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Boys State of Missouri offers a unique leadership and citizenship opportunity for young men completing their junior year of high school. The program includes immersion in civics, enhancing leadership skills, and understanding government operations. Held at the University of Central Missouri, participants engage in hands-on political simulations, media exposure, and learn from esteemed speakers. With a rich history dating back to 1938, Boys State of Missouri aims to foster future leaders and strengthen the bond between military families and Heartland America.
The American LegionBoys State of Missouri 2015 Session Democracy Depends On Me
Purpose To offer a unique leadership and citizenship opportunity for selected young men who have successfully completed their junior year of high school and who are attending high schools Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS). We have up to eight slots for male military dependent students
An Immersion Civics Experience • Participation in Missouri Boys State provides a unique opportunity for young men who are military dependent students living OCONUS – gives them similar opportunities as their Stateside peers • Immersion of future leaders into a motivating and fulfilling program • Expansion of the horizons of the youth of Missouri to the challenges experienced by Military Dependents – AND vice versa • Strengthen the bonds between “Heartland America” and America’s military families stationed outside the Continental United States
MBS – “What We Are” • A hands-on government-in-action experience • A fast-moving and dynamic immersion into a “mythical 51st State” • An evolving and energetic program established in 1938
MBS – “What We Are” Without question, the finest leadership experience in the country
Participation Benefits • Enhance leadership skills • Develop an understanding of the privileges, rights, and responsibilities as citizens • Increase knowledge and appreciation for the workings and individual involvement in government, starting at the local level • Opportunity for 2 or 3 hours of college credit • Opportunity for college scholarship funds
Where and When? • June 13 through June 20, 2015 • University of Central Missouri Warrensburg, Missouri • About 45 minutes east of Kansas City • About 90 minutes east of Kansas City Int’l Airport (MCI) • About 10 minutes west of Whiteman AFB
The Program 960+ young men from Missouri high schools • Two political parties: Nationalist & Federalist • 16 Cities (with 3 wards) of 60 citizens • 8 Counties of 2 Cities • Complete Political Party Organizations • Ward • City • County • State
The Program – Cities & Counties • 16 Cities of 60 citizens each • Mayor & City Council • Municipal Court • Chief of Police • City Reporter • 8 Counties of 2 Cities each • County Commission (executive body) • Circuit Judge • County Sheriff
The Program - Media • Television • Daily taped broadcast shown at each evening general assembly (Supported by UCM) • Radio • Nightly broadcast on KCMW-FM the University station (Supported by UCM) • Newspaper • MBS Record is the daily newspaper
The Program - State • Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, etc. • All elected and appointed executive positions • State Legislature • Senate (3 elected from each city) • House of Representatives (6 elected from each city) • State Supreme Court • State Highway Patrol
Schools of Instruction • Campaigning & Political Operations • Law • Legislative • Law Enforcement • Media • Public Administration
Some Past Keynote Speakers • Lt. General Robert “Boomer” E. Milstead, Jr. • Missouri Governor Jay Nixon • Kansas City Mayor Sly James • Presidential Advisor David Axelrod • Senator Roy Blunt • Secretary of State Jason Kander • White House Fellow Eric Greitens
Bob Woodward • Senator John C. Danforth • Honorable Richard Armitage • Governor Mike Huckabee • Honorable Robert M. Gates • General Wesley Clark • Senator Bill Bradley • Honorable William S. Cohen • Honorable William Perry • Ms. Lisa Myers • Mr. David Gergen • Representative J. C. Watts • Mr. Paul Begala • Governor Bob Holden • Mr. Mike Peters • Honorable John Bolton • Representative Emanuel Cleaver • Governor Matt Blunt • Senator William Proxmire • Senator Paul Tsongas • Senator Lamar Alexander • Senator Kit Bond • Honorable Stephen Limbaugh • U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft • Mr. James Carville • General Ed Eberhart • Lieutenant General Martin Steele • Major General Charles Bolden • Honorable Edward “Chip” Robertson Speakers from Previous Years - Missouri Boys State Alumnus - Other Boys State Alumnus
MBS Staff • A volunteer organization • Only two full-time positions in MBS Headquarters at the University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO • During each June MBS session our staff surges to over 130 dedicated volunteers - nearly all staff are former MBS citizens • Attorneys, Businessmen, Educators, Doctors, Military Officers (active and retired) • Judges, Highway Patrolmen, Political Consultants • College Students • UCM Faculty and Administrative personnel • American Legionnaires
MBS Staff • Two or more Counselors full-time with each MBS City • City Counselors typically have 3-10 years MBS staff experience • Assistant City Counselors have 1-2 years MBS staff experience
Additional Opportunities • Over $2,000,000 in Scholarships available to MBS citizens • Opportunity for 2 or 3 hours college credit from the University of Central Missouri • Two MBS Citizens chosen to represent Missouri at Boys Nation during the July event in Washington, DC • One MBS Citizen chosen as Citizen of the Weekearning an $8,000 scholarship
MBS – What We Are NOT • An athletic camp • A mini Boot Camp or OCS • A passive learning experience • A classroom-oriented workshop (computer camp)
Participation • Open to OCONUS male military dependent students regardless of their parents’ home state – we do NOT limit applications to Missouri residents • Offered to OCONOUS schools only; “mainland” (CONUS) schools must utilize their local Boys State programs
MBS Citizens’ Views Alex Frangoulis, MBS 2004 “I also learned so much not only at becoming a better leader, but also about Grady Pennell’s (Kadena) culture and background. Grady came from a background that was very unfamiliar to most of us and it was interesting to hear about it. I felt I gained more knowledge about different people's lifestyles from him. It is because of these reasons that I feel that it is very important to continue having military dependents attend Missouri Boys State. The reason is they are not only great leaders and can teach us all about great leadership qualities, but they also can enlighten us all about different cultures and lifestyles they may have encountered. I hope you continue to have military dependents attend Missouri Boys State, and know that I am strongly in favor of it.”
MBS Citizens’ Views Justin Lueck, MBS 2004 “I feel that it is very important to allow overseas citizens to attend MBS. It gives them an opportunity to interact with Missourians, and it also gives us a chance to ask him about where he lives. Grady was an awesome guy to be around. He was very interested in Boys State and was very active.” Charlie Rusher, MBS 2004 “I think the DoDEA program that Missouri Boys State offers is a great idea. I think giving the kids who are overseas the same opportunity as we have is a very important thing. I feel that this is important because having Grady Pennell (Kadena), not only in my city but also as my roommate, made me really appreciate the program and the experience that it offers. Talking to Grady, I learned where he was from, how similar we both really are, and some of the differences in culture of the place that he lives. I think he really got a lot out of the program and was very thankful for the opportunity that Boys State had to offer.”
MBS Citizens’ Views Rob Hicklin, MBS 2004 “I feel that it is important for young Americans everywhere to have a chance to see how our government works. I thought that it was cool that Daniel Storm (Rota) could go to MBS and he added to the "melting pot" of diversity at Boys State. I hope that in the future it will be possible for other overseas Americans will be able to attend Boys State.” Jacob Colbert, MBS 2004 “I think it is vitally important that all citizens of America be given the opportunity to attend a Boys State Program somewhere in the country. If they live on a military base, each adult citizen is given the chance to vote, so each youth needs the chance to learn that "Democracy Depends on Me." It benefits the other members of Boys State by allowing them to get a new perspective on what it is like to be a U.S. citizen in a foreign country.”
MBS Counselor View Tanner Bone, MBS 2014 Boone City Counselor “Christopher was a pleasure to have in the city. Though quiet at first, he really came into his own by the end of the week. Being from a military family stationed in a foreign country, Christopher certainly brought something different to the table that many of his peers were interested in. I was able to see many of the citizens ask Christopher about his life in Korea (he even taught them a few Korean words!), and he was able to learn a great deal from his peers as well. The uniqueness of a citizen from a military stationed family is an experience many citizens would not experience otherwise, and is certainly a valuable addition to the Missouri Boys State program.”
Military DependentMBS Citizens’ Views • Missouri Boys State was life changing!! I learned so much! It’s amazing how much can be taught in one week! Coming from Spain and going to Missouri (where I had never been) was extremely hard, but MBS ended up changing my life. Not only was I exposed to leadership opportunities, but I also made TONS of friends! • I already know a few people that want to go back to MBS. It’s a program that every junior in high school would want to get involved with. I’ll be sure to get a bunch of people to apply for it this year, hopefully we can have Rota represented again next summer!! Daniel Storm, Carver City, MBS 2004 DGF High School, Rota, Spain Daniel Storm was sponsored by the Iberian Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa • This week proved to be one to shape a lifetime. At MBS I learned many things. In that week I found things out about myself. I found that I am not afraid to take charge of a situation; I also found that I am able to speak to large groups of people with relative ease. Ian Payne, Blair City, MBS 2007 DGF High School, Rota, Spain
Parents’ View We are back in Spain and getting ready to start a new school year. It is always with mixed feelings that we return abroad (Spain), leaving extended family and friends back in the States. Daniel's summer, this year, was certainly punctuated by his participation in Missouri Boys State. He enthusiastically expressed that MBS helped him gain leadership skills, become part of a community with stateside peers, and experience American government in action. Daniel has lived in an overseas military community all of his life, he has studied American government and participated in a high school curriculum that is very similar to stateside students. Yet, he has never seen a community elect a mayor or congressman. He was awestruck by democracy in action and came back as one proud American citizen. We thank you for opening your program to boys that are from DoDDs overseas locations. Your ongoing communication, careful transportation planning, and warm welcome for Daniel made him feel a part of the "Missouri community" immediately. Without hesitation we will encourage Rota High School to sponsor a student with support of a local organization. Please extend our appreciation to all those that made Daniel's participation possible. Your team must be a fabulous group of caring and committed MBS admin. and staff! There is now a fond place in Daniel's heart for Missouri! Kindest regards, Jill and Richard Storm, 2004 25
Past Participation 2014 - Christopher Hyde, Seoul HS, Korea (DSF, sponsor) 2010 - Stephen Schaefer, DGF HS, Rota, Spain (Phi Delta Kappa, sponsor) 2008 - Luke Moragne, DGF HS, Rota, Spain (Phi Delta Kappa, sponsor) 2007 - Zachary Collins, DGF HS, Rota, Spain (Officers and Civilians Spouses’ Club; Overseas Federation of Teachers; Phi Delta Kappa, all sponsors) 2007 - Ian Payne, DGF HS, Rota, Spain (Phi Delta Kappa, sponsor) 2006 -Aaron Ellison, Hanau HS, Germany (Pioneer Military Loans, sponsor) 2005 -Christopher McGlamery, DGF HS, Rota, Spain (Phi Delta Kappa, sponsor) • Christopher was selected as first runner-up for Citizen of the Week; he was nominated by his MBS city (60 citizens) as best representing MBS during the week; then he competed against 15 other city nominees for the honor of “Citizen of the Week”. The Citizen of the Week qualifies for an $8,000 scholarship. 2005 - Jonathan Hersack, Osan HS, Korea (VFW Post #10216, sponsor) 2004 -Daniel Storm, DGF HS, Rota, Spain - Grady Pennell, Kadena HS, Okinawa, Japan 2003 -Herald Oertwig, Osan HS, Korea
The Preferred Selection Process • High School Principal or Counselor chairs a nomination committee • Experience has shown that classmate popular vote is not a good selection process • Criteria can be boiled down to: • Demonstrated leadership • Demonstrated academic achievement • Demonstrated desire to attend MBS
The Preferred Selection Process • The Sponsor • Provides the $550 MBS Session fee • Can be a community service organization, commercial enterprise • Can NOT be individuals related to the selected candidate
The Preferred Selection Process • Do notallow sponsors, parents, other relatives or friends to influence the selection process • Bottom Line: The acquisition of a Sponsor must be separate and distinct from the selection of an individual student.
After Selection • Propose one Primary and one Alternate • Have Primary Candidate and Alternate complete an application (available on our website – www.moboysstate.org) • Send proposed candidates’ applications with two photographs directly to MBS Headquarters for formal approval early in 2015 but no later than March 1st • The photographs will be used for positive identification when they arrive at MBS
The Cost Is The Challenge 2015 MBS Fee for OCONUS military dependent participants is $550 • Full MBS Program • Food, Dormitory, and Group Accident Insurance • Transportation to/from Kansas City International Airport (MCI) Travel to/from MBS must be funded by either the family or other sources.
The Cost Is The Challenge • A Sponsor must be secured to cover the MBS fee • MBS fee may be acquired from one or a combination of sponsors • Sponsor contributions are recognized in the annual yearbook, A Week to Shape A Lifetime, and on our website
The Cost Is The Challenge • Recommend about $50spending money • MBS T-shirt • Other MBS logo items • Sodas/snacks • Recommend overseas military dependents travel with US Dollars and a means to communicate with Missouri Boys State staff
The Cost Is The Challenge • MBS can NOTcover Citizen’s airfare • Airfare must be provided either by the sponsor or the MBS Citizen’s family • MBS canand will arrange/provide transportation to/from KC International Airport
The Cost Is The Challenge • Individual OCONUS schools and their community groups must find sponsors for: • The $550 fee • Some assistance for overseas travel expenses • Fundraising must start early • To date, participation has been limited solely due to money, while interest has been consistently high • Some families have scheduled their college visits around the MBS session, saving a second summer trip to the states
Possible Sources of Funding • Headquarters/Units • Officers/SNCO Wives Clubs • Local military service Chapters • American Legion • VFW • AUSA and/or USMA Association of Graduates • AFA and/or USAFA Alumni Association • Navy League and/or USNA Alumni Association • Marine Corps League • PTA • Student Government • Phi Delta Kappa, Honor Societies • Rotary, Kiwanis, Toastmasters, etc. • Targeted fundraising • Local civilian corporate sponsors • Others • Combinations of sponsors can and should be considered in order to achieve the required funding • Start fundraising well before the nominees are selected
Missouri Boys State 2015 • We are striving to expand our outreach to more OCONUS high schools • We can accommodate up to 8 qualified young men from OCONUS high schools • MBS will review and accept qualified applicants on a first come, first served basis. • OCONUS Applications are due to MBS HQ by March 1st
MBS Program Details • Our web site contains more information: http://www.moboysstate.org • Information on other Boys State and Girls State programs can be found at: http://www.boysandgirlsstate.org • Our publication, A Week To Shape A Lifetime, may be requested from our Headquarters: The American Legion Boys State of Missouri, Inc. P.O. Box 667 Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 429-2761 (877) DIAL-MBS (toll free) (660) 429-2753 (fax) headquarters@moboysstate.org
Points of Contact • Bettie Rusher, MBS Manager, Development and AdministrationThe American Legion Boys State of MissouriP.O. Box 667Warrensburg, MO 64093(660) 429-2761 Office bettie.rusher@moboysstate.org(877) 342-5627 (DIAL-MBS) Toll Free(660) 429-2753 Fax • Mike Plunkett, MBS Director(913) 314-3825 mike.plunkett@moboysstate.org • Rusty Jones, MBS Board of Directors – Colonel, USMC (Ret)(703) 395-1113 rusty.jones@moboysstate.org • Garry Haase, MBS Board of Directors and Senior Staff – LtCol, USAF (850) 882-8033 garry.haase@moboysstate.org • M. Denton Mitcham, MBS Board of Directors and Senior Staff – CPT, Army (Iraq Vet) (256) 289-0915 denton.mitcham@moboysstate.org
Relationships with Other Programs • National overview: www.boysandgirlsstate.org • Each Boys State program is unique to its home state • Within each state, the Boys and Girls State programs are run independently of the other • The American Legion has a National HQ, but does not direct or control individual Boys State programs • Girls State programs are administered by the American Legion Auxiliary, and not the American Legion • Missouri Boys State is incorporated independently from the American Legion Department of Missouri. We work as a close team to maintain a first-class program • This initiative is offered only to OCONUS military dependents and not to DoDEA schools in the Continental U.S. (CONUS) – students in CONUS DoDEA schools must apply to their home state programs