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School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Emergency Management

This orientation provides information on internship administration, enrollment procedures, and credit requirements for the School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Emergency Management internship program. Topics covered include objectives, behavior, professionalism, sexual harassment, journal entries, final paper, and site supervisor evaluation.

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School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Emergency Management

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  1. School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Emergency Management Internship Orientation

  2. Internship Coordinators • Ron Mark • ron.mark@csulb.edu • Professor Mark will help you with placement questions • Brenda Vogel • brenda.vogel@csulb.edu • Professor Vogel will help you with enrollment questions

  3. Outline Administration & Enrollment Info Internship Details Objectives Behavior Professionalism Sexual Harassment Internship Credit Requirements Journal Entries Final Paper Daily log Site Supervisor Evaluation

  4. Administration & Enrollment Info.

  5. 5 Senior Integrative Experience Options • 6 Unit Internship Option: • CRJU492: 130 hours at internship site, 25 pages of written work: weekly journal entries & a paper • 3 Unit Internship/3 Unit Independent Study Option • CRJU491: 65 hours at internship site, 15 pages of written work: weekly journal entries & a paper AND • CRJU497: Independent Study • 3 Unit Internship/3 Unit Experiential Learning Option: • CRJU491: 65 hours at internship site, 15 pages of written work: weekly journal entries & a paper AND • Experiential Learning course (405, 423, 430, 431, 440, 441, 470, or travel course ) • 3 Unit Independent Study/3 Unit Experiential Learning Option: • CRJU497 Independent Study AND • Experiential Learning course (405, 423, 430, 431, 440, 441, 470, or travel course ) • Research & Thesis Option (6 units): • CRJU497 & CRJU498

  6. Eligibility Requirements • Verify with advising or Dr. Vogel that you will have completed 7 of the 9 required 300-level core courses by the time you enroll in 491/2 • Have at least a 2.0 GPA • Read the Internship Handbook • Submit the checklist, handbook agreement, and data form by the deadline.

  7. Deadlines • Fall Semester 2018 • Begins August 27, 2018 • Deadline to enroll in 491/2 August 13, 2018 • Spring Semester 2019 • Begins January 22, 2019 • Deadline to enroll in 491/2 January 8, 2019 • Summer Session 2019 • Runs May 28 – August 16, 2018 • Deadline to enroll in 491/2 is May 14, 2018

  8. Deadlines • Special Deadlines for LBPD • Now accepting applications for Spring 2020 placement • Must volunteer an additional 80 hours during Fall 2019 semester • Apply online with LBPD directly by April 1 • http://longbeach.gov/police/about-the-lbpd/employment/internships/

  9. Forms and More Forms! • Read: • CJ Internship Handbook • Submit Today: • Handbook Agreement Form (in handbook) • Internship Student Checklist (in handbook) • Submit once you have an internship: • Internship Data Form • All are available on the website!

  10. Forms and More Forms! • Signed and completed forms may be: • Scanned and sent to Dr. Vogel as an email attachment. • Placed in Dr. Vogel’s department mailbox • Placed under Dr. Vogel’s office door.

  11. Finding an Internship site • It is your responsibility to locate an internship site but Professor Mark is here to help! • Consider your career interests in choosing a site • Start early; background investigations can take months to complete!

  12. Finding an Internship site • There is a list of approved internship sites on the CCJEM/Internship website • If you want to intern at a location not listed, you must secure our approval from us BEFORE you apply for the internship • Send us the agency name and contact information and we will let you know if it is an acceptable site.

  13. Enrollment • Once you have secured an internship and submitted the necessary forms, Dr. Vogel will permit you into a section of 492. • You will NOT receive an “add code;” you just need to register for the class • You will be assigned to a specific faculty member to whom you will submit your work and who will assign your grade for CRJU492 or 491.

  14. Internship Details • Objectives • Behavior • Professionalism • Dress • Sexual Harassment

  15. Objectives • Gainfirsthand knowledge of the organization and the political, social, and/or community forces that influence its structure and procedures. • Connect what you see and learn at the site with what you learned in class. • Determine whether or not you would like to work in this area!

  16. Behave yourselves! • You represent the School and the University! • Dress, speak, and behave like adults! • Be on time! • Ask your site supervisor about the norms of the agency and then go above and beyond! • If you goof around, then you will damage the relationships we have with internship sites so no goofing around!

  17. Be Professional! • Confidentiality– Do not reveal the identity of clients or any information that would uncover their identity without written permission form the client. • Competency – Know and acknowledge the limitations of your abilities to assist clients/the public. • Accept that some situations are beyond your experience so seek assistance from your site supervisor and/or staff personnel.

  18. Be Professional! • Corruption– Interns must not become involved in any illegal operations, activities, or any violation of laws. • Respect Clients - Interns are obligated to treat all clients with dignity, respect, and equality. • Integrity - You may see unethical or illegal activities as you intern; they may be realities in the organization, but you should not condone or accept them.

  19. Be Professional! • Misconduct – As an Intern you have an obligation to avoidmisconduct. You may encounter ethical gray areas which present conduct dilemmas such as: • Acceptance of free or discounted meals • Receipt of merchandise at a discount rate • Acceptance of gifts • Use of confidential information for private gain or to impress peers • Accessing mail, e-mail, copiers, computers, and other services for personal use

  20. Be Professional! • Avoid Interpersonal Relationships • Don’t become sexually or romantically involved with organization employees and/or clients during the duration of the internship experience. • Don’t “hang out” with organization employees and/or clients during the duration of the internship experience. • Just do your job and go home!

  21. Be Professional! • If you don’t know what the right thing to do is, ask yourself these questions: • Are my actions legal? • Am I being fair and honest? • What would my mom and dad say? • How will I feel about myself afterwards?

  22. Sexual Harassment • Sexual harassment includes: • Demanding sexual consideration in exchange for a job benefit • Making unwelcome sexual advances including pressure for dates, stalking, love letters, or phone calls • Creating a hostile work environment that includes pranks, jokes, or comments of a sexual nature, or allowing sexually explicit posters and magazines to be kept in general work areas. • Sexual harassment is illegal! • You should contact your site supervisor, your internship professor, and/or the internship coordinator immediatelyif you witness or are the victim of sexual harassment

  23. Internship Credit Requirements While at your internship site, you are a student first and a “worker” second!

  24. Be a Critical Observer! • The minute you enter your internship site, you take on the role of a critical observer • Continuously reflect on how what you see and do at your internship site relates to what you learned in class; link theory to practice. • Leave your biases and assumptions at home; be objective! • Pay particular attention to issues or challenges faced by your agency and how they employ creative approaches to problems or innovative solutions to challenges.

  25. Journal Entries • You will be required to submit six journal entries, one entry per 20 hours worked (10 hours for 491). • Entries are due within 48 hours of the completion of the 20 hours. • Entries should include day-to-day activities, your thoughts, how your work relates to your coursework, and site problem/issue/innovation. • Yes, grammar counts! • The journal entries will be graded and will be worth about 30% of your final grade. • Follow the rubric!

  26. The Final Paper • You will be required to submit a 12-15 page final paper in which you: • Further explore a problem/issue/innovation that you identified in your journal entries • Provide a literature review • Provide a solution to the problem you identified • The final paper will be worth at least 30% of your final grade • Follow the rubric!

  27. Daily Log • You will be required to keep a daily log of the hours you work. It needs to be signed, every time you work, by your site supervisor. • You will hand this in to your faculty supervisor at the end of your internship • It will be graded

  28. Site Supervisor Evaluation • You will be required to have an evaluation of your work completed by your site supervisor. • You will be evaluated on: • Professionalism • Ethical behavior • Critical Thinking • Evidence-Based Practice • Performance • You will hand this in to your faculty supervisor at the end of your internship • It will be graded and it counts for at least 30% of your final grade!

  29. Other Stuff… • You only need to attend one orientation session even if you move your planned internship term • You may NOT begin your internship hours before the semester begins • You may intern where you work IF the internship assignment is different from your work assignment

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