How Do Liquids Evaporate?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How Do Liquids Evaporate? Question Hypothesis Pictures Materials Procedure By Isabela Gutierrez Serna Samuel YepesLondoño LuccianaLondono Rojas Antonio Jose Alonso Results and Conclusion Chart and Tables

  2. QUESTION Whichliquidwillheat up the most? Willall of theliquidsevaporate? menu

  3. HYPOTHESIS Wethink the oilwillheat up the most. Wethink that all the liquidswillevaporate a little bit but the oilwillevaporate the most! menu

  4. MATERIALS 4 cups of the samesize Water Oil Liquidsoap Soda Cookingthermometer • 1 measuring cup menu

  5. PROCEDURE 1.Gather all of thematerials. 2.Measure out 1 cup of liquidinto a cleanglass. 3. Place the jar in the microwaveon the highestpowersettingfor 30 seconds. 4.Measure the temperature and liquidlevel. 5. Repeatsteps #2 – 4 withtheotherliquids. 6.Compare theresults. menu

  6. PICTURES menu


  8. RESULTS AND CONCLUCION The oil and soda gotthehottest and thesoapgottheleasthot. The liquidsdidnotevaporatemuch .The oil and thesoupevaporated 1/16 inch. Itdidnotevaporate more becauseitwas placed in a small place and itwas only in themicrowavefor 30 seconds. menu

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