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Lic. Mario Zamora Cordero Director General of Migration & Alien Affairs Republic of Costa Rica

Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) Seminar on Migration Legislation Guatemala City 15 - 16 February 2007. Lic. Mario Zamora Cordero Director General of Migration & Alien Affairs Republic of Costa Rica. 2 Components of Migratory Policy. CONTROL INTEGRATION.

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Lic. Mario Zamora Cordero Director General of Migration & Alien Affairs Republic of Costa Rica

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  1. Regional Conferenceon Migration (RCM)Seminar onMigration Legislation Guatemala City15 - 16 February 2007 Lic. Mario Zamora Cordero Director General of Migration & Alien Affairs Republic of Costa Rica

  2. 2 Components of Migratory Policy • CONTROL • INTEGRATION

  3.  Control =  Integration Integration =  Control

  4. Knowledge of migratory movements is obtained from census and passenger/ traveler/foreigner records and is an important element for economic and social planning in a country and, in particular, for managing its physical space.

  5. 2005-2006 Figures Total political assylees (until 28.02.06): 136 Refugees (until 31.12.05): 7,991 of which 6,087 are from Colombia. Source: Department of Institutional Planning General Direction of Migration and Alien Affairs

  6. Refugees

  7. Refugees

  8. 2000-2005 Figures Residency Permits RESIDENCIES GRANTED BY THE GENERAL DIRECTION OF MIGRATION AND ALIEN AFFAIRS, BY YEAR 2000-2005 TOTAL 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 100,313 64,835 6,712 5,226 9,632 6,578 7,330 Source: Department of Institutional Planning General Direction of Migration and Alien Affairs

  9. Reform to the Law on Migration and Alien Affairs

  10. Current Law 8487 It is necessary to take into consideration that the enforcement of the Migration and Alien Affairs Law approved by the Legislation on 27 October 2005 and published in Official Journal La Gaceta No. 239 of 12 December 2005, did not follow, in the strict sense, the standards and guidelines established in international instruments and the Constitution, as a way to guarantee and uphold the human rights of the foreign population in the country.

  11. Neither was there compliance with Transitory I of the aforementioned Law providing that “The State shall assign the General Directorate of Migration and Alien Affairs the resources necessary to undertake surveillance and control of the entry of foreigners along its borders and inside the country. Logistics resources, equipment and staff shall be integrated into a surveillance and control project budget, to be presented by the Directorate to the Ministry of Finance before next August so that these resources can be included in the next ordinary budget of the Republic or in the extraordinary budget about to be submitted”.

  12. The Constitutional Court, in Decision N05-007009-0007-CO of 20 July 2005, ruled that the constitutionality of Law 8487 should be in accordance with the Rights under the Constitution requiring that the public institution responsible for enforcement of the Law should follow, in its organization and operation, the highest Human Rights standards.

  13. Main Lines of the Reform • Adaptation of the legal text to the provisions of the Political Constitution, and International Treaties and Agreements signed and ratified by the country, with particular reference to Human Rights instruments.

  14. Main Lines of the Reform • Transformation of the migration management model: establishing a migratory system that will enable the legal integration of migrants through their contribution to the sustainability of Costa Rican public services and through their participation in social work at community level.

  15. Main Lines of the Reform • Improving migratory control by strengthening the Migration Special Police and typification as a crime of international trafficking of persons and its aggravated forms of commission in case of violation to the human rights of the victims of trafficking.

  16. Main Lines of the Reform • Joint decision making system through the legal constitution of the Visa Commission and expansion of the number of social actors in the Management Council of the Special Migration Fund. • Simplification of procedures and technological improvement of migratory safety.

  17. Main Lines of the Reform • Introduction of flexibility into the hiring of foreign labor as long as there is contribution to the social security system.

  18. Main Lines of the Reform • Migratory Labor Statute to favor professionalism among officials and their adaptability to the labor environment.

  19. The Costa Rican ConsensusMigration Chapter

  20. The Costa Rican ConsensusThe Arias Sanchez Administration2006-2010 Seeks to reorient or reformulate the existing schemes that regulate official assistance for development [OAD]. Seeks to create incentives for developing countries that invest ethically but still have unfinished work and face challenges that –in democracy and with democracy– cannot be overcome by the countries themselves.

  21. Costa Rican Consensus: Migration Seeks the support of developed countries to strengthen the public services (mainly health and education) of developing countries which, in turn, receive migrants and refugees and are respectful of Human Rights and international standards for the protection of human dignity.

  22. Costa Rica seeks: Costa Rica seeks and bets on the integration of migrants. Legalization is parallel to the contribution to the sustainability of the public services. Migration seen as a phenomenon, not as a problem.

  23. Costa Rica, a middle income country, provides –using its own resources- public services without discrimination to migrants, regardless of their regular or irregular situation.

  24. Thank youQuestions / Comments

  25. Website: www.migracion.go.cr

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