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Wireless Backhaul Evolution Consolidation, Management and Strengthening of the Data Network

Wireless Backhaul Evolution Consolidation, Management and Strengthening of the Data Network. Introduction. Backhaul: Once the “ after thought ” of the wireless infrastructure Explosive amounts of data back through the wireless infrastructure in the last (5) years

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Wireless Backhaul Evolution Consolidation, Management and Strengthening of the Data Network

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  1. Wireless Backhaul EvolutionConsolidation, Management and Strengthening of the Data Network

  2. Introduction • Backhaul: Once the “after thought” of the wireless infrastructure • Explosive amounts of data back through the wireless infrastructure in the last (5) years • 4G and LTE are pushing the boundaries of the existing network • Now considered an essential element of the network: The New Wireless Cash Cow? • Standard T1 copper network unable to meet the new topology • Wireless backhaul is essential to today’s network

  3. Evolution of Wireless Backhaul • Initial providers only focused on voice • As network speed evolved (LTE),data became the primary driver • Large data streams brought greater demands on wireless backhaul • 20% of copper backhaul is over-burdened; rising to 50% by 2015 • Today’s copper T1 backhaul can handle a maximum of 1.5 to 2 Mbps Wireless backhaul needs to meet the ever growing network requirements of today

  4. Wireless Market Evolution Consumer Needs • Greater mobile flexibility through voice, text, email and video • Faster data speeds for mobile applications Service Provider Needs • Lower infrastructure costs • High speed radio systems • Ethernet and microwave backhaul compatibility • VoIP The wireless infrastructure is data centric

  5. Mobile Data Replaces Fixed Data • Broadband subscribers to reach 3.4 billion by 2014 • 80% of the users will be mobile based • Fixed broadband growth expected to remain near static • Service providers are being driven by (2) distinct trends • Increase in smart mobile devices • Data centric applications 4G networks in North America will increase data traffic 26 fold from 2010 through 2015

  6. Wireless Backhaul Market Drivers • Cell Site Growth • Approximately 300,000 sites in the US • Expected to grow to 430,000 by 2015 in the US • Smart Phone Impact • Smart phones account for 15% of the market share today, but they account for 78% of the data traffic • In 2010 over 3 million tablets were connected to the network generating five times as much data as smart phones • Migration towards LTE (Long Term Evolution – 4G) • Speeds increasing from ~3Mbps to 20-100Mbps • Bandwidth increasing from ~20MHz to 100MHz

  7. Wireless Backhaul 101 • Three Main Transport Methods • Copper (T1s) • Fiber • Microwave • Copper/Fiber Hybrid Solution • Copper – TDM great for voice, not so great for data • Fiber – Ethernet great for data, allows transition to VOIP Access Network Fixed-Wireless/Microwave Copper Public Switched Telephone Network Fiber Carrier Base Station Mobile Switching Office (provisioning, call routing, etc) Handset, PDA or Laptop Source: Fibertower Investor Presentation, April 2008.

  8. Wireless Backhaul Infrastructure Trends • Fiber quickly replacing copper to meet LTE bandwidth requirements • Point-to-point microwave backhauled to fiber to save cost • Ethernet over T1 driving savings, greater data flow and greater reliability

  9. US ~75% ROW ~15% US ~15% ROW ~25% US ~10% ROW ~60% Backhaul Transport Comparisons

  10. The Dark Side of Backhaul • Revenues may not keep pace with data surges through the wireless network • Cost to deliver a “byte” of data will exceed generated revenue by early 2013 • Top two service providers are laying fiber to the majority of their edge midstream networks • Lower tier suppliers may choose NOT to upgrade the backhaul infrastructure • Cost to enter may cause a “wait and see” approach • Risk of increased rate of churn • Small regional/rural service providers may gain access to low interest loans and funding via government broadband initiative

  11. Backhaul Technology Comparison Source: Ceragon Networks Ltd. Mobile Backhaul: Fiber vs. Microwave, October 2009.

  12. Backhaul Technology Cost Comparison

  13. Conclusions • Data has become the dominant mobile transmission vehicle of backhaul topology • Transition to LTE and VOIP will only increase the burden on the backhaul network • Providers that securely manage data in their networks will be financially successful long term • The wireless backhaul network will be defined by: • Speed • $$$ (short and long term) • Terrain • Climate

  14. Questions? Contact: Paul Misar Director, OSP Cabinet Solutions Paul.Misar@Emerson.com Don’t forget to visit us online at: EmersonNetworkPower.com/EnergySystems

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