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GEMS-Aerosol WP_AER_4: Evaluation of the model and analysis. Lead Partners: NUIG & CNRS-LOA Partners: DWD, RMIB, MPI-M, CEA-IPSL-LSCE,ECMWF, DLR (at no cost). Objectives of WP_AER_4.
GEMS-AerosolWP_AER_4: Evaluation of the model and analysis Lead Partners: NUIG & CNRS-LOA Partners: DWD, RMIB, MPI-M, CEA-IPSL-LSCE,ECMWF, DLR (at no cost)
Objectives of WP_AER_4 • To assist the groups involved in WP_AER_1 and WP_AER_2 in their choices for aerosol source and assimilation datasets and parametrisations • To perform usual internal quality checks on model simulations • To perform validation of model output for predicted aerosol optical and aerosol-sensitive radiative properties • To perform validation of model output for predicted aerosol physical and chemical properties • To quantify the efficiency of satellite aerosol retrievals and global model aerosol analysis for the characterization of regional aerosol pollution events in liaison with the air quality sub-project
Task 4.1: Assessment of diagnostics and skill scores Lead: MPI-M, Partners: CNRS-LOA, ECMWF, CEA-IPSL-LSCE • Introduction of a number of scores to evaluate the skill of the different model versions • Review of existing techniques; Taylor diagram: provides a concise statistical summary in terms of correlation, root-mean-squatre difference, ratio of variances, «Figures of merit »,..; • Adaptation of the skill scores developped for the AeroCom aerosol module intercomparison (correlation, bias, standard deviation, seasonality) ➲ Choice of the best aerosol model which will be implemented in the ECMWF model (LMDZ-LOA, LMDZ-INCA, and ECHAM-M7) ➲ Evaluation of the gain or loss in skill induced by the assimilation of a particular aerosol product or radiance
Task 4.2: Evaluation of aerosol radiative properties and associated radiative fluxesLead: DWD, Partners: RMIB, ECMWF, CNRS-LOA, MPI-M • AOD routinely measured at AERONET-PHOTONS stations, 10 GAW sites and additional regional stations • Algorithm to derive AOD in the UV-B from direct sun observations with Brewer spectrophotometers recently developed (Cheymol and De Backer, 2003). Several instruments have time series back to the mid 1980’s • Data from the American ARM (ECMWF) and the French SIRTA site (CNRS-LOA) will be used for evaluating the radiation fluxes at the surface • Vertical distribution of aerosol properties from freely available lidar measurements (CALIPSO mission, SHADE, SAFARI field campaigns) • Validation of the direct broadband radiative effect of aerosols by comparison with the GERB TOA broadband flux measurements within the area viewed by MSG
GAW network, 22 global stations AERONET/PHOTONS sites > 1 year of data SIRTA: cloud, aerosol, and radiation observatory in Palaiseau, France Active and passive remote sensing instruments including radars, lidars, and radiometers In operation since 1999
Task 4.3: Evaluation of aerosol physico-chemical properties Lead: NUIG, Partners: DLR (at no cost) • EMEP: high-resolution network over Europe (level-1, -2, -3 sites); PM10 & PM2.5 + major inorganic ions • IMPROVE: similar network over the United States (all major ions, total organic carbon and element carbon, PM2.5 & PM10) • Global coverage through the GAW network (total number concentration of aerosols, major chemical components,…) ➲ Will provide spatial validation on daily to monthly to yearly time scales; ➲ Level-3 supersites will be used for validation of a more extensive range of aerosol parameters (large-scale international experiments of duration of 4-6 weeks); FP5 QUEST project; DLR Falcon research aircraft (INCA,…) for validation of tropospheric aerosol profiles.
EMEP network 2001 IMPROVE network in 2002
Task 4.4: Analysis of the model results with respect to air quality Lead: CNRS-LOA • Analysis and comparison of ground-based, satellite-derived aerosol observations, and ECMWF reanalysis : • Particulate matter mass concentrations recorded in France and Europe will be analysed in order to identify the major pollution events in the last 3 to 5 years • AOD measured continuously (in clear-sky conditions) from AERONET/PHOTONS • Satellite aerosol observations derived from POLDER-2/ADEOS-2 (February to September 2003) and MODIS on TERRA/AQUA (from mid-2000 to present) ➲ Assessment of efficiency of optical measurements for the monitoring of aerosol pollution events; ➲ Possibility of use of satellite AOD as an indicator to discern air quality categories over Europe? Link with RAQ sub-project of GEMS.
PM2.5/AERONET AOT Lille, north of France 2003, PM2.5 August POLDER AOT (fine particles)/PM2.5 MODIS mean AOT
TASK 4.1. CHOICE OF THE BEST AEROSOL MODEL D_AER_4.1. Report: Diagnostics and skill scores EVALUATION OF GAIN OR LOSS IN SKILL INDUCED BY THE ASSIMILATION AER_4 Evaluation of the model and analysis D_AER_4.2. Database: aerosol-related radiative quantities TASK 4.2. - 4.3. 4.4 VALIDATION OF THE AEROSOL PROPERTIES FROM GROUND-BASED AND SATELLITE DATA D_AER_4.3. Database: aerosol Physical and chemical properties D_AER_4.4. Evaluation of aerosol analysis by the successive preliminary versions of the ECMWF model D_AER_4.5. Preliminary report on the utility of satellite data and global model analysis for air quality monitoring