My TPACK Diagram - I made my pedagogical knowledge circle biggest in size because I have lots of pedagogical knowledge and experience teaching. I am most confident in this area. My content knowledge is a second largest circle but growing with my curriculum courses and experience in teaching. My technology knowledge is just slightly smaller than my content knowledge. It is slightly smaller because I am becoming more technologically literate and am learning about how to use technology in education. I have little experience trying technology in my teaching. PCK - I moved content knowledge closer to pedagogical knowledge, making the subdomain of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) larger than the other subdomains. I did this because through my student teaching and curriculum courses, I have become more aware of the curriculum content. I am more comfortable finding SLEs from the Program Of Studies and researching ways to communicate lessons that aligns with my pedagogical knowledge. Pedagogical Knowledge Content Knowledge TPACK Technological Knowledge TPK TCK - My technological knowledge and the corresponding technology subdomains are smaller, but they are growing as I experiment and practice using technology. I am finding more and more ways that I can incorporate technology into my pedagogy that enhances my content knowledge.