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Biconnectivity. SEA. PVD. ORD. FCO. SNA. MIA. Outline and Reading. Definitions ( § 6.3.2) Separation vertices and edges Biconnected graph Biconnected components Equivalence classes Linked edges and link components Algorithms ( § 6.3.2) Auxiliary graph Proxy graph. Definitions

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  1. Biconnectivity SEA PVD ORD FCO SNA MIA Biconnectivity

  2. Outline and Reading • Definitions (§6.3.2) • Separation vertices and edges • Biconnected graph • Biconnected components • Equivalence classes • Linked edges and link components • Algorithms (§6.3.2) • Auxiliary graph • Proxy graph Biconnectivity

  3. Definitions Let G be a connected graph A separation edge of G is an edge whose removal disconnects G A separation vertex of G is a vertex whose removal disconnects G Applications Separation edges and vertices represent single points of failure in a network and are critical to the operation of the network Example DFW, LGA and LAX are separation vertices (DFW,LAX) is a separation edge Separation Edges and Vertices ORD PVD SFO LGA HNL LAX DFW MIA Biconnectivity

  4. Biconnected Graph • Equivalent definitions of a biconnected graph G • Graph G has no separation edges and no separation vertices • For any two vertices u and v of G,there are at least two disjoint simple paths between u and v (i.e., two simple paths between u and v that share no other vertices or edges) • For any two vertices u and v of G, there are at least one simple cycle containing u and v • Example PVD ORD SFO LGA HNL LAX DFW MIA Biconnectivity

  5. Biconnected Components • Biconnected component of a graph G • A maximal biconnected subgraph of G, or • A subgraph consisting of a separation edge of G and its end vertices • Interaction of biconnected components • An edge belongs to exactly one biconnected component • A nonseparation vertex belongs to exactly one biconnected component • A separation vertex belongs to two or more biconnected components • Example of a graph with four biconnected components ORD PVD SFO LGA RDU HNL LAX DFW MIA Biconnectivity

  6. Equivalence Classes • Given a set S, a relationR(x,y) on S is defined for each pair of x and y in S, such that R (x,y) is either true or false. • R(x,y) is an equivalence relationif it satisfies the following properties Reflexive: R(x,x)is true for each x. Symmetric: R(x,y)=R(y,x) for each x and y in C. Transitive: If R(x,y) is true and R(y,x) is true, then R(x,z) is true. • Example (connectivity relation among the vertices of a graph): • Let V be the set of vertices of a graph G • Define the relationR(v,w)=true if G has a path from v to w • Relation C is an equivalence relation Biconnectivity

  7. Equivalence Classes • An equivalence relation R on S induces a partition of the elements of S into equivalence classes • The equivalence class for any x in S is the set of all objects y, such that R(x,y)=ture • In the previous example, the equivalence class for vertex v, are the vertexes that are connected to v Biconnectivity

  8. i g e b a d j f c Link Relation • Edges e and f of connected graph Gare linked if • e = f, or • G has a simple cycle containing e and f Link relation: R(x,y)=true, if x and y are linked It is defined on the set of edges: S={edges of graph G} Theorem: The link relation on the edges of a graph is an equivalence relation Proof Sketch: • The reflexive and symmetric properties follow from the definition • For the transitive property, consider two simple cycles sharing an edge Equivalence classes of linked edges: {a} {b, c, d, e, f} {g, i, j} i g e b a d j f c Biconnectivity

  9. A biconnected component of G corresponds to the subgraph of G induced by an equivalence classof linked edges A separation edge is a single-element equivalence class of linked edges A separation vertex has incident edges in at least two distinct equivalence classes The equivalence classes of edges with respect to the link relation are also called the link components of G Link Components ORD PVD SFO LGA RDU HNL LAX DFW MIA Biconnectivity

  10. Biconnected Components • Since the link components (equivalence classes of edges with respect to the link relation) of G correspond to the biconnected components, to construct the biconnected componnets of G we need only compute the link components. Biconnectivity

  11. Auxiliary Graph h g i e b • Auxiliary graph B for a connected graph G • Associated with a DFS traversal of G • The vertices of B are the edges of G • For each back edgee of G, B has edges (e,f1), (e,f2) , …, (e,fk),where f1, f2, …, fk are the discovery edges of G that form a simple cycle with e • Its connected components correspond to the the link components of G i j d c f a DFS on graph G g e i h b f j d c a Auxiliary graph B Biconnectivity

  12. Biconnected Components LinkComponents (G) Input: A connected graph G Output: The link components of G 1) Perform a DFS traversal T on G 2) Compute the auxiliary graph B 3) compute the connected components of B by performing a DFS traversal on B 4) For each connected component of B, output the vertices of B as a link component of G Biconnected components, separation edges, and separation vertexes can be identified after we know the link components. Biconnectivity

  13. Auxiliary Graph (cont.) • In the worst case, the number of edges of the auxiliary graph is proportional to nm. Thus, the overall running time is O(nm) DFS on graph G Auxiliary graph B Biconnectivity

  14. Biconnected Components • The bottleneck in the auxiliary graph approach is the construction of the auxiliary graph B, which take O(nm) time. • But we do not need all of the auxiliary graph B in order to find the biconnected components of G. • We only need to identify the connected components of B. • We only need a spanning forest of B. • Thus we can reduce the time required to compute the link components of G by using the spanning forest of B (Proxy graph, F), which can be constructed in time O(n+m) Biconnectivity

  15. Proxy Graph h g AlgorithmproxyGraph(G) Inputconnectedgraph GOutputproxy graph F for GFempty graph DFS(G, s) { s is any vertex of G} for all discovery edges e of G F.insertVertex(e) setLabel(e, UNLINKED) for all vertices v of G in DFS visit order for all back edges k= (u,v) F.insertVertex(k) repeat ldiscovery edge with dest. u F.insertEdge(k,l) if getLabel(l) =UNLINKED setLabel(l, LINKED) uorigin of edge l else uv { shortcut to ends the loop } until u=v returnF i e b i j d c f a DFS on graph G g e i h b f j d c a Proxy graph F Biconnectivity

  16. Proxy Graph (cont.) h g i e b • Proxy graph F for a connected graph G • Spanning forest of the auxiliary graph B • Has m vertices and O(m) edges • Can be constructed in O(n +m) time • Its connected components (trees) correspond to the the link components of G • Given a graph G with n vertices and m edges, we can compute the following in O(n +m) time • The biconnected components of G • The separation vertices of G • The separation edges of G i j d c f a DFS on graph G g e i h b f j d c a Proxy graph F Biconnectivity

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