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VISION. The Vision of the ministry is to support the development of the whole woman by meeting her spiritual, physical and emotional needs. To develop and support the growth and maturity of the WOMEN in the church that will lead to strong committed Christian women ready to support and serve the ov

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    1. W O M E N

    2. VISION The Vision of the ministry is to support the development of the whole woman by meeting her spiritual, physical and emotional needs. To develop and support the growth and maturity of the WOMEN in the church that will lead to strong committed Christian women ready to support and serve the overall ministry and vision of the church and the community served by the church.

    3. MISSION STATEMENT To be loyal to God and to ourselves while making a visible significant difference everywhere.

    4. THEME SCRIPTURE Titus 2:3-5 (NLT) Similarly teach the older women to live in a way that is appropriate for someone serving the Lord. They must not go around evil of others and must not be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. These older women must rain the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to take to their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.

    5. Short-term goals To develop programs that support the spiritual, emotional, financial and physical growth and development of the women within the church family. Present the proposal to the Pastor for approval Finalize the Ministry Announce the Ministry and invite participation Implement the Ministry

    6. long-term goals Our goal is for every woman to feel at home, to belong, and to connect to God and to each other. That the women will develop to the point where they begin to make a visible, positive difference in their homes and in their community. To recognize that God has created each woman with unique and complex set of gifts, talents, and abilities. To assist women in finding the right place that will help them grow, develop, and THRIVE on their journey toward becoming more like CHRIST.

    7. Determine each womans purpose for participating in the ministry to aid with meeting their specific needs. The ultimate goal is to aide in the development of committed Christian women that will be prepared and ready to support the overall ministry and goal of the church and the community it serves. To help the women fulfill their purpose and become the women God created them to be Assist them with developing a daily devotional life

    8. Steps for Organizing and Structuring the Ministry

    9. Steps for Organizing and Structuring the Ministry

    10. Program Outline Females 18 & up Proposed meeting date & Time Weekly: Wednesday 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Monthly In The Living Room fellowship Quarterly Developmental Worships 3rd Saturday in March 3rd Saturday in June 3rd Saturday in Sept Quarterly Social Fellowship Outings Community Outreach

    11. Meeting & Project Format

    12. Meeting & Project Format

    13. Introduce the Ministry

    14. Announcements, Information and Updates

    15. Weekly Fellowship Agenda

    16. Womens Daily Prayer

    17. Inspirational Reading

    18. Weekly Bible Study

    19. Stay in Touch

    20. Annual Community Outreach Project Our first annual outreach project will be: ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE NEXT MAJOR DISASTER? Working with the Pastor, we will choose a Saturday to present tips and tools the will assist families in the church and the community with getting their families and homes prepare for the next big disaster.


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