Blomskog Farm Earthship Project
Purchased in 1996 78 Acres Claim to fame: Old Auto Junkyard
North ½ of SW quarter of section 27 Windemere Township, MN
Tires + compacted sand (rammed earth) Begun in 1998
earth berm cistern windows windows
House as a thermal battery . . . Sunny daytime: solar energy is captured and stored. Evening: when “solar charging” ends, the release of heat begins.
Earth berm NW view
Rainwater harvesting
inlet from the gutter Poly Cistern: holds2,100 gallons
Model R2 D2 Instantaneous water heating
Water filtration ceramic drip filter
Harvesting Sunlight: the photovoltaic system
Bottle planter
Greywater absorbing planter Planted October 2006
Plant progress January 2007
“Backyard” Beaver Pond Wild plum thicket > Annuals garden 32 x 48 feet Water storage tank collects from the north roof. < Roof edge >