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SOAR. Prof. Dr. Andreas Wendemuth Lehrstuhl Kognitive Systeme / Sprachverarbeitung Institut für Elektronik, Signalverarbeitung und Kommunikationstechnik Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg http://www.kognitivesysteme.de. SOAR.
SOAR Prof. Dr. Andreas Wendemuth Lehrstuhl Kognitive Systeme / Sprachverarbeitung Institut für Elektronik, Signalverarbeitung und Kommunikationstechnik Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg http://www.kognitivesysteme.de
SOAR • Soar is used by AI researchers to construct integrated intelligent agents and by cognitive scientist for cognitive modeling. • It can basically be considered in three different ways:
1. A theory of cognition. As such it provides the principles behind the implemented Soar system. • 2. A set of principles and constraints on (cognitive) processing. Thus, it provides a (cognitive) architectural framework, within which you can construct cognitive models. In this view it can be considered as an integrated architecture for knowledge-based problem solving, learning and interacting with external environments. • 3. An AI programming language.
Soar incorporates • problem spaces as a single framework for all tasks and subtasks to be solved • production rules as the single representation of permanent knowledge • objects with attributes and values as the single representation of temporary knowledge • automatic subgoaling as the single mechanism for generating goals • and chunking as the single learning mechanism.
Rules (Productions) in SOAR • rules are if --> then • starts with the symbol “sp”, which stands for “Soar production.” • All conditions must match.
Execution of productions • A condition tests for the existence (or absence) of data in working memory. • Rules fire: all of the actions are performed in working mememory. • All rules are global.
Structure of production sp {rule*name (condition) (condition) … --> (action) (action) …}
Working memory • Working memory is organized as graph structures in states. • Nodes that have links (non-terminals) are identifiers, terminals are constants. • Links are attributes which point to values. • An object is everything following its initial state, which is augmentation.
Objects: e.g. two blocks on table (s1 ^block b1 ^block b2 ^table t1) (b1 ^color blue ^name A ^ontop b2 ^type block) (b2 ^color yellow ^name B ^ontop t1 ^type block) (t1 ^color gray ^name Table ^type table) [also: table.color gray ]
Rules • Variables <s>, <o>, cf. Values 3, 1. • Commands write, halt. • Example: sp {hello-world (state <s> ^type state) --> (write |Hello World|) (halt)}
Operators and Decisions • Soar must decide (select) which (acceptable) rules fire • The locus of this decision is working memory • Therefore, operators are proposed, selected and applied • This is a continuous cycle • Rules whose prerequisites do not match any more are retracted (exception: operators)
Proposing • A rule proposes an operator by creating an acceptable preference (+) for the operator. • Example sp {propose*hello-world (state <s> ^type state) --> (<s> ^operator <o> +) (<o> ^name hello-world)} • <o> is an action variable which will be stored in working memory and examined later for application
Selecting • Since proposing and applying are kept separate, selection processes are possible • All acceptable proposed rules with matching conditions are always candidates for selection • If no other selection procedure is programmed, all these rules fire in parallel[in contrast to other programming languages]
Order of selection • Random order of multiple matching rules is given by „indifferent“ preference („= “ ) in proposal, avoiding an impasse • Example: sp {water-jug*propose*fill (state <s> ^name water-jug ^jug <j>) --> (<s> ^operator <o> + ^operator <o> =) ....
Applying (firing) • Example: sp {apply*hello-world (state <s> ^operator <o>) (<o> ^name hello-world) --> (write |Hello World|) (halt)} • This rule finds all variables <o> in working memory with matching conditions and fires all of them
Persistence in Working Memory-Truth Maintenance • Operator application creates persistent results in working memory (operator-support)[Operators are commitments of SOAR] • All other rules perform their actions, and retract from working memory if their conditions fail to match (instantiation-support, i.e. work only as long as that instantiation of the rule applies).E.g. proposal, comparison, elaboration.
Operator manipulations (I) • Compare and negate operators by- (negate), < , <=, >,>=, <> (not equal) • Example: sp {water-jug*propose*fill (state <s> ^name water-jug ^jug <j>) (<j> -^empty 0) (<j> ^contents > 0) ......
Operator manipulations (II) • Math in parantheses (), with prefix notation • Example 2 +vc: (+ 2 (* <v> <c>)) • Tests in parantheses {} • Example: sp {water-jug*propose*pour (state <s> ^name water-jug ^jug <i> ^jug { <j> <> <i> }) match <j> and not equal to <i>.
Manual removal of working memory elements by „-“ • Example: sp {water-jug*apply*fill (state <s> ^name water-jug ^jug <j>) (<j> ^volume <volume> ^contents <contents>) --> (<j> ^contents <volume>) (<j> ^contents <contents> -)} • Replaces the old value with a new one and removes the old value from memory
Remembering retracted operators • Augment the current state by last-op • Example: sp {water-jug*apply*operator*record*last-operator*pour (state <s> ^name water-jug ^operator <o>) (<o> ^name pour ^fill-jug <fj> ^empty-jug <ej>) --> (<s> ^last-operator <last-op>) (<last-op> ^name pour ^fill-jug <fj> ^empty-jug <ej>)}
Suppress operator action by „<“ • Example: (if just emptied, do not fill) sp {water-jug*select*operator*avoid*inverse*fill (state <s> ^name water-jug ^operator <o> ^last-operator <lo>) (<o> ^name fill ^fill-jug <i>) (<lo> ^name empty ^empty-jug <i>) --> (<s> ^operator <o> <)}
Removing operators • E.g. if last-op does not (-) have the same name and fill-jug, remove it sp {water-jug*apply*operator*remove*last-operator*pour (state <s> ^name water-jug ^operator <o> ^last-operator <last-op>) ( <o> ^name pour ^fill-jug <fj> ^empty-jug <ej>) - (<last-op> ^name pour ^fill-jug <fj> ^empty-jug <ej>) --> (<s> ^last-operator <last-op> -)}
Detecting Success and Halting • Match condition, write and halt. • Example: sp {water-jug*detect*goal*achieved (state <s> ^name water-jug ^jug <j>) (<j> ^volume 3 ^contents 1) --> (write (crlf) |The problem has been solved.|) (halt)}
Operator Impasses - Types • Operator no-change impasse: an operator has been selected and there is no new decision to be made. • State no-change impasse: no operators are proposed for the current state. • Operator tie impasse: multiple operators proposed, but insufficient preferences to select between them. • Operator conflict impasse: multiple operators proposed, and the preferences conflict.
Impasse resolution (I) – learning in case of operator tie • Multiple operators are applicable in higher goal context = operator tie • Return to the pre-impasse environment (lower goal context) • Gather features in pre-impasse environment • Augment pre-impasse rules by those features • Look in memory for rules (partially) using these features • In those memorized rules, find additional conditions and preferred actions based on those features • Augment the lower goal context by these goal-relevant conditions and preferred actions
Example of augmenting • Options to get to the station: walk or take bus, are unresolved (operator tie) • In pre-impasse rules, a feature „available time“ was used • In memory, a situation was found where the goal was to get to the airport. Then, a condition was „available time < 30min“, and if true, a bus must be taken to catch the train. • Augment pre-impasse environment by condition „available time“ and corresponding actions. • If unavailable, get that information. Decide again.
Impasse resolution II - chunking • Look at our previous example of learning. • Divide the goal process (get to station) into subgoals: (assess available time) or (determine convenient travel mode) = chunking • Make these chunks new individual rules = deductive (bottom-up) learning • Use these rules for other goals, e.g. for (visit grandma) or (spend evening with Monica)
Impasse resolution (III) – alternative operators • If no (partially) matching previous memory examples exist: • Go to pre-impasse environment and gather all conditions and corresponding rules. • Follow alternative rules allowed (but e.g. not preferred) by these conditions
Example for alternative operators • Impasse: (if get to station -> walk or take bus ?) • Pre-impasse conditions & rules,in reverse order: (if get to work -> get to station) (if 08:00am -> get to work) • Other (non-preferred) rules on same conditions: (if get to work -> take car)(if 08:00am -> continue sleeping) • Use 1st matching of these rules in reverse order
Impasse Resolution IV in SOAR • Learning by abduction [„Seitliches Wegführen“] (Johnson, 1994) = Einbettung derselben Regel in anderen Kontext • Learning by instruction [„Unterweisung“] (Huffman, 1993) nach Anfrage von SOAR an Lehrer, oder nach Entscheidung einer „Aufsichtsperson“
Water Jug Problem • You are given two empty jugs. One holds five gallons of water and the other holds three gallons. • There is a well that has unlimited water that you can use to completely fill the jugs. • You can also empty a jug or pour water from one jug to another. There are no marks for intermediate levels on the jugs. • The goal is to fill the three-gallon jug with one gallon of water.
Solution Space • Define states (gallons in jug1, gallons in jug2) • Nr. of gallons can only be 0,1,2,3 (3 gallon jug) or 0,1,2,3,4,5 (5 gallon jug) -> 24 states • 4 possibilities of action: water 1->2, water 2->1, empty, fill. • All possibilities of actions on all states gives finite and complete diagram • If state (.,1) is in this diagram: problem solved
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