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The Spread of Islam. Preview Main Idea/ Essential Questions Islam after Muhammad’s Death Map: Spread of Islam The Umayyad Dynasty The Abbasid Dynasty The End of Unity Quick Facts: The End of Unity. The Spread of Islam. Main Idea
The Spread of Islam Preview Main Idea/ Essential Questions Islam after Muhammad’s Death Map: Spread of Islam The Umayyad Dynasty The Abbasid Dynasty The End of Unity Quick Facts: The End of Unity
The Spread of Islam Main Idea After Muhammad’s death, Islam spread beyond the Arabian Peninsula, shaping a major empire within 100 years. While the empire eventually broke into smaller parts, Islam continued to spread. • Essential Questions: • How did Islam evolve after Muhammad’s death? • What were key events of the Umayyad dynasty? • What changes occurred under the Abbasid dynasty? • What led to the end of the caliphate’s unity?
Abu Bakr’s successor Umar, expanded Muslim rule rapidly • 637CE early victory against Persian forces in Iraq • 642CE victory over Persian Empire complete Expansion of Territory Priorities Muhammad’s Successors • Abu Bakr focused on bringing back Bedouin tribes • Built strong Arab fighting forces to keep tribes under control • Reunified Arabia, led forces north • Muhammad had not named successor • No clear candidate • Abu Bakr, close companion, early convert, chosen leader, called caliph, “successor” Islam after Muhammad’s Death The death of Muhammad in 632CE presented a challenge for the Muslim community. Who would lead the group and keep it unified? The answer affected the faith’s spread and its future.
More Expansion • More Expansion • After Iraq and Persia the Arab army faced the wealthy Byzantine Empire to west • Byzantines first lost Damascus, Syria and Jerusalem • 639CE, The Byzantine province of Egypt fell; 642CE, rest of Nile Valley under Arab rule • Empire • Only 10 years after Muhammad’s death, followers had created empire • Conquests continued under later caliphs • 661CE, The caliphate stretched from northern Africa in the west to Persia in the East • Internal Conflict and Division • Deep conflict within Muslim leadership – began with choice of Abu Bakr as caliph • Some had supported Muhammad’s cousin, Ali • 644CE, Ali lost again, to Uthman, supported by powerful Meccaclan Umayyad
Sunnis and Shias Ali’s Troubles • Most Muslims accepted Umayyad caliph, Mu’awiya • Called Sunnis, “followers of the Sunna,” or “way of the Prophet” • Ali’s supporters refused to go along with Umayyads. • Became known as the Shi’a, “party of Ali” • Umayyads had been Muhammad’s enemies, converted reluctantly, were unpopular • Uthman was killed by rebels • Ali became caliph, but troubles had just begun • Civil war broke out between Ali’s forces and Umayyad • Ali killed, Umayyad retook control Civil War
Shi’a believed God had specially blessed Ali’s descendants Ali’s descendants = Muhammad’s true heirs Shi’a called each of Ali’s successors imam Imam means “leader” For the Shi’a, only imams can interpret the Qur’an. The Shi’a and Imams
Conflict • Conflict deepened between Sunni and Shi’a after deaths of Mu’awiya & Ali. • Many thought Yazid, Mu’awiya’s son and successor was not a good Muslim. • Muhammad’s grandson, Husayn, led rebellion against Yazid. • Husayn’s forces were defeated in battle at Karbala in Iraq. • Further Division • Husayn was killed while holding his infant son – battle became known as the martyrdom of Husayn; The split between Sunni, Shi’a has remained bitter. • Third group developed within Islam—the Sufis • Sufis seek mystical, personal connection with God, using range of practices including breath control and meditation in rituals Whirling Dervish
What was the result of the succession conflict? Answer: Two different Muslim groups emerged—the Sunni and the Shi’a
Continued Expansion Military Conquests • Umayyads strengthened their rule after death of Husayn • Achievements: • Established Arabic as official language • Made coinage uniform throughout empire • Began first great work of Islamic architecture, Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem • Armies conquered territory to borders of China, Indus River Valley, to east • Took northern Africa, most of Spain, to west • Conquests spread Muslim faith, while allowing religious freedom for People of the Book; some restrictions, taxes for Non-Muslims however The Umayyad Dynasty Under the Umayyad caliphs, Muslim rule spread. However, internal problems weakened the Umayyads, and led to their fall.
Ruling the Empire End of the Umayyads Rebellion • Displeasure with Umayyads widespread • Shi’a continued opposition • Also unrest among conquered people, some Arab tribes • Umayyads weakened by discontent – time was ripe for rebellion • Abbasids, led by descendant of Muhammad’s uncle, united many Umayyad opponents by appearing to support their causes • Abbasids wiped out Umayyads in series of battles, late 740s • Caliphate entered Abbasid dynasty • Umayyads strengthened central government as the caliphate grew in size • Arab Muslims became ruling class, with power, privilege unavailable to those they conquered • Creation of privileged class conflicted with strong Muslim ideal of equality • Wars over succession were also upsetting to many faithful who were unhappy with emphasis on political ambition
Sequence What events brought about the end of the Umayyad dynasty? Answer:A family called the Abbasids took advantage of discontent with the Umayyads and established a new caliphate.
The Abbasid Dynasty • Baghdad • Abbasids relocated capital of caliphate; rulers lived in splendor • Chose Baghdad, on Tigris River, in present-day Iraq • Persian Influence • Move to Baghdad was the beginning of end of Arab domination of the Muslim world • Abbasids adopted Persian style of government • Government • Rulers were cut off from people • Caliph hidden behind screen in throne room, could not be seen • Used Persian officials; vizier, deputy, oversaw affairs of state • Change in Islam • Nature of Islam changed • Abbasids invited all to join in, turned Islam into universal religion and attracted people of many cultures
A Changing Culture Importance of Trade Funding for Change • Trade helped fund cultural achievement • Most prominent Abbasid caliph, Harun al-Rashid, helped bring culture to great heights, 786CE to 809CE • Support of scholarship helped produce lasting achievements of Islamic arts and sciences • Islam spread through trade • Muslim traders journeyed from end to end of caliphate, exchanging goods and information • Exchange brought Islam to West Africa, Southeast Asia Father of Chemistry/ Father of Optics
Contrast How did the Abbasids differ from the Umayyads? Answer:The Abbasids focused more on prosperity and cultural advancement than on empire expansion.
The End of Unity Problems from Egypt Challenges from Europe • 969CE, serious threat from FatimidDynasty established in Egypt • Claimed descent from Muhammad’s daughter Fatimah • From Egypt, they controlled Mediterranean and Red Sea • Disrupted Abbasid trade • Fatamids were soon more rich and more powerful than Abbasids. • European Christians weakened Muslim rule • Christian armies began to drive Muslims out of Spain, 1000s • European Christians began Crusades • Wanted to make Holy Land Christian, won at first • Muslims eventually retook Jerusalem As early as the 800s, Abbasid political power weakened. By the 900s, a number of small, independent states broke away from the caliphate.
Seljuk Turks and Others • Seljuk Turks • There were many non-Arabs among peoples of the caliphate, including Turks • 1055CE, Turkish Seljuks rose to power and took control of Baghdad • Seljuks were Sunni Muslims, supported Abbasid caliph • War Against Byzantine Empire • Seljuks defended Abbasids against Fatimids and went to war against Byzantine Empire – defeated Byzantines at Battle of Manzikert • Seljuks would go on to create their own empire • Mamluks and Mongols • 1200s, Mamluks took power in Egypt and Syria • 1258CE, Mongols destroyed Baghdad, killed Abbasid caliph; caliphate finished • Islam was still a vital force and spread to India, Central and Southeast Asia
Summarize What forces ended the unity of the caliphate? Answer:Abbasids lost political power when small independent states broke away.