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Learn how to input stock using Transaction ME21N, eliminating rounding issues and data input errors. Follow step-by-step instructions to streamline inventory management processes efficiently.
Two methods to observe tutorial • Standard Method • This method allows presentation to be resized to user preference. • Slide Show Method (Example below) • Presentation fills entire screen • Click on Slide Show tab at top of screen • Click icon <From Beginning> • Note: Either method; to advance click the progression arrow in the bottom right corner of each slide or press the down-arrow key.
Welcome to BSIP 101 Transaction Procedures Stocking Inventory Instructor: Stephen Wright DPI Technical Consultant
These transactions are not for receiving fuel (diesel or unleaded); that process requires a different MIGO transaction. If stocking fuel visit DPI’s website http://www.ncbussafety.org/BSIP/StepbyStep.html and select the tutorial titled Receive Fuel (MIGO)
Inventory items are required to be extendedto your plant before they are entered into inventory. If items are not currently extended visit DPI’s website http://www.ncbussafety.org/BSIP/StepbyStep.html and select the tutorial titled Extending Material to Plant (ZMM01Z)
This PowerPoint presentation demonstrates a new method for utilizing Transaction ME21N to input stock. The new process removes the necessity for the end user to use the TD-21 to compute the proration of tax or shipping to each part; instead, utilizing the software. The objective is to lower/eliminate rounding issues, data input issues, and to allow for total comparison between the actual invoice and software computations.
The Starting Point! • The Invoice • Determine DOT numbers • Verify • Unit prices for each item • Sub-total value • Tax value • Shipping (If applicable) • Invoice total
Two transactions are required to complete this procedure: • ME21N; & • MIGO Let’s get started -
From the SAP R/3 Easy Access screen box type ME21N or from your favorites menu, select transaction ME21N –Create Purchase order. Your screen should look similar to the example at the right.
ME21N ScreenSteps • Data Input • Vendor= 23 (Always) • PO Quantity = Quantity of material items to stock. • Material • DOT number of item to stock. • OUN(Unit of Measure) • EA = Each, Gal = Gallons, QT = Quarts, etc. • Net Price • Enter the unit price per item as indicated on the invoice(Do include Tax or shipping). • Plant & Storage Location • Pre-set in initial set-up.
ME21N ScreenSteps • Click on Header icon(Just above the table on the left side)
ME21N ScreenSteps • The header section will expand. • Click on the conditions tab. • Click in the first empty field on the CnTy column. This will cause the Matchcode icon to display. Click upon the icon.
ME21N ScreenSteps • Clicking the Match code icon will launch a dialog window titled Condition Type. Double click on the HB00 Header Surcharge. (Value).
ME21N ScreenSteps • The CnTy column field will populate with HB00. • In the amount column (same row as HB00) enter the amount of tax as shown on the invoice. • Press <Enter>. • Tip: If shipping feesare presentrepeat the steps completed to enter the tax on the next blank line.
ME21N ScreenSteps • When <Enter> is pressed several things will occur: • Gross Price should equal invoice’s sub-total.(Highlighted fields)
ME21N ScreenSteps • When <Enter> is pressed several things will occur: • Header Surch. (Value) should equal invoice’s tax.(Highlighted fields)
ME21N ScreenSteps • When <Enter> is pressed several things will occur: • Another Header Surch. (Value) should appear immediately under the first Header Surch. (Value) equaling the invoice’s shipping fees (if applicable). (None where keyed in this example)
ME21N ScreenSteps • When <Enter> is pressed several things will occur: • Actual Price will match the invoice total.
ME21N ScreenSteps • When <Enter> is pressed several things will occur: • Net price for each item will now contain: • Unit price, plus • Tax, plus • Shipping.
Before continuing any further verify the amount shown for Actual price matches the Total on the invoice. DO NOT POST if there is a mis-match.
If Actual price matches the Total on the invoice continue to next step. • If a mismatch occurs do the following: • Verify the amount entered for Tax and Shipping (if applicable). If there is an inconsistency; click in the amount field, make the necessary change, and click <Enter>. This will cause all prorated values to automatically update. • If an error persists in the Net Price Column value; it is a little bit more of a process because these fields are locked as long as an amount is keyed for Tax or Shipping. To unlock the field enter a zero (Erasing the value will not work; a zero MUST be keyed) for both Tax and Shipping (if applicable). Make the necessary change to the unit price, rekey the tax, rekey shipping (if applicable).
ME21N ScreenSteps • With the Header section expanded – • Verify Information input • Click on the status tab • Verify amount ordered; this value should match the quantity from the invoice. • Verify price of items ordered; this should match invoice total. • Tip:If an error – back up, make necessary changes then proceed.
ME21N Screen • Steps • Click on Check Icon • System may display messages in a dialog box about delivery dates and info records – these can be ignored. • Any other error messages must be resolved (See ME22N on how to correct Purchase Order). • Click on Continue icon to close the Messages dialogue box.
ME21N Screen • Steps • Click on Save iconto record changes.A dialogue window will appear, click thebutton. • The Dummy Purchase Order Number will display in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. • Record this number on the invoice (It is required to complete the next step). • Press <ESC> or Back Arrow iconto return to Main Menu
From the SAP R/3 Easy Access screen box type MIGO or from your favorites menu, select transaction MIGO – Goods Movement. Your screen should look similar to the example at the right.
MIGO Screen • Steps • First Matchcode Field Set to: Goods Receipt • Second Matchcode Field Set to: Purchase Order • Movement Type Set to: 101 GR goods receipt
MIGO Screen • Steps • Open FieldEnter purchase order created from ME21N posting.
MIGO Screen • Steps: • Click on Execute Icon or press <Enter> • System will pull in items from the purchase order
MIGO Screen • Steps: • Place a ü in the boxes of the OK column next to each item you want to receive. • If the top check box is grayed out and unable to be checked; go to the next screen.
MIGO Screen Steps: If the top check box is grayed out and unable to be checked. Minimize the Detail Data tab at the bottom of the screen. When this is done the check box field will look similar to the other boxes.
MIGO Screen • Steps: • Click on Save icon
MIGO Screen • Steps: • System will put the Material Document Number in the Status Bar. • Record this number on the invoice.
Questions Email: Stephen.Wright@dpi.nc.gov
Thank You! Stephen Wright Technical Consultant