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Executive Order 13186 Responsibilities of Federal Agencies to Protect Migratory Birds

Executive Order 13186 Responsibilities of Federal Agencies to Protect Migratory Birds. Does the MBTA apply to Federal Agencies?. Yes…it is the government’s duty to lead in the protection of this international resource. Executive Order – The Basics. Birds have economic and ecological value

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Executive Order 13186 Responsibilities of Federal Agencies to Protect Migratory Birds

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  1. Executive Order 13186Responsibilities of Federal Agencies to Protect Migratory Birds

  2. Does the MBTA apply to Federal Agencies? • Yes…it is the government’s duty to lead in the protection of this international resource.

  3. Executive Order – The Basics • Birds have economic and ecological value • U.S agencies have obligations to implement the Treaties Federal Agencies that may have negative effects must develop an MOU

  4. Executive Order – Important Points • Avoid or minimize impacts of actions • Restore and enhance habitat • Ensure environmental impact analysis incorporates birds (NEPA) • Identify actions that are likely to impact birds (stressors) • Promote bird conservation through education, outreach and training

  5. Activities of the Executive Order • Support conservation planning efforts • Incorporate bird conservation considerations into agency plans • Promote conservation without compromising the agency mission • Report annually on implementation of the Executive Order

  6. Council for the Conservation of Migratory Birds • An interagency Council to oversee the implementation of the Executive Order • Council members are Bureau Directors/Administrators

  7. Council for the Conservation of Migratory Birds • Goals: • Promote coordination and collaboration • Improve opportunities for effective conservation of migratory birds • Recognize positive impacts federal agencies have on populations • Ensure successful implementation of conservation responsibilities

  8. Presidential Award Annual Report

  9. Executive Order 13186: MOUs Federal agencies are required to complete an MOU • If their activities may have negative effects on birds • MOU outlines how agencies will reduce those impacts

  10. MOU Contents • Evaluate effects of agency actions on migratory birds with an emphasis on “species of concern” • Minimize alltakeof species of concern • Minimizehabitat impacts • Promoteeducation, international efforts, training and more…

  11. MOU: Important Points Do not impose permanent boundaries based on temporary limitations These are documents of opportunity, not policy Illuminate paths to success by using specific instruction/examples Consider future successes

  12. MOU: Take home points Agency mission cannot be compromised Vehicle for efficient and effective collaboration Solution-oriented document Not just MBTA compliance - increases partnership-building Can be sole mechanism to increase awareness – catalyzes additional solutions on the ground Not a list of obligations – list of solutions

  13. MOU Toolbox Coordination with friendly and helpful USFWS staff Coordination with Sister Agencies Conservation measures Communications staff Implementation plans Effective Monitoring Conservation Plans Stressor lists Bird lists Job Aids Data NEPA

  14. EO Implementation The US Fish and Wildlife Service Role: • Leads coordination and implementation of the EO • Provide training opportunities • Provide guidance to federal agencies

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