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ABET Accreditation Status

ABET Accreditation Status. CEN program fully ABET-accredited (in 2006) until 2012: no concerns, no weaknesses, no deficiencies. ABET evaluation and visit Fall 2012. Mock ABET visit coming up Oct. 9-10. Draft Self-Study completed Summer 2011.

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ABET Accreditation Status

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  1. ABET Accreditation Status • CEN program fully ABET-accredited (in 2006) until 2012: no concerns, no weaknesses, no deficiencies. • ABET evaluation and visit Fall 2012. • Mock ABET visit coming up Oct. 9-10. • Draft Self-Study completed Summer 2011. • Preliminary Evaluation completed by mock Program Evaluator (Nick Tredennick). September 29, 2011

  2. Preliminary Evaluation Consists of Observations, Concerns, Weaknesses, and Deficiencies, regarding ABET Criteria: • Students (No O’s, C’s, W’s or D’s) • Program Educational Objectives (1 Observation) • Student Outcomes (some C’s, some O’s) • Continuous Improvement (1 C, 1 W, some O’s) • Curriculum (2 O’s) • Faculty (1 O, 1 C) • Facilities (1 O) • Institutional Support (1 O: No financial data) ALL are easily addressable. September 29, 2011

  3. Preliminary Evaluation • Overall, very encouraging. Primary issues OK: • Student advising and processing ?  • Objectives: • Process for Reviewing Objectives ?  • Objectives attained ?  • Outcomes: • Prepare students to attain Objectives ?  • Outcomes attained ?  • Program improvements ?  • Curriculum adequate ?  • Faculty adequate ?  • Facilities adequate ?  September 29, 2011

  4. ABET Definitions • Outcomes: what students can do when they graduate. Most successful measures: assessment of course work, and senior surveys. • Department assesses outcomes. • Objectives: what graduates can do after several years. IAB input (revise objectives) and alumni surveys (measure achievement of objectives). • COE carries out surveys. Department analyzes them. September 29, 2011

  5. Program Objectives, defined 2005-2006, no need to revise since) A graduate of the University of Florida Computer Engineering Program should have a successful career in computer engineering or a related field, and within three to five years, should: • Excel in a career utilizing their education in Computer Engineering; • Continue to enhance their knowledge; • Be effective in multidisciplinary and diverse professional environments; • Provide leadership and demonstrate good citizenship. September 29, 2011

  6. Outcomes: a CEN graduate should have ... • an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, statistics, computer science, and electrical engineering as it applies to computer hardware and software; • an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to organize, analyze and interpret data; • an ability to design hardware and software systems, components, or processes to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability; • an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams; September 29, 2011

  7. Outcomes (cont'd). A CEN graduate should have … • an ability to identify, formulate, and solve hardware and software computer engineering problems, accounting for the interaction between hardware and software; • an understanding of professional, legal, and ethical issues and responsibilities; • an ability to communicate effectively in speech and in writing, including documentation of hardware and software systems; • the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context; September 29, 2011

  8. Outcomes (cont’d) A CEN graduate should have … • a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning; • a knowledge of contemporary issues; • an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for computer engineering practice; and • an ability to apply engineering and management knowledge and techniques to estimate time and resources needed to complete a computer engineering project. September 29, 2011

  9. CEN Outcome Evaluation Process Three-tiered process: • Outcome instruments assessed in each course. • Course committee (3 faculty) reviews instruments per course for all relevant outcomes, and makes recommendations. • Recommendations collected and referred to appropriate bodies. September 29, 2011

  10. Course/Outcome Mapping September 29, 2011

  11. News from ABET • ABET Pre-visit Training Manual highlights: • Terms: Deficiency, Weakness, Concern. • Criterion 2: Objectives. No longer required to have program improvements “triggered” solely by assessments. • Criterion 3: Outcomes. Ditto. • Criterion 4: Program Improvement: Ditto. Need “evidence of actions to improve the program”. September 29, 2011

  12. Program Improvements in Self-Study • COP-3530 in C++ beginning Summer 2010. • Cover Java threading and synchronization in Operating Systems (a pre-req for Computer Networking ). • Add one more lab hour to CIS-3020 (now COP-3504) • CIS-3020, 3022, 3023 (now COP-3504, 3502, 3503) now allow only individual student work. • MATLAB lab component added to EEL-3135 Signals and Systems. September 29, 2011

  13. What’s Needed for Oct. 9-10 Visit • Finish collecting assessments for Fall 2010 and Spring 2011. Requested two weeks ago, due Oct. 3. • Finish collecting CVs from faculty. Missing: • Gader, Ungor, Wilson • Finish collecting course Syllabi. Missing: • CEN-3031 (me), COT-4501 (Davis), COP-4600 (Newman), COT-4501 (Entezari) • Access to labs on October 9 (yep, Sunday afternoon) • Access to key people (TBA, probably Chairman, Curriculum, Facilities Committee Chairs, some students, advisors) on Monday, October 10, a.m. September 29, 2011

  14. Questions ? Suggestions ? September 29, 2011

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