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L.E.A.R.N. Barbara Tichota Wellness Coordinator. The LEARN Program For Weight Management 887-6204. Lifestyle Exercise Attitudes Relationships Nutrition. L.E.A.R.N. Reasons for Being Over-weight. Glands Metabolism Genetics Fat Cells Family Upbringing Psychological Factors

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Presentation Transcript

  1. L.E.A.R.N Barbara Tichota Wellness Coordinator The LEARN Program For Weight Management 887-6204

  2. Lifestyle Exercise Attitudes Relationships Nutrition L.E.A.R.N.

  3. Reasons for Being Over-weight • Glands • Metabolism • Genetics • Fat Cells • Family Upbringing • Psychological Factors • Lack of exercise • Over-eating

  4. Some Benefits of Exercise • Boosts energy levels • Helps control appetite • Preserves the body’s muscles • Helps increase metabolic rate • Improves confidence and psychological factors • Correlates with long-term success • Reduces the risk of obesity • Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

  5. Aim for Fitness • Aim for a healthy weight and body fat percentage • Get the recommended about of exercise • 45-60 minutes of exercise on most days of the week • 3-4 days of cardiovascular exercise • 2-3 days of resistance training

  6. Build a Healthy Base by using the Food Pyramid http://www.mypyramidtracker.gov/

  7. Whole grains Fruits Vegetables Low-fat dairy products Lean meats High saturated Fats High cholesterol High total fat Pre-packaged foods Other foods with sodium Foods to Eat: Foods to Avoid:

  8. Reading a Nutrition Label • Calories • Consuming too many will result in weight gain • Total Fat • Avoid eating foods high in fats • No more than 20g of saturated fat a day • No more than 65g of total fat per day 1% Milk

  9. Reading a Nutrition Label cont. • Cholesterol and Sodium • No more than 300 mg of Cholesterol a day • No more than 2400 mg of Sodium • Rule: The amount of sodium should be no more than double the number of calories. • Total Carbohydrates • Carbs are based on 60% of calories • Protein is based on 10% of calories • The higher the fiber the better 1% Milk

  10. Do you enjoy red meat, fried foods and diet soda? • Studies show that the intake of these foods increase the risk of developing Metabolic Syndrome. • It is the collection of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes that include abdominal obesity, high cholesterol, high blood glucose levels, and elevated blood pressure.

  11. What is Body Mass Index (BMI)? • The measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women. • It helps assess a person's health risk based on the results.

  12. Pros and Cons of BMI • Pros • Quick and Easy to use • Cheap • Refers to both height and weight • Cons • 1 out of 4 people are miscalculated • Not accurate for body builders and frail, sedentary, elderly people, pregnant women or growing children • Does not distinguish between body fat and lean body mass.

  13. BMI Categories: Underweight <18.5 Normal weight 18.5-24.9 Overweight 25-29.9 Obesity 30 or greater

  14. In Conclusion: • Think about what you’ve learned. • Did you realized some changes you might need to make in your life? • Stepping out to make these changes makes the difference.

  15. References: • Brownell, K. The LEARN Program for Weight Management. Dallas, Texas: 2004 • www.befitandstrong.com

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