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Configuration & Data Management Learning Assets

Defense Acquisition University ( DAU) ). Configuration & Data Management Learning Assets. Patrick M. Dallosta CPL Performance Learning Director Defense Acquisition University 19 th Annual Conference Association for Configuration and Data Management (ACDM) Savannah, Georgia USA

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Configuration & Data Management Learning Assets

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  1. Defense Acquisition University (DAU)) Configuration & Data Management Learning Assets Patrick M. Dallosta CPL Performance Learning Director Defense Acquisition University 19th Annual Conference Association for Configuration and Data Management (ACDM) Savannah, Georgia USA March 3-6, 2014 1

  2. Agenda • Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Mission • DAWIA Certification/Logistics Competencies • DoD Policy DoDI 5000.02 • DAU CM / DM Learning Assets • LOG 204 Configuration Management (Classroom/Online) • DoD Product Support Implementation Roadmap • Program Manager’s e-Tool Kit • CM/DM Communities of Practice (CoP) • ACQuipedia / “Ask A Professor” • Summary / Questions & Answers 2

  3. DAU Structure and Mission Hon. Chuck Hagel SECDEF Defense Agencies Hon. Christine Fox ActingDEPSECDEF DAU Mission “Provide a global learning environment to develop qualified acquisition, requirements and contingency professionals who deliver and sustain effective and affordable warfighting capabilities.” Hon. Frank Kendall USD(AT&L) Hon. Katrina McFarland USD(A) Jim Woolsey President, DAU 3 10 USC Ch. 87 - Sec. 1746 Defense Acquisition University Structure. “The Secretary of Defense … shall establish and maintain a defense acquisition university structure to provide for the professional educational development and training of the acquisition workforce.”

  4. DAWIA Certification Certification Level III Senior The process through which the Department of Defense Components (Army, Navy, Air Force, DoD Agencies) determine that an individual meets the mandatory standards (experience, education, and training) established for a career level in an acquisition career field. Level II Intermediate Remember Level I Entry Your Component certifies you - Not DAU 4

  5. DAWIA Career Field Populations

  6. DAU Courses by Certification Level 6

  7. Serving the DAWIA Workforce at the Point of Need Serving the Workforce at the Point of Need 7

  8. Life Cycle Logistics Competencies – Curriculum Crosswalk Principal course that addresses the competency Course where the competency is a major learning point New course/deployment date 8

  9. Life Cycle Logistics Certification Path FY14 Case/scenario based Application/case based Knowledge based Level III Certification Level II Certification Level I Certification LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support (R) ACQ 201 A Intermediate Systems Acquisition, Part A ACQ 201 B Intermediate Systems Acquisition, B (R) ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics, Part A LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics, Part B LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management (R) SYS 101 Fundamentals of Systems Planning, Research, Development and Engineering LOG 206 Intermediate Systems Sustainment Management LOG 235 Performance-Based Logistics CLL 005 Developing a Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals • Choice of: • BCF 102 – Earned Value Mgt OR • RQM 110 – Requirements Mgt OR • CON 121/124/127 Contracting Planning, Execution and Mgt OR • LOG 204 – Configuration Mgt OR • LOG 215 – Technical Data Mgt (FY15) CLL 015 Product Support Business Case Analysis (BCA) CLL 001 Life Cycle Mgt & Sustainment Metrics LOG 102 Fundamentals of System Sustainment Management CLL 020 Independent Logistics Assessments CLC 011 Contracting for the Rest of Us LOG 103 Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) LOG 204 is a CORE Plus Level II Certification Course for both ENG and LCL. • Choice of: • LOG 211 – Supportability Analysis OR • BCF 215 – O&S Cost Analysis OR • ACQ 265 – Services Acquisition OR • ACQ 315 – Business Acumen CLL 012 Supportability Analysis CLL 008 Designing for Supportability in DoD Systems CLL 011 Performance Based Life Cycle Product Support (PBL) 3 Years Experience 2 Years Experience 1 Year Experience 9

  10. DoD Policy – Interim DoDI 5000.02 November 25, 2013 • Enclosure 3 Systems Engineering • Para 8. Configuration Management 10

  11. LOG 204 Configuration Management • Distance Learning (Online) Course Credit • 12 Lessons, 24 hours, 18 CLPs, 60 day completion • Classroom Course (DAU Specialized Training) Credit • 4 ½ days, 30 students, 36 CLPs • “Browse Mode” Course Non-Credit • 12 Lessons, 24 hours, 60 day completion (Online) • Prerequisite(s) • ACQ 101, Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management 11

  12. LOG 204 Configuration Management Course Description • Cross-disciplinary course that addresses the interrelationship of Configuration and Data Management to Systems Engineering and Life Cycle Logistics activities • Identifies Configuration and Data Management concepts and basic practices, to include: • Configuration Identification • Status Accounting • Audits And Verification • Configuration Change Management • Performance Measures • Configuration Management Planning 12

  13. LOG 204 Configuration Management Course Objectives • Incorporate CM/DM concepts, principles, processes throughout the Life Cycle • Apply CM/DM planning and performance measures to processes • Integrate latest initiatives, guidance and policies within CM/DM practices and applications • Data Management • Performance-Based Logistics • Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Materiel Shortages (DMSMS) http://icatalog.dau.mil/onlinecatalog/courses.aspx?crs_id=50 13

  14. LOG 204 Topics Lessons 1-6 14

  15. LOG 204 Topics Lessons 7-12 15

  16. LOG 204 Graduates • Students are: 84% civilian, 10% military, 6%Industry • Career Fields: BUS - 10%, CON -5%, LCL - 30%, PM - 8%, ENG - 30% • Experience: 46% < 5 years; 34% had 6-15 years, 25% > 15 years • Reason for Taking LOG 204: 87% take the course to satisfy DAWIA requirements. 16

  17. LOG 204 Student Feedback 17

  18. CM/DM Knowledge Sharing Resources • Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) • DoD Product Support Implementation Roadmap • DAU Program Manager’s e-Tool Kit • DAU Glossary of Terms • DoD Logistics Assessment Guidebook Product Support Management CM Assessment Criteria • DAU Communities of Practice (CoP) (CM/DM/IM) • DAU ACQuipedia • DAU “Ask A Professor” 18

  19. DAG 4.3.7 Configuration Management Process https://acc.dau.mil/CommunityBrowser.aspx?id=638336&lang=en-US 19

  20. DAG 4.3.8 Technical Data Management Process https://acc.dau.mil/CommunityBrowser.aspx?id=638337&lang=en-US 20

  21. DAG 4.3.9 Interface Management Process https://acc.dau.mil/CommunityBrowser.aspx?id=638338&lang=en-US 21

  22. DoD Product Support Implementation Roadmap https://dap.dau.mil/dodpsroadmap/pages/ListView.aspx 22

  23. Roadmap Configuration Management META-CARD https://dap.dau.mil/dodpsroadmap/Pages/Default.aspx 23

  24. Configuration Management META-CARD URLs 24

  25. DAU Program Manager’s e-Tool Kit https://acc.dau.mil/CommunityBrowser.aspx?id=294565 25

  26. DAU Glossary of Terms https://dap.dau.mil/glossary/pages/1612.aspx 26

  27. Logistics Assessment Guidebook CM Assessment Criteria https://acc.dau.mil/CommunityBrowser.aspx?id=462118

  28. DAU Configuration Management Community of Practice https://acc.dau.mil/CommunityBrowser.aspx?id=22414 28

  29. DAU Configuration Management Community of Practice https://acc.dau.mil/CommunityBrowser.aspx?id=22414 29

  30. DAU Data Management Community of Practice https://acc.dau.mil/CommunityBrowser.aspx?id=17619&lang=en-US Community of Practice 30

  31. DAU Data Management CoP Body of Knowledge https://acc.dau.mil/CommunityBrowser.aspx?id=23056&lang=en-US 31

  32. Data Management Body of Knowledge https://acc.dau.mil/CommunityBrowser.aspx?id=23056&lang=en-US Chapter 6: Enterprise Data Integration Author: Bonnie Johnson, version 07 06 2007 Once an enterprise data strategy has been developed, the various business function strategies need to be reviewed to ensure compliance at the enterprise level.  This integration activity facilitates the ability to integrate the related data that may be used by multiple business functions. Historically, product data which is used by engineering, manufacturing and the various support functions that share the product data have limited integration based on need to know.  As the enterprise has moved from the manual environment to an electronic environment, the business functions have chosen electronic tools that meet the need of the business function but are not necessarily in a format to support or interface with other business function systems.  This outcome causes a redundancy that is extremely costly to the enterprise and the business functions on a variety of levels. 32

  33. DAU ACQuipedia https://dap.dau.mil/acquipedia/Pages/Default.aspx 33

  34. DAU ACQuipedia Topic Search https://dap.dau.mil/acquipedia/Pages/ArticleManage.aspx?aid=0cc01196-208c-4319-a0c4-0c8d2c313448 34

  35. ACQuipedia Configuration Management Article https://dap.dau.mil/acquipedia/Pages/ArticleDetails.aspx?aid=0cc01196-208c-4319-a0c4-0c8d2c313448 1 2 3 35

  36. DAU “Ask A Professor” Home Page https://dap.dau.mil/aap/pages/default.aspx 4 Business Day Response Time 36 Update url

  37. DAU Ask A Professor Topic Search – “CM” https://dap.dau.mil/aap/pages/search.aspx?q=Configuration Management 37

  38. Ask A Professor – Q&A Detail https://dap.dau.mil/aap/pages/qdetails.aspx?cgiSubjectAreaID=7&cgiQuestionID=22015 38

  39. Summary • DoD Policy and Workforce Competencies Drive DAU Curriculum • Both the Engineering and Life Cycle Logistics Career Fields Certifications include Configuration Management • DAU CM / DM Learning Assets are diverse, available and effective • DAU provides Classroom, Online and specialized training to meet Workforce training needs. • How can DAU help you? 39

  40. Thank You for Inviting DAU to Participate at ACDM! Q & A 19th Annual Conference Association for Configuration and Data Management (ACDM) Savannah, Georgia USA March 3-6, 2014 40

  41. Back-up Go Ravens! 41

  42. DAU iCatalog http://icatalog.dau.mil/ 42

  43. DAU Training Center http://dau.mil/training/default.aspx 43

  44. Apply For A Course http://dau.mil/training/Pages/apply.aspx https://www.atrrs.army.mil/channels/nondod/help/dauclinstructions.asp 44

  45. Industry Training Sign-Up Profile Instructions 45

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