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Clinks. Inclusive Partnerships in the Criminal Justice System. Lesley Frazer South West VCS Development Manager. About Clinks. Infrastructure (supports not service delivery) Members who own the organisation Our vision – vibrant and independent VCS Providing information & support

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Clinks Inclusive Partnerships in the Criminal Justice System Lesley Frazer South West VCS Development Manager

  2. About Clinks • Infrastructure (supports not service delivery) • Members who own the organisation • Our vision – vibrant and independent VCS • Providing information & support • Influencing & lobbying • Promoting the sector • Emphasis on small – medium organisations

  3. About Clinks South West Clinks South West VCS Development Project: • Funded by Tudor LankellyChase to end of 2011 • Two development staff covering the region Main priorities: • Promoting & supporting the VCS at regional level • Improving communication with the VCS • Strengthening VCS links with local CJS partners

  4. Clinks SW Priorities Promoting & supporting VCS at regional level Through: • Joint Action Plan with NOMS South West • Input to NOMS SW Commissioning & Delivery Plans • Integrated Offender Management Regional Board • Quarterly meetings of HMPS Partnership Co-ordinators • Cross-cutting work: • Women offenders • BME offenders

  5. Clinks SW Priorities Improving communication with the VCS SOUTH WEST SNAX ::: ISSUE 008 ::: 26th March 2010

  6. Clinks SW Priorities Strengthening VCS links with CJS partners Key drivers for local partnerships: • Enabling small – medium VCS to participate • Probation Trusts; Local Delivery Units; Best Value • Joining up services ‘through the prison gate’ • Integrated Offender Management • PSA 16 – Social Inclusion • Safer & Stronger Partnerships (LSPs/LAAs) • Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnerships

  7. Locally convened VCS in the CJS Network / Forum Local Strategic Multi-Agency CJS Forum Clinks SW Priorities New local CJS networks and partnerships • A local network or forum for the VCS to have a collective voice; • Linked to a multi-agency CJS Forum, taking a strategic overview of gaps and priorities to inform joint commissioning and partnership work.

  8. Barriers to partnership • Tendency to treat VCS as referral partners, not as commissioning or delivery partners • Lack of capacity in local infrastructure organisations (CVSs) to play enabling role • ‘Consultation fatigue’ – talking shops with no outcomes • VCS capacity, especially in small organisations • Barriers accentuated for BME and women’s organisations • User voice is missing from CJS commissioning

  9. Inclusive Partnerships in the CJS • Inclusive systems / structures take effort • ‘Bottom up’ as well as ‘top down’ approaches • Mutual understanding – ‘Who’s in the Market Place?’ • Valuing the differences between sectors • Sharing resources as well as £ • Capacity building and investing to save • Collaborative bidding that includes small organisations • Building in the user perspective • A shared vision, but with different roles in delivery

  10. Where next across Dorset? Clinks Open Space Event Tuesday 8th June 2010 The Hub, Verwood • For all agencies working with offenders & their families across Dorset, Bournemouth & Pool • To explore opportunities for improved partnership working to improve outcomes for offenders, their families, and the wider community • Flyers & invitations out next week

  11. Tel: 07875 542281 laura.thompson@clinks.org www.clinks.org Clinks PO Box 7378 Dorchester DT1 9FF

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