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Interpretation of 1 st dream—2 nd year of reign

Getting Nebuchadnezzar’s Attention !. Interpretation of 1 st dream—2 nd year of reign. Now a new warning—years later. Deliverance of the three young men—5 th year.

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Interpretation of 1 st dream—2 nd year of reign

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  1. Getting Nebuchadnezzar’s Attention! Interpretation of 1st dream—2nd year of reign Now a new warning—years later Deliverance of the three young men—5th year

  2. Main lesson of the chapter is the sovereignty of YHWH over the greatest sovereign in the world— vs. 17, 22, 24-26, 30-32, 34--37.

  3. inclusio The chapter begins and ends with praise of God. Compare 4:1-3 & 4:34-37

  4. S t r u c t u r e Praise of God 1-3 Narration of dream 4-18 Interpretation and fulfillment 19-33 Praise of God 34-37

  5. Purpose of dream—to teach all people that the Most High God (3:26) is sovereign over the affairs of humankind.

  6. “He would not merely live where they lived, but as they lived.” Wood

  7. Nebuchadnezzar needed to learn the difference between ownership and stewardship.

  8. Though the mills of God grind slowly Yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting, With exactness grinds He all.

  9. “When he became proud and took credit for divine grace, God humbled him—not to destroy him but to deliver him, to make of him a humble and grateful worshipper. Humility was ultimately God’s way of exalting the king. What appeared to be his destruction became the means of his deliverance.” Constable

  10. 7 hideous years on earth, and… Then a king in kingly glory Such as earth has never known, Shall assume the righteous scepter, Claim and wear the holy crown. Then a blasted world shall brighten Underneath a bluer sphere, And a softer, gentler sunshine, Shed its healing splendor there.

  11. “Even as Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged God’s sovereign, endless existence and rule, and His irresistible will and power, his sanity returned to him.” Constable

  12. Conclusion… Peril of pride. God is sovereign. All will be humbled…all will bow.

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