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Running MATLAB Computations on the CCR u2 Cluster Cynthia Cornelius cdc@ccr.buffalo

Running MATLAB Computations on the CCR u2 Cluster Cynthia Cornelius cdc@ccr.buffalo.edu March 30, 2009. What is the u2 cluster?. The u2 cluster is a group of 1056 computers on private network.

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Running MATLAB Computations on the CCR u2 Cluster Cynthia Cornelius cdc@ccr.buffalo

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  1. Running MATLAB Computations on the CCR u2 Cluster Cynthia Cornelius cdc@ccr.buffalo.edu March 30, 2009

  2. What is the u2 cluster? • The u2 cluster is a group of 1056 computers on private network. • These compute nodes are DELL XEON dual processor machines running the RedHat Linux Operating System. • A batch queuing system schedules user applications to run on the compute nodes. • Users submit jobs to the scheduler. • Users may also run interactive applications through the scheduler.

  3. What is the hardware layout? • Front-end machine • Accessible from UB Network. • The front-end machine is used for file transfer, editing files, compiling and debugging codes, submitting jobs, and very short computations. • Compute nodes • Accessible only within the cluster. • most of the nodes have 2GB memory • 64 compute node have 4GB • 32 compute nodes have 8GB • Users request nodes from the batch queuing system.

  4. What is the hardware layout? • Storage • User home directories are accessible on all compute node. • User quotas are 2GB. • Temporary storage is available. • Compute nodes have 60GB of local disk space. • Networks • Accessible from within the cluster. • All compute nodes and the front-end machine are connected by a gigabit ethernet network. • 786 computer nodes are connected by Myrinet, a high speed fiber network.

  5. What is the hardware layout?

  6. Why use the u2 cluster? • The u2 cluster provides tremendous computing power for any scientific computation. • Typically, hundreds of jobs are running at one time. • The average wait time for jobs requiring one compute node is less than one hour. • Usually 10-15 minutes for 1 processor jobs. • The job throughput allows scientists to complete computations in days instead of months. • machine status • estimated wait time

  7. Why use the u2 cluster? • Machine status

  8. Why use the u2 cluster? • Estimated wait time

  9. How do I use the cluster? • Login to the u2 front-end. • Transfer files to u2. • Running MATLAB on u2: • interactively on the front-end machine • interactively on a compute node • batch job on a compute node • batch job with a compiled m-file • compiled m-files do not require a license to run. • The Parallel Toolbox is available. • run up to 4 labs (workers) on a compute node

  10. Login and file transfer • U2 is only accessible from the UB network. • Required software for all users: • Secure Shell to login • Secure File Transfer to upload files to u2 • X-Display to allow the MATLAB graphical interface to display • VPN to connect with the UB network from off campus • Download and install UBVPN • Logout of u2 using “logout” or “exit”

  11. Login and file transfer • Usually ssh, sftp, and X-11 are already installed on Linux/Unix machines. • Login: ssh –X u2.ccr.buffalo.edu • ssh –Y u2.ccr.buffalo.edu • ssh –X username@u2.ccr.buffalo.edu • File transfer: sftp u2.ccr.buffalo.edu • put to upload a file to u2. • get to download a file from u2. • mget and mput will transfer multiple files • man pages for ssh and sftp • man ssh

  12. Login and file transfer • Typically PuTTY, X-Win32 and WinSCP must be installed on Windows machines. • Download and install PuTTY • Download and install X-Win32 • Download and install WinSCP • Login: launch X-Win32, then PuTTY • enter in u2.ccr.buffalo.edu and username • enable X-11 forwarding • File transfer: launch WinSCP • enter in u2.ccr.buffalo.edu and username • drag and drop interface

  13. Login and file transfer • Login from Windows machine.

  14. Login and file transfer • Login to u2 with X-Display

  15. Login and file transfer • Verify X-Display

  16. Login and file transfer • File transfer from Windows machine.

  17. Cluster Environment • The u2 cluster runs RedHat Linux operating system. • command line interface • Using the U2 cluster requires knowledge of a few basic UNIX commands. • short list of UNIX commands • CCR Linux/UNIX Reference Card provides a more extensive list • More information on the user environment • Windows users should check the notes.

  18. Starting MATLAB • Login to u2 with X-Display enabled • Verify X-Display with xclock • cd to working directory • List available MATLAB installations: • module avail matlab • Load the matlab module: • module load matlab/R2008a • Launch MATLAB • matlab • There is a 30 minute CPU limit for applications running on the u2 login machine.

  19. Starting MATLAB • Launch MATLAB

  20. Running on the U2 Cluster • The compute nodes are assigned to user jobs by the PBS (Portable Batch System) scheduler. • Jobs can be interactive or in batch mode. • All jobs wait for nodes to be assigned by the PBS scheduler. • Interactive jobs will wait at the prompt. • All jobs are listed in the queue. • Estimated start times are available for jobs in the queue.

  21. Execution Model Schematic SCHEDULER pbs_server qsubmyscript No Yes Run? $PBS_NODEFILE prologue epilogue $USER login node1 myscript node2 nodeN

  22. Submitting an interactive job • qsub -I -X -q debug -lnodes=1:ppn2 -lwalltime=01:00:00 • -I is interactive • -X is enable X-Display • -q debug requests the debug queue. • The debug queue has 32 dedicated nodes from 9am-5pm M-F. There is also a maximum time of 1 hour. • The default queue (ccr) has a maximum of 72 hours. • -lnodes=1:ppn2 requests 1 node and both processors. • -lwalltime=01:00:00 requests 1 hour.

  23. Sample interactive job • qsub –I –X –q debug –lnodes=1:ppn=2 –lwalltime=01:00

  24. Sample interactive job • qub –I –X –lnodes=1:ppn=2 –lwalltime=04:00:00

  25. PBS Commands • Submit a job: • qsub pbs-script (or –I and options for interactive) • List jobs: • qstat –an • qstat –an –u username • qstat –an jobid • showq • Delete a job: • qdel jobid • Show estimated start time for a job: • showstart jobid • Show nodes that are currently free: • showbf -S

  26. PBS Commands • qstat –an

  27. PBS Commands • showq

  28. PBS Commands • showq

  29. PBS Commands • qstat –an –u username

  30. PBS Commands • qstat –an jobid

  31. PBS Commands • showstart jobid • estimated start time for the job

  32. PBS Command • showbf –S • shows currently free nodes

  33. PBS Variables • $PBS_O_WORKDIR - directory from which the job was submitted. • By default, a PBS job starts from the user’s $HOME directory. • $PBSTMPDIR - reserved scratch space, local to each host (this is a CCR definition, not part of the PBS package). • This scratch directory is created in /scratch and is unique to the job. • The $PBSTMPDIR is created on every compute node running a particular job. • $PBS_NODEFILE - name of the file containing a list of nodes assigned to the current batch job. • Used to allocate parallel tasks in a cluster environment

  34. Interactive MATLAB job • Login to u2 with X-Display enabled. • Use qsub to request a node: • qsub –I –X –lnodes=1:ppn=2 –lwalltime=01:00:00 • Check X-Display from compute node with xclock • cd to working directory • Load the module for matlab • module avail matlab • Module load matlab/R2008a • Launch MATLAB • matlab

  35. Interactive MATLAB job

  36. Interactive MATLAB job

  37. Interactive MATLAB job

  38. Interactive MATLAB job

  39. Interactive MATLAB job

  40. Interactive MATLAB job

  41. Interactive MATLAB job

  42. Batch job • Create the m-file of MATLAB commands that you want to execute: • (examples from MATLAB documentation) • This will create a 3x3 magic square • n =3 • m = magic(n) • Create a PBS script file to submit to the scheduler. • Submit the job: • qsub pbs-script

  43. Batch job • PBS script to run the m-file

  44. Batch job • qsub and view output file

  45. Batch job • view output file

  46. Batch job • The problem with running MATLAB in batch mode is that a license may not be available when the job starts on a compute node. • Currently there are 4 MATLAB licenses for the u2 cluster. • You can check the status of the MATLAB licenses with the following: • lmstat -a -c /util/matlab/etc/license.dat • The best solution is to compile the m-file. The resulting executable does not require a license at runtime.

  47. Compiling the m-file • The m-file must be converted into a function: • function m = function-name • This is added to the beginning of the m-file • This is simple example, but usually that is all it takes to convert the m-file to a function. • The new m-file function: • function m = mymagicsquare • n = 3; • m = magic(n)

  48. Compiling the m-file • mcc options: • Generate C stand-alone application: • -m • Verbose: • -v • No runtime Java libraries: • –R nojvm –R nojit • Help with mcc: • mcc –help • The compilation will produce a number of files including an executable and a run script that will be used in the pbs-script.

  49. Compiling the m-file • Command to compile the m-file: • mcc –m –v –R nojvm –R nojit m-file

  50. Compiling the m-file • Executable and run script are created

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