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GEMS-Aerosol WP_AER_4: Evaluation of the model and analysis

GEMS-Aerosol WP_AER_4: Evaluation of the model and analysis. Lead Partners: NUIG & CNRS-LOA Partners: DWD, RMIB, MPI-M, CEA-IPSL-LSCE,ECMWF, DLR (at no cost). Objectives of WP_AER_4.

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GEMS-Aerosol WP_AER_4: Evaluation of the model and analysis

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  1. GEMS-AerosolWP_AER_4: Evaluation of the model and analysis Lead Partners: NUIG & CNRS-LOA Partners: DWD, RMIB, MPI-M, CEA-IPSL-LSCE,ECMWF, DLR (at no cost)

  2. Objectives of WP_AER_4 • To assist the groups involved in WP_AER_1 and WP_AER_2 in their choices for aerosol source and assimilation datasets and parametrisations • To perform usual internal quality checks on model simulations • To perform validation of model output for predicted aerosol optical and aerosol-sensitive radiative properties • To perform validation of model output for predicted aerosol physical and chemical properties • To quantify the efficiency of satellite aerosol retrievals and global model aerosol analysis for the characterization of regional aerosol pollution events in liaison with the air quality sub-project

  3. Task 4.1: Assessment of diagnostics and skill scores Lead: MPI-M, Partners: CNRS-LOA, ECMWF, CEA-IPSL-LSCE • Introduction of a number of scores to evaluate the skill of the different model versions • Review of existing techniques; Taylor diagram: provides a concise statistical summary in terms of correlation, root-mean-squatre difference, ratio of variances, «Figures of merit »,..; • Adaptation of the skill scores developped for the AeroCom aerosol module intercomparison (correlation, bias, standard deviation, seasonality) ➲ Choice of the best aerosol model which will be implemented in the ECMWF model (LMDZ-LOA, LMDZ-INCA, and ECHAM-M7) ➲ Evaluation of the gain or loss in skill induced by the assimilation of a particular aerosol product or radiance

  4. Task 4.2: Evaluation of aerosol radiative properties and associated radiative fluxesLead: DWD, Partners: RMIB, ECMWF, CNRS-LOA, MPI-M • AOD routinely measured at AERONET-PHOTONS stations, 10 GAW sites and additional regional stations • Algorithm to derive AOD in the UV-B from direct sun observations with Brewer spectrophotometers recently developed (Cheymol and De Backer, 2003). Several instruments have time series back to the mid 1980’s • Data from the American ARM (ECMWF) and the French SIRTA site (CNRS-LOA) will be used for evaluating the radiation fluxes at the surface • Vertical distribution of aerosol properties from freely available lidar measurements (CALIPSO mission, SHADE, SAFARI field campaigns) • Validation of the direct broadband radiative effect of aerosols by comparison with the GERB TOA broadband flux measurements within the area viewed by MSG

  5. GAW network, 22 global stations AERONET/PHOTONS sites > 1 year of data SIRTA: cloud, aerosol, and radiation observatory in Palaiseau, France Active and passive remote sensing instruments including radars, lidars, and radiometers In operation since 1999

  6. Task 4.3: Evaluation of aerosol physico-chemical properties Lead: NUIG, Partners: DLR (at no cost) • EMEP: high-resolution network over Europe (level-1, -2, -3 sites); PM10 & PM2.5 + major inorganic ions • IMPROVE: similar network over the United States (all major ions, total organic carbon and element carbon, PM2.5 & PM10) • Global coverage through the GAW network (total number concentration of aerosols, major chemical components,…) ➲ Will provide spatial validation on daily to monthly to yearly time scales; ➲ Level-3 supersites will be used for validation of a more extensive range of aerosol parameters (large-scale international experiments of duration of 4-6 weeks); FP5 QUEST project; DLR Falcon research aircraft (INCA,…) for validation of tropospheric aerosol profiles.

  7. EMEP network 2001 IMPROVE network in 2002

  8. Task 4.4: Analysis of the model results with respect to air quality Lead: CNRS-LOA • Analysis and comparison of ground-based, satellite-derived aerosol observations, and ECMWF reanalysis : • Particulate matter mass concentrations recorded in France and Europe will be analysed in order to identify the major pollution events in the last 3 to 5 years • AOD measured continuously (in clear-sky conditions) from AERONET/PHOTONS • Satellite aerosol observations derived from POLDER-2/ADEOS-2 (February to September 2003) and MODIS on TERRA/AQUA (from mid-2000 to present) ➲ Assessment of efficiency of optical measurements for the monitoring of aerosol pollution events; ➲ Possibility of use of satellite AOD as an indicator to discern air quality categories over Europe? Link with RAQ sub-project of GEMS.

  9. PM2.5/AERONET AOT Lille, north of France 2003, PM2.5 August POLDER AOT (fine particles)/PM2.5 MODIS mean AOT

  10. TASK 4.1. CHOICE OF THE BEST AEROSOL MODEL D_AER_4.1. Report: Diagnostics and skill scores EVALUATION OF GAIN OR LOSS IN SKILL INDUCED BY THE ASSIMILATION AER_4 Evaluation of the model and analysis D_AER_4.2. Database: aerosol-related radiative quantities TASK 4.2. - 4.3. 4.4 VALIDATION OF THE AEROSOL PROPERTIES FROM GROUND-BASED AND SATELLITE DATA D_AER_4.3. Database: aerosol Physical and chemical properties D_AER_4.4. Evaluation of aerosol analysis by the successive preliminary versions of the ECMWF model D_AER_4.5. Preliminary report on the utility of satellite data and global model analysis for air quality monitoring

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